
Chapter 982: The Immortal Dream Disappears (Part 2)

Wang Chen opened a passage and left quickly. Everyone stared at the increasingly real dream in all directions.

"Shua La La..." When illusion and dream condensed to an extreme, the next thing was to break. All illusions in all directions collapsed, and then the dragons gathered into the sea and rushed madly under the carpet below.

The carpet with monster fur seemed to come alive, and it fluctuated for a long time before it stabilized.

The change happened, and the eyes of a man, a spirit and a dog exchanged.

Mao Ba Er took a step back calmly.

Another step back...

Until he found that his tail was stepped on by Xu Yangyi, and his hair exploded.

"There is something strange here." Yu Chang turned into a black-clothed swordsman with a bamboo hat, his whole body was illusory, and his fingers reached out, but he hooked the real object, and the whole carpet rolled up.

Below... a huge mark covering the entire cave was revealed!

That... was a dragon.

A huge dragon, carved lifelike, without any spiritual power fluctuations. If the Nanhua Butterfly Mother's transformation had not appeared here, if the other party had not specifically targeted dreams and illusions, if Xu Yangyi had not obtained the Green Wing Ghost Mask in Kaiyun Realm, if it had not been for the Nanhua Imperial Treasures to gather this time...

If any of them were missing, it would probably never be discovered.

At this moment, in front of a medium-sized teleportation array, Song Ziyu, wrapped in a cloak, suddenly raised his head, and at the same time, the black tide around him surged!

Song Ziyu, who had only resentment in his eyes, was only shocked at this moment.

"This... How is it possible..." A feminine voice came out of the black tide, and it was also extremely shocked.

Song Ziyu said nothing and took out a piece of debris like crazy.

It was a disc-like fragment with a heart engraved on it. And at this moment, the heart was emitting a faint light.

"The key... reacted?" He shook his head, as if he still didn't believe his eyes: "I stayed there for hundreds of years, and I didn't find any abnormalities after digging three feet into the ground. He...he reacted as soon as he went there?"

"Why does God treat me like this!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, like a black eagle, he rushed back the way he came.

The black tide instantly turned into an ocean, wrapping him tightly inside.

"Are you crazy!!" A feminine voice screamed, "Going back now is courting death! He will soon connect you to that place! And dig out the entire Song family!"

"Make way!" Song Ziyu was also crazy. The slap was too loud, and his eyes were red: "Get lost! I'm not going to Tianjian Villa. This matter must not be leaked! Don't forget the promise of our Song family!"

"I'm going to find Senior Ghost-faced Monk." He was so angry that his clothes were shaking: "It can't be delayed... It must not be delayed! Once this matter is revealed, the entire Seven Realms will be shaken!"

"He must die... He must die as quickly as possible! Most secretly, otherwise..."

Hei Chao was silent for a long time and made way.

"Swish!" Song Ziyu rushed away like crazy.


Tianjian Villa, Dongxuan Mansion, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang searched for the talisman on the ground inch by inch.

"I can't tell." Yuchang frowned and said, "I don't know what it seals. Not a breath can leak out."

Just when the two explored the center, suddenly, their eyes blurred, as if they entered a time channel. Countless illusions passed by around them, and a strong sense of dizziness suddenly enveloped them.

It was more violent than any teleportation, and Xu Yangyi couldn't help but close his eyes.

Consciousness was completely lost. I don't know how long it took, but I finally felt my body back, and a slightly cool and moist feeling enveloped my whole body.

Opening his eyes, there was a desolate scene in front of him, and an extremely dilapidated palace appeared in front of him.

Pressing his painful temple, Yuchang appeared as soon as he stood up.

"Where is this?" Xu Yangyi looked around. He didn't know which world this was. In front of him was a huge ocean. In the far distance, there was a prosperous giant city.

The cultivation civilization here has obviously reached an extremely prosperous level. In the sky, countless floating boats carrying full cargo flew towards the giant city. This city is built on the mountain, and you can't see the end at a glance. The whole mountain is a city. And this mountain... is more than 100,000 miles in radius!

On the sea, countless unknown sea beasts pulled boats to the port. Streams of light penetrated the sky, which were countless sword-riding monks. There were also huge puppets around the city that sank to the bottom of the sea, with only their heads exposed above the sea. Xu Yangyi felt a chill in his heart at a glance.

This is a huge city where the cultivation civilization has developed to the extreme. It is likely to be the central city of one of the seven realms.

"We were forcibly teleported?" Yu Chang's voice appeared. It was impossible for him to be separated from Xu Yangyi. But the spirit body paled a little.

"It doesn't look like it." Xu Yangyi frowned. They were still a sea away from the huge city. This was a seaside fishing village, and the palace behind was dilapidated. There were very few people around. And they were all mortals.

"I have done some research on talismans on Earth. Any teleportation array relies on the resonance between talismans and the spiritual energy of space to achieve the purpose of teleportation, but just now, I didn't see any talismans at all." He turned around and looked. There were six words written crookedly on the palace: "Su Yu Hai Long Wang Palace." He pondered for a moment, then stood up and flew up, but he fell down immediately after flying five meters. No-fly zone!

"Let's ask other people first." He sighed, walked to a mortal fisherman who was drying his fishing net, and asked politely: "Old man, where is this place?"

However, this old fisherman with white hair was busy cleaning his fishing nets and clearing the shells and seaweed on them without even looking at him.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and asked again. The fisherman suddenly stood up.

Picking up the fish basket on the ground and holding the pipe in one hand, he walked towards him leisurely.

No one spoke, and everyone felt something was wrong.

This is a mortal, both Yuchang and Xu Yangyi are sure of it.

However, the distance between the two is less than five meters. What would any mortal do if he saw someone blocking the road?

At least there will be a pause in my steps.

But the fisherman didn't. He was clearly looking at him and the fish intestines, but he seemed to have passed through them. He arrived in front of them in five or six steps.

A strange scene happened.

This fisherman actually penetrated their bodies! Go straight over!

"Ghost?" Yuchang gasped, looked at the fisherman in shock, and shot out a sword energy.

"Boom!" A gully more than ten meters wide was suddenly cut out of the ground. The fisherman didn't notice it. What was even more terrifying was that after a few seconds, the ground healed itself!

"This is an illusion." Xu Yangyi finally spoke, looking around solemnly: "We have been brought into an illusion where we don't know who it is."

"And, I'm sure that this illusion is much better than the Nanhua Butterfly Mother! It's not even... the same level!"

Yuchang turned to look at him in astonishment: "Are you sure?"

"Nanhua Butterfly Mother is considered to be the top group even among Taixu, and she specializes in the illusion. Could it be that... is this an illusion created by legend?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

He had a guess in his mind, a very scary guess.

As long as Wangchen gets back the classics from Tianjian Villa, he can confirm one thing.

What can be seen...but what cannot be seen...

The gap between reality and fiction.

Concealing his thoughts, he waved to Yuchang, walked to the beach, picked up the sea water and drank it.

"You try too."

The fish intestines were inexplicably cooked, and the salty sea water entered the mouth and was spit out immediately.

"What are you doing..." Before he could finish these words, he felt as if he was struck by lightning. He was stunned for a few seconds. A strong wind suddenly blew up from Yin Ling's body. He rushed into a fisherman's house, took out an iron knife, and pointed it at his fingertips. A ball of flame ignited, and after a few seconds, the iron knife turned into molten iron.

He raised his head in disbelief, and shot out a sword energy. A seabird fell to the ground, with blood all over the ground and messy feathers.

He and Xu Yangyi dipped a little blood into it and tasted it, and their mouths were filled with the taste of rust.

The two of them did their best to identify everything without saying a word.

Bricks, sea fish, and even the soil under our feet, ranging from a grain of rice to a ship, covering thousands of meters in radius, are all spared.

"As expected..." After a long while, Yuchang took a deep breath, as if he was in the most terrifying horror movie, and looked around in shock: "As expected... it's not an illusion of the same level."

"This man... built a complete world! Perfect! Everything runs according to his ideas!"

" the Creator God here!"

"That's right." Xu Yangyi also felt his hair standing on end. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds around him, he felt a chill. Gritting his teeth, he said: "I have never heard of any illusion that can create a world. Illusions are easy to identify, and if they are made truly, it is impossible for anyone to take care of them all. Any illusion has a 'node,' which is the formation. Eye. The creator puts everything in there that he can’t.”

For example, in the last 30,000 miles of the Kaiyun Realm, that was the node of the Dream Walker.

"Most illusions can only be about forests, because they are simple, with trees, flowers, grass, and vegetation. Almost no one dares to be about civilization, because civilization involves too many things, such as clothes, needlework, food... Just a little oversight will be seen. ." He retracted his gaze and said in a deep voice: "And we just identified almost the entire town, thousands of meters away, and there was no mistake!"

"Even Nanhua Butterfly Mother can't achieve this kind of strength. This... is truly a interpretation of this world!"

"It must have a formation eye!" Yuchang pondered for a few seconds before saying: "Even if it is too virtual, it is impossible to interpret the world! If he can do this, he can even live in his own illusion forever and achieve true immortality!"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Taixu can't do it."

"Legends can't do it either."

"Anyone who pursues immortality and freedom can't do it." He lowered his voice and said word by word: "What about the legend?"

Where is the fairy?

Yuchang opened his mouth wide and breathed out silently. After a long time, he said in a trembling voice: "You mean... there is a fairy trace hidden here? A dream of a fairy?"

"I don't know, but Quetzalcoatl once told me that he hid a story here. And he himself is a flying immortal!" Xu Yangyi walked out: "I want to see if this is his illusion. Or someone else... no, fairy."

"What the hell are they hiding here?"

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