
Chapter 985: Meteor, Butterfly, Sword

As far as the eye can see, there is only clear sky. There is also the Nanhua butterfly mother lying in the air with an extremely respectful attitude, shivering.

"Rumble..." In the silence, the sea surface swelled layer by layer, as if an invisible giant beast was roaring below. A few seconds later, a huge stone pillar rose out of the sea. At the same time, endless boulders rose from all directions. Pieces of sea water fell from above, and it started to rain heavily.

After all the boulders were suspended for three seconds, they converged crazily towards the stone pillars. The roaring sound was endless. Ten minutes later, a majestic stone dragon measuring 100,000 meters actually formed. Two points of soul fire ignited in its eyes. With a roar, it took one bite. The butterfly mother who lives in Nanhua turns into a meteor and disappears in the sky.

"Is this... the suppression of Senior Butterfly Mother?" Yuchang said in a deep voice.

Xu Yangyi didn't answer. His eyes were extremely hot. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Meteor..."


"Yes, it's a meteor!" He suddenly turned his head and said word by word: "Do you still remember, the sect master said that the magic weapon given to me was found from the ruins of the meteor with the Sea King! And the snake mother gave it to me The magic weapon was also found on the meteor!"

"This is not a meteor..." He turned back to look at the sky: "This is a punishment... The terrifying existence in the sky just now punished the butterfly mother for spying on his dream. However... the other party escaped!"

"I can no longer tell what is a dream, what is an illusion, and what is reality." He sighed with emotion toward the sky: "However, I am sure of a few things."

The Bodhisattva was spinning rapidly in his mind, and he raised a finger: "First, this is the story left by Quetzalcoatl. But it is strange. As the founder of Tianjian, he ascended 30,000 years ago, and the Nanhua Butterfly Mother Taixu Realm...shouyuan should be three to four thousand years, how did he record these things? "

The time was wrong, but based on his level, he couldn't predict anything from Taixu.

"Second..." His eyes flashed: "This is the hometown of that terrifying existence."

"He ascended from the trapped dragon world, step by step, to surpass the butterfly mother, at least to the point of legend."

Because the other party said that this is the memory he left behind.

Yuchang nodded and was about to say something when he suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi in shock: "You... don't feel it?"

"What?" Xu Yangyi just asked these two words, between the eyebrows, throat, chest... all the way down to the Dantian, seven stars flashed together, and silvery brilliance shot straight into the sky.

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of chains breaking rang out from within his body, and countless spiritual points suddenly appeared around him. The Big Dipper stars flashed together in the sky during the day, complementing the light he projected into the sky.

"Is this... unsealing?" His body was suspended in this spiritual light point involuntarily, and he said in astonishment: "After the fusion of the Eternal Alchemy King and the Void Spirit Immortal Body, the second unsealing?"

Before he finished speaking, an extremely clear feeling suddenly rushed to Niwan Palace, and a spell and gesture were immediately engraved in his mind.

After a few minutes, the auras quietly dispersed around him. Xu Yangyi stepped out of it with a smile: "I didn't expect this opportunity to exist. Under the pressure of that existence just now, my last magical power was actually released."

"What magical power?" Yuchang asked curiously.

Xu Yangyi smiled but did not answer, and counted with his fingers: "Senior's master is Zhuanzhu, the peak of Yangsheng, right?"

"How do you know?!" Yuchang was surprised. Zhuanzhu told Xu Yangyi, but he definitely never said that about Realm!

"Three days to count." Xu Yangyi looked at his hand with excitement: "The Seven Stars Divine Calculation is unsealed. This is something left by Marquis Wu. I didn't expect that this can also be unsealed."

Previously, Stargazer said that he had three or four magical powers that could be unblocked. He had only unblocked the Eternal Alchemy King and the Void Spirit Immortal Body. He was wondering, but now he finally unblocked the third one.

"Everything can be calculated. And it's very clear. As long as it's related to me." He had a hunch that the unblocking of the Seven-Star Divine Calculation would give him a little more confidence in surviving in this treacherous upper world.

Anticipating the enemy's opportunity is a true prophecy.

Yuchang was stunned for a long time before saying with a wry smile: "Little guy, please remember that prediction is prediction. However, it is up to people to plan things. The future is not so certain, unless you estimate that there are people two or three levels lower than you."

"I also discovered that this junior tried to calculate the fate of the earth just now, but found that there was no response at all." Xu Yangyi muttered: "It should be because he has not reached the realm."

"I think instead of calculating this, why don't you see how we get out?" Yuchang joked: "Didn't you realize that the illusion has not collapsed?"

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, this harvest is definitely not small.

The snake mother's gift and the sect master's gift were just bridges, and together they built the road to here. Here... what he gained was a memory. Before he understood the use of this memory, more importantly, It is the use of the field and the use of magical powers by the two top Taixu!

As Yuchang said, the tactics built around the domain must be resolutely implemented. Now he is so lacking in this thing. After all, the earth was in the midst of a war of all realms that day, and he had no time to understand what a domain was.

Xu Fangyuan passed on some things to him, but his understanding would never be as profound as that of Yin Zun Yang Sheng, and it might still be wrong. Moreover, each person has his own understanding, and his understanding may not be suitable for him. He watched it before because he didn't have time to watch it elsewhere and experience it alone.

After the sect leader has solved his doubts and formulated his own exclusive tactics around his own domain, at that time, this memory will be extremely precious if he compares it with the details.

The third harvest is the rune roared out by Nanhua Butterfly Mother.

At that time, he almost fainted after taking one look at it. The difficulty and complexity of this rune far exceeded the universe of the earth!

Others may not be able to remember it, but he has an elixir that he has a photographic memory. For him who refining elixirs is also practicing cultivation, this talisman is very meaningful.

"Let this junior come and take a look." He smiled and counted with his fingers. His fingers followed a mysterious trajectory. After a few seconds, he frowned.

He calculated it again, looked at Yuchang solemnly and said, "Senior, this memory... is not over yet."

"It's not over yet?" Yuchang gasped and looked around in shock: "There's more?"

As if to answer his question, the entire space bloomed with a blue light.

That is the dreamy soul, the spirit of the soul.

The endless blue light gathered into a sea and rushed toward a place.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes. Once he saw it, he would never forget it: "The small fishing village when we just came in?"

"There is nothing special there." Yuchang said thoughtfully: "If there is..."

Their eyes flashed and they said in unison: "Dragon King Temple!"

The dragon world spirit, the damaged Dragon King Temple... now the blue light is gathering there...

Without any nonsense, the two of them took the boat and drove back immediately.

After a ten-day battle, all the surrounding ships were destroyed, but theirs was the only one left unharmed.

As soon as I stepped ashore, I saw that the fishing village had become a terrifying black hole, desperately absorbing the surrounding blue light. The center was the Dragon King Temple. As the blue light became stronger and stronger, more and more was absorbed, and the whole world was like a building collapsing. , began to slowly collapse.

"Kakaka..." The sky collapsed like glass. At the same time, something was about to be born in the Dragon King Temple!

Three steps turned into two, and the two people's newly relaxed hearts suddenly tightened. They rushed to the Dragon King Temple, but they were all stunned.

A child of seven or eight years old, with two dragon horns on his head, holding a sword tightly in his arms, looked around sadly.

"It's all over..." He choked with a deep sadness in his voice: "Everything is over..."

"The world spirit is dead... Astral beasts invaded a thousand years ago. As a world spirit, my father tried his best to protect this world, but... it also ran out of energy." The child wiped his tears and wore It was very luxurious, but he didn't even bother to rub it on his body.

The voice was like the sad autumn wind, with a heart-rending pain: "I was born and raised here, but the next world spirit can't do anything. I can only see my father die sadly... Plane Collapse...I, I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for the people who serve me every day!"

He is a child after all, and he is already holding the sword and crying like a man.

Xu Yangyi was right in front of him, and the other party couldn't see him at all. He sighed: "It's still the same person in my memory."

"This is the end of this memory. It's not the collapse of the plane, but... the memory itself."

"The trapped dragon world collapsed. There was indeed an astral beast attacking, and it was an astral beast that could destroy the entire plane. The world spirit took action, but it could only survive for a thousand years. That's why the Dragon King Temple was so dilapidated, and they all flew away when the disaster came. In the past thousand years... the Trapped Dragon Realm should be busy relocating."

He looked at the ruined temple with some emotion: "I don't know if they still exist in the Milky Way."

"I understand somewhat." After a few seconds, he withdrew his gaze, gently touched the child who had lost his home with his hands that could not be seen or felt, and said in a deep voice: "What His Excellency Quetzalcoatl asked me to see should be It's him."

"He... is probably the terrifying existence just now. He recorded himself."

"But I still don't understand, what does he have to do with me?"

Yuchang's eyes lit up, he took two steps forward and touched the other person's head: "It's pitiful."

Touched and touched.

The two of them looked at each other and laughed in their hearts.

This is a really high-level monk!

This kind of opportunity to touch each other's head may never come across in the future. It's not enough to take advantage of it at this time, when will it be better?

As the plane collapsed, a golden door appeared in the void. The two of them did not leave. They would not die in this dream and were not in a hurry.

They wanted to see if their assumptions were correct and where the child ended up.

The infinite space collapsed, the majestic Wangxian City collapsed, the ocean set off a tsunami, and only the last 10,000 meters of the Dragon Realm were left. The child seemed to have some magic that made the collapse of these 10,000 meters very slow.

He was like a young king standing alone in his room, weak and helpless as he watched his territory fall inch by inch. Swallowed into the void, prepared to be buried with him.

Ten thousand meters, eight thousand meters... until the last three thousand meters, a golden light suddenly flew in the sky.

The golden light let out a sigh, fell in front of the child, and said with a wry smile: "I saw a sudden space collapse here, and thought that a strange treasure from the galaxy was born. Unexpectedly... it was caused by the underage world spirit being unable to protect the world."

"follow me."

"I am the seventh generation blood ancestor of the Yuan Blood Realm. If you want to become a true world spirit, just follow me."

The child stood up with his mouth pursed, eyes red, looking at the last three thousand meters of land with tears streaming down his face. He knelt down and kowtowed, holding the sword and holding the old man's robe, he stood on top of the flying sword.

"Boom!" The entire trapped dragon world lost the support of the world spirit and finally turned into cosmic dust. In the contraction of infinite light, a terrifying black hole formed, madly devouring everything around it, composing the final glory of this world.

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi sighed. The no-fly zone had long disappeared. He walked to the Golden Gate and pushed it open.

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