
Chapter 983: Mother Butterfly breaks through the boundary, Dragon King reaches out

The two walked towards the giant city step by step.

Although no one can see them here, they can't touch anyone, just like a ghost town. But they can use spiritual power.

With the existence of forbidden airspace, the two no longer expect to cross the sea. After taking a ride on the Overlord Ship, they soon headed towards the giant city in the sea.

The further they drove, the more they realized how big this city was.

It felt big from a distance, but the ship didn't arrive after driving for half a day! And the speed of the ship was definitely not slow.

The further they drove, the more chilled they felt.

"Too real..." Yuchang looked at a shark-like monster not far away with a sullen face. It was more than ten meters long and had been completely dissected by Yuchang. However, from blood to bones, if they didn't know that this was an illusion, they would never have thought of it.

"Maybe we are the illusion." Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and looked around. In the distance, a hundred-meter giant fish raised its tail and slapped the sky full of pearls and jade.

"If you stay in a place like this, people will go crazy."

There is no dead angle, there is wind and rain, there is thunder and lightning, these are absolutely impossible to simulate in other illusions.

The iron rule of illusion: it is impossible to simulate the power of the Heavenly Dao.

And thunder is one of the powers of the Heavenly Dao.

Any illusion is calm, only here, a world of its own. So, his suspicion is not unreasonable.

Maybe this place already exists, but the two of them are just passers-by.

"Maybe..." Yu Chang looked at the huge city ten thousand meters away. After a day of driving, he could almost see it clearly.

Ancient Chinese style, but each building is much taller than Chinese buildings. In front is a huge port, with countless flying boats and ships moored. In the center, there is a thousand-meter-long sundial, on which the spiritual energy emerges as a line of words.

"Wangxian City."

"Daluo Tianxia, ​​Kunlong Upper Realm Imperial Capital, the 43,521st year of the sunset calendar, the year of the soaring dragon. Noon."

"It should be another upper realm." Xu Yangyi sighed: "In the universe... I don't know how many upper realms there are, and there may even be other worlds above the upper realms... I don't know if I can finish watching these wonderful things, really running in the universe, and wandering in the Milky Way."

"You can." Yu Chang also sighed: "As long as your life span reaches immortality, you have endless possibilities and endless time to find, and even create these worlds like pearls in the ocean."

The two of them had their own thoughts, and no one spoke again. However, at this moment, the entire sky suddenly made a violent buzzing sound.

The two looked over with an outsider's eyes.

The sky turned dark strangely, and then bright again. In the sensitive moment, a hexagonal grid suddenly appeared on the sky, and then disappeared abruptly.

Beside them, the Kunlong Realm monks who could not see them stood up together, their faces changed.

"Someone is attacking the crystal wall system of the plane?! What kind of monster is so bold! Could it be that Guiyun Realm wants to start a war again? It hasn't happened for a thousand years... Who is questioning the crystal wall system?"

The entire sea surface was boiling in an instant, and there were exclamations in the sky. There was an audible crowd of people in a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

At the same time, outside Wangxian City, all the puppets opened their eyes at the same time, shooting hundreds of meters of light, and a magnificent voice shouted: "The visitor's name! Is it a passer-by from the outside world, or a deliberate invasion?!"

His voice was like thunder, suppressing all other sounds in an instant. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he whispered: "Saint level. At least mid-stage."

Just a few seconds after the voice fell, a hoarse female voice came from the sky. If the previous voice was thunder, then this voice... is God!

The declaration of God!


"You are just a late Yin Zun, and you dare to ask my name."

"It's hard for your world to develop to such a level, what a pity... The cultivation civilization is not in line with the strength of the cultivators. Your world cannot be defended."

"Nanhua Butterfly Mother!!" Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly and looked at the sky in astonishment.

This voice was heard once in Kaiyun Realm and a second time in the Tower of Babel, and he would never forget it.

As the voice of Nanhua Butterfly Mother fell, it was completely equivalent to a declaration of war. Suddenly, countless sword lights exploded from the city, and the volcano swallowed up the sun and the moon, as fast as a thousand crossbows leaving the bowstring.

Within a radius of 100,000 meters, the sky was full of sword lights and sword-riding cultivators.

Hundreds of puppets in the sea stood up, hundreds of meters high, and countless puppets of various colors flew out of the giant city and filled the sky.

The war was about to break out.

Before the storm came, the world seemed quiet, and everyone around them knelt on the boat, not knowing who to pray to.

Ten minutes later, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky. The crystal wall system protecting the trapped dragon world flashed for the last time, and exploded into a firework in full view of everyone.

The next second, a cloud hole of tens of thousands of meters appeared in the sky.

Endless white clouds circled quickly, as if being sucked away by the cloud hole. In just a few seconds, it became a black hole, swallowing all the light and clouds around.

In the deathly silence, countless phoenix feathers hung down from the black hole, scattering thousands of rays of light. All directions were completely stunned, followed by earth-shaking screams.

"Star Beast! It's a Star Beast!! Is this a real phoenix?! A star beast of tens of thousands of meters? There has never been... There has never been such a big star beast attacking!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning, and so was Yu Chang. The true body of a demon cultivator Taixu, like Xu Yangyi's true body, was not easily seen.

Once seen, only one side could survive.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother, declare war on the trapped dragon world!

"Rustle, rustle..." There was a bright light in the black hole. Just after Feng Ling dropped, a huge monster finally appeared in the black hole.

"Dao Ancestor, sir..." Even Yuchang gasped when he saw this scene.

I no longer know what kind of creature this is. The butterfly mother reached the top as a demon cultivator, with hundreds of phoenix feathers behind her and wings like peacock tails. Her body was clearly that of a butterfly, but she had unicorn horns on her head. The whole body is colorful, and thousands of divine lights flash in the endless white clouds, like an immortal descending.

The giant beast appears in the sky, shocking the city of Forgotten Immortal.

"Which realm of monks are you from, fellow Taoist? Why did you make me trapped in the Dragon Realm!" The voices in the city also panicked and asked in a hissing voice.

"Haha..." The butterfly chuckled: "Never return to the world, Nanhua Butterfly Mother."


The next second, all the phoenix feathers fluttered, and the sky was filled with karma fire. In an instant, the sea was covered with flames, and the sky burned the city!

"Roar!!" Countless schools of fish were steamed up by the terrifying heat wave, letting out pitiful screams. Airships fell one after another in the sky, and countless people fell into the sea of ​​​​fire and turned into ashes.

Xu Yangyi looked at this scene with emotion, this is the strength of the top Taixu.

If we have to make a comparison, Nascent Soul is a local natural disaster, Taixu... that is the meteorite that can destroy the plane, the one that hit the Jurassic Earth!

He raised his hand and was instantly wiped out. How domineering this is.

"Kill!!" As the voice in the city roared, thousands of swords and white clouds flew together, the aura was the same color as the sea and the sky, and the entire area tens of thousands of miles away was dyed in various colors by the aura, like a gorgeous brocade. Countless flying boats, puppets, and monks in the sky rushed up to the sky desperately to face the terrifying "astral beast."

Plane war.

The two people who had just experienced all this had wet eyes in silence. Not for the people trapped in the dragon world, but for the earth.

The mother planet that gave birth to them and raised them.

"I will go back..." Xu Yangyi looked at the smoke in his eyes for a long time, raised his head and said: "One day, I will definitely go back as the protector of the earth."

"Let... no one dare to offend me and not return to my realm!"

The universe is so dangerous, yet so gorgeous.

He is willing to be the protector and umbrella of the earth. My own beliefs, my own roots.

Three full days had passed since the war, and all kinds of magical weapons from Wangxian City came out, but they were unable to shake Nanhua Butterfly Mother at all. All magic weapons and supernatural powers turn into a piece of spiritual light and scatter outside the opponent's body.

From all directions, at least a dozen Yin Lords arrived, and countless troops gathered, but to no avail.

"Why bother?" Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice sneered: "Without Taixu, you will never be able to compete with Taixu. If you don't reach this level, you won't understand at all... You will never know what kind of existence you are facing..."

At this moment, in the already exhausted Wangxian City, a token suddenly flew up. The moment it flew up, Nanhua Butterfly Mother's attack stopped at the same time.

"Please ask the world spirit..." The voice that appeared before, probably the Lord of Wangxian City, said hoarsely: "Please ask the world spirit to take action! Get rid of this enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the token flashed with boundless brilliance. Nanhua Butterfly Mother's voice finally became solemn: "Not bad."

"You are really too weak. I underestimate you."

An extremely majestic spiritual energy, no less powerful than the Nanhua Butterfly Mother, suddenly rose from the sea into the sky.

Huge waves flew thousands of meters into the sky and crashed down, rolling up thousands of piles of snow. Then, in the depths of the sea, two huge eye lanterns lit up.

"Disturbing my sleep...Do you think too little of the trapped dragon world, fellow Taoist?"

Nanhua Butterfly Mother sneered: "The weak eat the strong. My Taoist friends must have been traveling in the Milky Way before they became world spirits. Don't you understand this principle?"

"You are now a world spirit, and I will not destroy your world. I am just taking something. Your life and plane will coexist and die together. Do you care about this civilization era?"

Before these words could be said, there was a roar in the ocean, and a giant object, hundreds of meters in size, came out in response. Countless fish around them fell down one after another mixed with the sea water.

A paw.

A...dragon claw!

"If you are so presumptuous in front of me and come and go as you please, you have to see if fellow Taoist disciples have this ability!"

The entire sea surface began to shake violently with this sound. Ten minutes later, a huge creature, the same size as the Nanhua butterfly mother, finally emerged from the sea.

"This is...a dragon?" Yuchang looked at him in shock. Everything was beyond his imagination. This "dream" is really eye-opening.

"It's not a dragon." Xu Yangyi suppressed his excitement: "This is a dragon."

"Boom!!!" The dragon stretched out its claws, the sea surface collapsed, and countless seawater gathered into water dragons. Tens of thousands of dragons soared towards the Nanhua butterfly mother in the sky.

"Then let's see, who can have the last laugh!!" What greeted the countless water dragons hundreds of thousands of meters away were the four sacred beasts, the Suzaku of Fire, the White Tiger of Gold, the Black Tortoise of Water, and the Blue Dragon of the Sky, all of which transformed at this moment. Make endless waves of fire, falling like rain from the sky.

Purgatory on earth.

Ouch! Forgot to update! I obviously remembered to send it! !

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