
Chapter 986: Five-clawed black dragon

Rumble... As the plane collapsed, the golden door suddenly opened. However, at this moment, all the blue light suddenly reversed, and an infinite blue galaxy rolled up between the sky and the earth, and the end of this galaxy was actually in front of the gate!

"Shu Lala..." The blue Milky Way is a thousand meters wide, with countless stars twinkling in it. In less than five seconds, with an earth-shattering flash of blue light, a broken fragment appeared in front of the two of them.

It floats quietly at the door of the golden door, with boundless mystery. Gazing at it, it is as if you are seeing the center of the universe.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and after checking it several times with his spiritual sense, he carefully took the object into his hand.

It was only about half the size of a palm, and the broken parts were very smooth. As soon as he took it, there was a buzz in his mind, and his spiritual consciousness instantly flew into the air, flying higher and higher!

He rushed out of this illusion, went to the atmosphere, rushed out of the atmosphere, came to the crystal wall system, and finally stopped under the crystal wall system.

"This is..." He looked at his body in astonishment, in a complete spiritual state, like a god, overlooking the ruins of Kunlun.

Everything below was like a dream, but among all this hazyness, there was a point of light that was extremely clear.

His spiritual consciousness stirred, and immediately, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

"Song Ziyu. Late Yuanying period."

"Holding the fragment of the first key, they are attracted to each other."

At the same time, in a deserted land thousands of miles away, Song Ziyu was kneeling at the door of a dilapidated temple. The white flags of the temple are fluttering, and the dead trees and crows roosting sleepily next to it make this place feel like a palace of hell.

He raised his head suddenly.

"He got it..." His face changed ferociously several times, and he finally gritted his teeth and said, "He got it... that humble monk from the lower realm... he got the upper part of the fragment!"

"He and I...can see each other."

The wave spread around him for more than ten meters, and a feminine voice sighed: "This person...can't be kept any longer. These seven keys are related to the biggest secrets of the seven realms. We must not let him live!"

Song Ziyu gritted his teeth, lifted his cloak in front of the deserted temple, bowed to the ground, and placed a paper-wrapped animal, as well as a paper cart and horse at the entrance of the temple.

"The eldest son of the Yuzi lineage of the Song family, I would like to see the senior ghost-faced monk."

There was no sound, Song Ziyu cut open the artery and sprinkled the blood on the sacrifice. After a few seconds, the crows in the tree next to the temple suddenly flew up together with a "croaking" sound, as if they were frightened by invisible demons.

In the temple, a large clay Buddha sits upright, with the upper half of its face disappearing, and the window behind it illuminates its majestic figure. But at this moment, the shadow suddenly moved, and a fat figure walked out of it, walked to the sacrifice, took a deep breath, and suddenly, the temple entrance was completely clear.

The Buddha made a clicking sound and opened his lips on half of his face: "Why are you looking for me?"

Song Ziyu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he knelt on the ground respectfully: "Please take action...kill someone."


In the illusion, Xu Yangyi took a deep look at Song Ziyu's light spot and firmly remembered where the other party was now.

Thousands of kilometers away from him, there is a desert called Guimen Pass.

At the same time, there were ripples in all directions, and a vague voice appeared in all directions. He could only be sure that someone was speaking, but he couldn't hear who it was at all.

The moment he realized that he couldn't hear clearly, the Seven Star Divine Calculation was immediately activated, and half a second later, he immediately got the answer.

Good or bad luck is unpredictable, remember.


After being stunned for half a second, he immediately realized what it meant.

Holding his breath and shaking his ears slightly, this voice spoke for about several minutes, and he memorized all the tone of the other person's words with his photographic memory.

Where to pause, where to hesitate, etc.

After a few minutes, the sound suddenly stopped. Immediately afterwards, the void shook slightly, and a burning sensation bloomed all over his body.

After being stunned, he immediately opened his clothes and was shocked to find that someone seemed to be holding a paintbrush in the void, and an ink mark composed of countless talismans was slowly spreading on his right chest.

"What is this?" He looked at the moving ink marks in surprise, and gradually realized that it was a dragon.

I don't know what, but he was tattooed with a dragon in the illusion!

Wherever the brush touched, scorching heat followed. He immediately called on his spiritual consciousness and spiritual power, but he couldn't stop it at all!

"Dragon..." He closed his eyes, his mind a mess.

The dragon just now, the last dragon son, and now, another dragon appears on him. Is this really unrelated?

In this illusion, what exactly did Quetzalcoatl want to say to him?

The dragon's head was on his right chest, and the entire dragon went around his neck, coiled behind his back, and then spread all the way to his navel, leaving only the heart on his left chest.

Countless black ghosts were spreading there, but at this moment, a green light suddenly burst out from the left chest.

Seed of Khaos!

The seed of Khaos actually activated itself without any prompting. This situation only occurred when encountering Taichu.

This is where the dragon's last claw is, but because of this green light, he paused slightly, and then hesitated around like a living creature. After a few seconds, he seemed to be unwilling to let go of this place.

The burning sensation subsided, and the five-clawed black dragon only had four claws. The last grasp holding his heart did not appear. He looked inside for a long time, and found nothing unusual, and then closed his clothes.

He didn't know that outside the gate of hell, Song Ziyu closed his eyes with a look of horror on his face, his eyeballs beating wildly below him.

In his mind, he also had the same picture as Xu Yangyi, and he could also sense the other person. But just now, everything about the other party was surrounded by a black mist.

I can only roughly perceive it! There is no way to know the detailed location! Moreover, the distance that just appeared here suddenly disappeared.

"Why..." When he opened his eyes, they were already blood red, and he suddenly roared towards the sky: "Why! Why!!"

"Why can't I feel where he is! But I can feel that he can see me!"

"God, you are so mean to me! Is Xu Feng my destiny?!"

Desolate voices hovered around, and a few seconds later, Kuroshio said calmly: "Man can conquer heaven."

"Even if God wants you to die, you can't die."

“Isn’t that what practice is all about?”

Heaven wants everyone to die, but there are always people like them who transcend longevity, transcend Heaven's way, and even live as long as Heaven.

Regardless of this, Song Ziyu will never be Xu Yangyi's opponent, and he will always sink in sorrow and injustice.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi also opened his eyes.

Not his spiritual consciousness, but his body.

Just after the black dragon's missing claw was formed, his spiritual consciousness and soul returned to his physical body, he nodded towards Yuchang, opened the door and walked out.

There are too many mysteries, and now is not the time to solve them. There must be a road for a car to reach the mountain, and for a boat to reach the bridge.

Instead of aiming too high, it is better to focus on the present. The improvement of strength is the most important thing.

There was a severe dizziness, and he didn't know how long it took before he finally felt his spiritual consciousness return to his body.

The eyelids seemed to weigh ten thousand pounds, and they were raised with difficulty. The cave was still in front of them.

"Are you okay?" Mao Baer looked at the two of them and patted his chest: "I was scared to death."

"For a baby, you are too big." Xu Yangyi cheered up and sat on the Taishi chair with a smile: "How long have we been there?"

"Not long, about three or four hours."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "Where is Wangchen? Have you brought anything?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wangchen appeared at the door, but his hands were empty.

"Master, there is no such thing in the library." Wangchen said respectfully: "Disciple spent several hours reading the catalog, and none of it is related to the cave."

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up and his heart beat faster. He leaned forward and said in a deep voice: "Be specific."

"To be specific, everyone knows that there is this cave, and everyone knows that it is called Dongxuan Mansion. But it is strange that even the oldest golden elixir manager in the library cannot explain its existence. I only know that it exists, and the spiritual energy is particularly strong. , but no one has ever thought about it, Song Ziyu is the first person."

He looked at Xu Yangyi's serious face and continued: "It's like they have no memory of this place at all, and everyone who asks about it looks confused."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, his eyelids trembling fiercely: "I understand... you should go practice first."

Dongxuan Mansion is divided into four caves. Wangchen entered one of the caves, and Mao Baer also walked in. After an unknown amount of time, Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes. Only a solemn face remained.

"What did you find?" Yuchang asked in his spiritual consciousness.

"A place that is invisible but visible." Xu Yangyi stood up and scanned everything around him with his eyes: "Here is what the senior said, visible darkness under the lamp."

"Such a place actually exists in the Seven Realms!"

"Who created this place? How many places like this are there in the Seven Realms?"

It's just a sect, but it has never been recorded, and no one even remembers it! The spiritual energy is obviously so strong, but no one can take advantage of it.

Just like... this is a separate plane, independent of the seven realms!

He also saw the wizard, that terrifying existence, probably...maybe it was what he had been looking for...

It's a pity that I can't see even one thing clearly.

Time passed quickly, and he retreated into cultivation again, observing the visualization of the ethereal immortal body in his mind every day and night.

One day, two days, a week... Soon, more than a month passed, during which he did not leave the house once.

Just when two months were about to arrive, with a clear whistle, the door of Dongxuan Mansion opened wide, and a green light spread across the world.

In the blue light, a huge humanoid figure roared up, startling all the monks who were sitting cross-legged in the desert.

"The completion of the Void Spirit Immortal Body?" On the five peaks, the sect master's voice said with a satisfied smile: "When this boy just joined the sect, I noticed that his Void Spirit Immortal Body was only superficial. Yang Sheng's understanding of the Immortal Body was absolutely unparalleled. It is not comparable to him at the moment. His Void Spirit Immortal Body only has the function of increasing spiritual power, which is what every one of the ten immortal bodies can do."

"What now?" The third elder's voice did not conceal his appreciation and asked with a smile.

The sect master looked at the huge shadow in the air and nodded slowly: "Now, at least the name is worthy of the name, and it is truly a great achievement. That's all, after today, I will personally give him guidance and let him know that 'the ten sects are the best' It’s not just an exaggeration to say that the Void Spirit Immortal Body can obtain the ‘most difficult immortal body’, nor is it just an illusion.”

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