
Chapter 984: Immortal Fate Cannot Be Seen

The battle between Taixu and Taixu turned hundreds of thousands of meters into ashes in an instant. Wangxian City trembled under the terrifying spiritual impact, and the layers of light curtains trembled crazily, like a boat in a storm.

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang watched all this attentively, observing the battle of the top Taixu up close. It was such a rare opportunity, especially... these shock waves did no harm to them.

They are like two pairs of eyes, watching everything from God's perspective.

"The dragon dominates the sea!!" The dragon stomped, and the whole world seemed to tremble. The entire jade sea dropped hundreds of meters, tens of thousands of water dragons roared into the air, and thousands of dragons rose into the sky. The scene was so magnificent.

In the sky, thousands of phoenix feathers were waving, like the scorching sun rising into the sky. The tail tip of each phoenix feather burst out with bright light like the sun. In the next second, endless golden light ravaged the sea area hundreds of thousands of meters away.

The golden light passed by, like a sword falling from the sky. The sea surface was instantly divided into ravines, and countless fish were cut into pieces in an instant. Thousands of holy swords fell from the sky, cutting off all living creatures.

When they met their opponents, the entire trapped dragon world seemed to be on the verge of collapse. The end-of-the-world battle lasted for ten days, which was an eye-opener for Xu Yangyi and Yuchang.

The use of magical powers and the grasp of spiritual energy are both superb. It often breaks out in silence and shines brightly in the darkness.

Ten days.

After ten hellish days, the Forgotten City was already full of cracks, but it held on for the last breath without collapsing. The sea water in all directions dropped by more than ten meters out of thin air. The sea surface was full of fish corpses and was dyed scarlet red.

"You and I are both in the middle stage of Taixu, why should we fight to the death." Ten days later, Nanhua Butterfly Mother finally spoke: "I no longer want to fight with you anymore, you...just have a good sleep."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky... turned into a fairyland.

The colorful sunshine is projected from behind the Nanhua butterfly mother, reflecting her majestic figure, just like the statue in front of the church, and the sky is the colorful glass behind her.

The immeasurable light shone on the earth, piercing the eyes so hard that no one could open them, even the dragon. When he opened his eyes again, even though he was too weak, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

A blue butterfly flew up from the sea, followed immediately by a group of them... In an instant, under the blue sky, between the sea and the sky, the sea water turned into billions of colorful butterflies flying in all directions. This scene is truly beautiful. Beautiful.

The empty seabed formed a huge basin, revealing damp and ugly landmarks, leaving only a solitary dragon in it.

The dragon leaves the sea and the tiger emerges from the mountains.

However... I don't know when the tree roots have wrapped around the dragon's claws, the green leaves are in full bloom, and the flowers are fluttering lightly.

"The True Interpretation of the Dream of Reincarnation... The Shadow of Jinse."

Countless phoenix feathers intersected to form the shape of a hand. The butterfly mother looked up to the sky and screamed. Circles of shock waves visible to the naked eye spread from the head. A rune that was so complicated that even Xu Yangyi almost fainted at a glance appeared on it. Shock waves suddenly erupted.

"Roar!!!" The dragon suddenly burst out with a shocking roar, and several roots under its feet grew wildly. In an instant, blood-red aura grew from its seven orifices and pores, and was absorbed along the growing branches. It is transmitted to the top of the head, and a green leaf blooms, a beautiful Manzhu Shahua.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi sighed with emotion as he looked at the incredible scene in front of him.

The sea surface dried up, and hundreds of millions of tree roots spread from the dragon's claws, pierced into the belly, and then vigorously grew outside the body. This behemoth, tens of thousands of meters long, actually grew in a giant tree. The tree crown covers the sky, with more than 10,000 tree trunks, flourishing, green leaves are like a cover, and flowers are like brocade. As the sea breeze blows, pieces of green leaves and red flowers roll up and float to the west.

In the Buddhist land of Nanhua, there are two trees of Salo.

It's a heart-stoppingly beautiful picture, but it carries a suffocating sense of death.

Pieces of colorful brilliance were projected from the gaps in the tree crowns, getting brighter and brighter, filling the space between heaven and earth again. When the colorful light faded away, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang were both stunned.

It's still the same sea, it's still the same city, nothing has changed.

There were no big trees measuring 10,000 meters. The dragon stood motionless in the sea, and it was peaceful.

"It lost." Yuchang's eyes were more vicious than Xu Yangyi's, and he sighed: "This move... drags all of us into the illusion, and completes the final kill in the illusion, and then the illusion disappears, and the victory or defeat is determined. This should be It’s one of the most unique skills of Senior Butterfly Mother.”

He said to Xu Yangyi sincerely: "Field is the foundation of any monk's life. You should calm down and study it in Tianjian Villa. When you were a baby, you didn't have time to study the field. Now you only know the field. Collision, this is the crudest and lowest level approach. Going forward, all tactics should be centered on the field.”

"You seem to be invincible in combat at the same level now. That's because you are a physical practitioner and have accumulated a lot of experience. If you encounter an unparalleled genius at the same level as you in the future, the domain will be the key to distinguishing the winner. And you, now even the domain What it is and how to use it are all specious. Remember the move of the Butterfly Mother just now, the magical power and the realm are no longer distinguishable from each other. This is the effect of the peak of the realm. "

Xu Yangyi nodded as if he had some understanding.

I have recorded all the scenes in my mind. I have benefited a lot from this battle, but I cannot appreciate more of it. I want to save it and chew it carefully in the future.

How to use the field and how to arrange tactics are the dividing lines between the strength and weakness of the monks. There is no weak field, only weak monks.

With a loud bang, the tens of thousands of meters large dragon fell into the sea. Nanhua Butterfly Mother had already looked at Wangxian City, which had been stripped of its last layer of defense, but at this moment, she suddenly turned back and looked in disbelief at the direction where the dragon fell.

"This is..." Yuchang's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the whole audience became confused.

Pushing the golden mountain and overturning the jade pillar, the tens of thousands of meters of world spirit body fell. It should have set off a huge frenzy, but it did not. The moment the dragon came into contact with the sea, the sea seemed to be a dividing line, and its whole body turned into a blue butterfly, flying into the sky.

Nanhua Butterfly Mother was stunned. As the blue butterflies formed a wave of faint blue light, she suddenly raised her voice and shouted: " is this possible!!"

There was even a hint of panic in the shock, and he looked around in astonishment: "This is impossible...who is this! No...I don't believe it, this, this is actually a dream?!"

"There is no omission, no node! In such a real world, how could this be a dream?!"

Xu Yangyi and Yuchang took a deep breath. They both knew that the most critical point was coming.

Whose dream?

Who can make the Nanhua butterfly mother not feel it?

Who can create a real world in a dream, a dream that lasts for thousands of years?

The world seemed to stop at this moment.

The wind stopped, the clouds stopped, the ocean stopped roaring, and there was deathly silence in Wangxian City.

Even the seabirds circling in the sky stopped in place without making a sound.

"Hey..." A long and leisurely sigh came from outside the sky. With this sigh, the whole world trembled crazily!

Even Xu Yangyi and Wangchen, who were not affected by the Taixu battle just now, their pupils suddenly shrank, and then they half-knelt on the ground without any reaction!


It was so terrifying... A feeling that had never been experienced before, even countless times more terrifying than Xiao Qing's, spread silently from all directions, without warning or premonition. But it was like a huge mountain, pressing down on everyone.

I can't help myself!

"What on earth is this..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, eyes wide open. Those who are a little less energetic may collapse now. No one would have thought that this was just an illusion! But, this pressure, this feeling of terror, has been so clear in the illusion for countless years!

"Monster...a real monster!" Yuchang gasped, his eyes bulging, trying his best to resist the majesty of the tide, as if facing the collapse of the universe.

Wearing heavy clothes soaked with sweat, as the world collapsed, we knelt down to worship the creator of the world, the Creator God.

"As time goes by, life is about to end, and the body and the world are forgotten. There are no more dreams of the past, and the night is still bright with the lights on."

A deep male voice sounded in the air, and then, the sky was bright, as if the clouds blocking the sun and the ground were wiped away, and the sun shone directly on the earth.

On the ground, there was a ray of light, like the light of an unsheathed sword, and darkness ran on both sides, showing the original reality.

"He... tore the sky apart..." Yuchang trembled all over and said hoarsely: "This person... is too strong... too scary! Even Zhang Daozu couldn't reach this level when he ascended!"

Xu Yangyi tried his best to use his spiritual power. He wanted to take a look and see what the answer to the mystery of this memory was.

Kakaka... his neck was like a machine, rattling, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't raise his head.

There is a god three feet above the head. The god said not to look up, so the face of the sky cannot be seen.

He didn't see that just when he was exerting all his strength, there were seven light spots in his body, like the Big Dipper, looming from his head to his dantian.

"Kakaka..." A subtle cracking sound, like a chain breaking, began to gently resound through the body under this huge pressure.

"Look at the shadow!" He suddenly said with hatred.

The spiritual consciousness was fully spread, and it spread to both of them to the end, but...

No shadow!

Wherever the gods passed by, there was no trace.

"Damn...damn!" He hammered his fist hard. The difference between lowering his head and raising his head was a world away. As long as he raised his head, he might be able to see the true content of this illusion!

You can also see what this suspected immortal thing looks like.

"This is the memory I left behind. In order to prevent myself from forgetting... you have no intention of entering my Big Dream Technique. I will spare your life. However, you can escape the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty." After saying this, the man on the ground The sunlight finally dissipated, and they knew it was because the clouds had merged.

At the moment when the clouds merged, the two of them raised their heads almost at the same time.

A huge figure was hidden in the sky. At this moment, Xu Yangyi understood. Only Quetzalcoatl can record these. This...must be the story left by Quetzalcoatl.

This monster is what Quetzalcoatl must let him see, and it is even closely related to himself and the seed of Chaos.

But...what exactly is he going to tell himself?

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