
Chapter 987: Yang Sheng Wall

In the cave, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes with joy.

If Song Ziyu hadn't come to provoke him, his virtual immortal body would have been truly perfected. At that time, in order to save Wangchen, he resolutely gave up the complete virtual immortal body. However, the memory and feeling are still in his body. After spending an extra month, his virtual immortal body is no longer just for show.

In his body, a surging force filled his limbs and bones. He was eager to try the result. At this moment, the door of his practice room opened, and Wangchen half-knelt outside the door happily: "Congratulations to Master for his great supernatural power!"

Yes, someone came to test the medicine.

Suddenly, Xu Yangyi felt that Wangchen was more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Don't move." He smiled. Then he flicked his finger.

"The master has now compressed his spiritual power to the golden elixir realm, just like you, you look carefully."

Wangchen didn't understand, but the next second, the clothes on his belly twisted like a whirlpool, and a terrible force appeared there at some point, twisting his body crazily, as if to pierce his abdomen!

"This..." He was completely stunned.

Is this the bullet just now?

But... what about the trajectory of the spiritual energy?

This finger bullet was like wearing an invisible cloak! It came to him without a sound. He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this was a life-and-death fight!

"How did you do this?" He couldn't help but ask in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi laughed and stood up with his sleeves: "This is the real virtual immortal body."

"I used to think that the virtual immortal body can only increase spiritual power, which is already very amazing. But it's not the case. Its real horror is..."

He paused, suppressed the excitement in his heart and licked his lips: "Hide."

"Hide the magical power, this magical power, no one can discover it at the same time as the Nascent Soul."

Wang Chen nodded blankly, and then sweat soaked his heavy clothes.

Too terrible...

It doesn't sound like anything. If you think about it carefully, Xu Yangyi is a physical cultivator, and his punches and kicks are enough to break the mountains and rivers. However, the opponent can guess the trajectory of his spiritual power from where the punch comes from.

But now, his spiritual power is hidden. I don't know where the opponent's punch will hit, and I don't know when to attack!

Invisible assassin... No, this is not an assassin, this is an invisible warrior who is more deadly than an assassin!

"The only flaw is that experienced opponents can still guess some clues from my punches." Xu Yangyi sighed.

Wang Chen was speechless, what else do you want?

"How is the phantom?" After calming down from joy, Xu Yangyi asked immediately.

This is the second thing he cares about besides the virtual immortal body.

The phantom's cocoon is still there, and he covered it with magical powers. The two of them are in tune with each other, and he can feel that the phantom's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and even has a touch of dreamy color.

This is different from the illusion, the essential difference, the illusion is false after all, although both are man-made. But dreams are real, they are the product of the spirit, the narration of the soul, and they are things that really exist.

In the fairy dream, I saw Nanhua Butterfly Mother show her divine power and challenge the plane alone, which is amazing. At the same time, I look forward to the growth of the phantom, and truly become my helper, rather than a cute passerby.

Unfortunately, he just scanned the area, and the cocoon of the phantom spirit rose and fell like a heart under the cover of magical power, and the breath was stable, but there was no sign of coming out.

"No movement." Hearing Wang Chen's answer in person, he suppressed his expectations and sighed.

I don't know what the phantom spirit will evolve into this time...

If you have one thousandth of the butterfly mother, you can really embark on the road of dream travel, and you will fully recover your costs.

"I heard the magpie calling early in the morning, and I thought something was wrong. I didn't expect that Your Excellency Daozi's immortal body has been completed, which is a cause for celebration." A gentle voice floated in from the door. Yu Liuli had been standing at the door without knowing when, followed by a maid: "A few gifts, not a respect."

A very beautifully packaged spiritual tea fell on the table, and Xu Yangyi smiled and turned out. The cave was not closed. He was about to say hello, but smiled and said: "What's so lively?"

Just outside the cave, tens of thousands of cultivators sat in the air, not leaving.

"Did Daozi forget that today is the time for a big class?" Yu Liuli smiled: "Tianjian Mountain Villa has half physical and half magic cultivators. Today, the sect master Yang Sheng will personally explain physical cultivation. Who would not want to come?"

Xu Yangyi then remembered the sect master's instructions before.

"I'm afraid there is no room?" He looked outside with a twitch in his mouth. How long have these people been waiting here?

Yu Liuli smiled slightly: "The other seats are full, only one Daozi seat is left."

Xu Yangyi smiled and cast a cleaning spell, lifted his robe and walked out.

Yu Liuli's eyes flickered behind him: "He has a good appearance, a good figure, and a bright future. Such a cultivator... Tsk tsk, it really makes me tempted..."

When he walked out of the cave, the world at the entrance of the cave suddenly became quiet. The cultivators who were still discussing saw his figure and immediately bowed and said: "Meet Daozi."

Like a shock wave spreading, soon, a piece of voices rang out one after another, and many people stood up excitedly and greeted loudly.

"Xu Daozi has achieved immortality, congratulations." Amidst the tide of congratulations, Xu Yangyi walked to the front row with some embarrassment. Three rows ahead were the Nascent Soul cultivators, but here, like the Golden Core and Foundation Establishment cultivators behind, many Nascent Soul cultivators stood up with a smile to greet them.

If the cultivators below finally felt that the tight ring around their necks had loosened, the Nascent Soul cultivators recognized strength.

With four Yuanyings in one palm, who wants to be the fifth?

Even those from the Big Brother faction had to hand over their hands in embarrassment and congratulate him repeatedly.

Finally reached the first row.

In the first row, there is only one spot. Before all the monks.

What was once Song Ziyu's position is now Xu Yangyi's.

One person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Naturally, he would not shirk it. As soon as he sat down, Sanskrit sounds sounded in the sky, fairy music burst out, a piece of aura petals floated slowly, and in the sky opposite, an empty futon was already shining with golden light.

Yang Sheng's force of flesh and blood, as powerful as the sea, suddenly struck in all directions, and in an instant, the whole place fell silent. Countless pairs of eyes looked at the futon expectantly.

Thousands of golden rivers merge into the sea, condensing into one figure. Before he appeared, he heard the voice of the sect leader: "Today, I will explain to you the way of the immortal body."

After finishing speaking, the light dispersed, and the appearance of the sect master's immortal spirit had appeared on the futon. He still looked dry and thin. He was wearing a white crane and black bottom robe, and his hair was tied into a bun. If he hadn't spoken, no one would have guessed that he was from the Seven Realms. There are only thirty Yang Saints!

"Although our sect is not Class A, among the tens of thousands of Class B sects, it will not be difficult to be ranked in the top 100. The top 30 is still unknown. It depends on having the same education and body cultivation."

He looked around the crowd majestically and saw Xu Yangyi sitting in front of thousands of people. A trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes and he continued: "Everyone knows that physical training is a strategic resource. Why do you say that? Because of the chain of seven realms. "

"The Absolute Beginning is the root of all evil. When Fa Cultivators face the Absolute Beginning, they will encounter a very embarrassing situation, that is, the other party is forcing them too hard, and they have no time or energy to form seals, causing the other party to persecute them even more harshly. , fell into a vicious cycle, and finally fell to death...Xu Daozi, you haven't seen Taichu yet, you can go to the library and read the Taichu illustrated book to avoid being unprepared for the Chain of Seven Realms in the future."

Everyone looked at Xu Yangyi with envy. It was a great honor for Yang Sheng to mention it in front of nearly 100,000 people.

Xu Yangyi laughed dryly.

Not only have I seen it... I've also eaten it...

The sect leader continued: "Physical cultivation is not the case. Physical cultivation has magical powers with every move of its hands and feet, and its spiritual power is almost endless. It does not require sealing. No matter how many Taichus there are, there is always a chance to get out. Therefore, the team of the Chain of Seven Realms Among them, most of them are physical cultivators. If the legal cultivators in the back are likened to archers, the physical cultivators are like spears that can break through doors.”

"Physical cultivation, especially Yang Sage, the top Yang Sage, is specially used to perform some dangerous tasks, such as sneaking into Taichu to obtain secrets, etc. Any Yang Sage is a treasure and can do things that Yin Sage cannot do. In addition, It has extremely strong regeneration ability and possesses many supernatural powers. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the highest level of the Forbidden Army. "

All the monks' eyes burned when they heard this.

The sect master waved his hand, and a cup of spiritual tea appeared. He took a sip and continued: "There are many ways to cultivate the body. According to the physical cultivation method, those who cultivate supernatural powers can reach the Yuanying. Those who cultivate the immortal body can also reach the Yuanying. But you have to rush "Shangyang Sage, only those who have immortal body can do it."

"The origin of the immortal body is not difficult to find. Although the price is extremely expensive, it is not unaffordable for a large family. But what is really difficult to find is the container, that is, the carrier."

Xu Yangyi nodded secretly. The other party didn't have any skills in teaching, but he needed these basic knowledge that didn't seem too advanced in the upper world.

As Xiao Qing said, the immortal body is not difficult, but the carrier is difficult.

"All the immortal bodies were obtained by the great supernatural monks in the past who observed them from all sides. Some were astral beasts, and some were natural scenes. For example, the Void Spirit Immortal Body was created by a powerful observer of the extinct race 'Qingling Tribe'. Humans themselves cannot derive an immortal body, but they can cultivate it through some extremely precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures, so it is also called cultivating an immortal body."

"The first condition for growing an immortal body is the Heavenly Spiritual Root. That is, the Single Spiritual Root."

"Spiritual roots are the attributes of monks. For those with fire spirit roots, practicing the water-washing technique will get twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, you will get twice the result with half the effort. Those who cultivate the immortal body are generally talented people. It is only a matter of time before they reach the Nascent Soul, but..."

He paused and spoke to everyone, but looked at Xu Yangyi: "To attack Yang Sheng, this is not enough."

Here comes the point.

Xu Yangyi listened attentively.

"Yang Saints are transcendent and become saints. At the same level, Yang Saints can even defeat Yin Lords. They are stronger in the time when there is no seal. However, physical training is weak against magical weapons with spiritual consciousness, so you need to pay more attention."

"The reason why it is difficult to enter Yangsheng is because of physical barriers."

"Everyone may have experienced physical barriers in the previous realm, but according to what I said, the previous physical barriers, if added up ten times, are not necessarily as good as the physical barriers of Yangsheng. Yangsheng is a leap forward. , the first step of the Third Middle Realm is different from Nascent Soul. The physical barriers to such a huge breakthrough are unimaginable. "

"And Yang Sheng himself is a pure saint, and the physical barriers formed are more than ten times more than those of Yin Lord! I will tell you one thing, in the past, your physical barriers were caused by the entry of spiritual consciousness, and so was Yang Sheng's. However, Yang Sheng's Breakthrough, spiritual consciousness can use various magic weapons and even magical powers. You can imagine how powerful it is."

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