
Chapter 990: Xu Feng and Taichu are not allowed to enter

Looking at the place where he left, Wanzhong Shengjun couldn't help but snorted.

"You are so enthusiastic. The way of alchemy is indeed very popular. Do you think anyone can learn it? If your spiritual awareness is not one-tenth higher than that of ordinary people, you are a waste in the way of alchemy! Only those who are more than one-third are considered geniuses!"

"I want to see how you are kicked out by that old man!"

Very dissatisfied, the old man is unhappy, so Xu Yangyi can't be happy either.

Disobeying the teacher is a great rebellion, um, no problem.

He waved his hand again, and a light curtain appeared. In the light curtain, an old man covered in black and gray was throwing himself into the alchemy furnace full of fire. Thousands of spiritual lines spread around, affecting countless medicinal materials.

"Isn't this the source of funds for Tianjian Villa and the most meritorious old alchemist?" Wanzhong Shengjun said sourly.

"If you have to fart, just fart." The other old man's voice was even more aggressive than his.

After getting bored, Wanzhong Shengjun coughed and said, "I sent you a disciple with excellent talent and strong character."

"Oh?" The old man's voice suddenly became interested, and the coldness just now suddenly became warm and blossoming: "Who is it? Tsk tsk tsk, senior brother, you actually still remember that I want to accept a disciple? Remember that there are few people in the alchemy system? It really shocked me, junior brother."

"Xu Feng."

"Get lost!" The old man was stunned for a second and almost yelled, "You mean he has the talent to practice? Why did you send him here? I won't teach him! Let him get lost! He is delaying my research on the alchemy formula!"

Wanzhong Shengjun smiled and stroked his beard, "Just let him get lost. This person, without going through hardships, doesn't know how to turn back. He always thinks he is omnipotent."

The old man stared at Wanzhong Shengjun, and I have a sentence I don't know if I should say it.

You are the shore, and I am the sea that eats people?


Xu Yangyi returned to the cave, where several jade slips had been placed.

He drank a sip of spiritual tea, and immediately called Wangchen and Mao Baer to study these precious materials together.

He didn't know how long it took before he breathed a sigh of relief. This was the result of his photographic memory. This intuitive method was much better than what the stargazer said at the beginning.

He focused on three aspects.

The first was the virtual spirit immortal body. He had opened all the thirty-six and large acupoints of the immortal body. Fortunately for him, these thirty-six and large acupoints could not be opened again once the Nascent Soul was fully developed. And those who could not be opened before the Nascent Soul was fully developed could no longer attack Yang Sheng.

The second thing he looked at was the power map of the Void Venerable.

You don't know until you see it. Only after seeing it can you have an accurate understanding of the so-called Five Kings and Two Queens. The Void Palace located in Xiao Leiyin has forces all over the planes. It commands dozens of worlds. The core forces are composed of five A-level sects, one A-level dynasty, and two A-level forces.

A-level has its own Taixu, and Taixu will not rely on others, even the Five Kings and Two Queens.

"No wonder these people are so jealous of the throne of the Void Venerable. Such a huge force will make anyone excited."

Third, he focused on the atlas of the Seven Realms Chain.

At the edge of one side of the Seven Realms, there is a huge white hole, surrounded by meteor showers. The large meteor fragments are even as big as the moon, and the small ones are about the same size as a continent on the earth, forming a beautiful pearl chain. There is the passage for the demons to enter.

However, there are still hundreds of years before the battlefield of the Seven Realms Chain and facing Taichu, so he is not in a hurry.

Finally, he took a look at the Yuanxue Realm on the way.

He had already asked. Before they came, the Yuanxue Realm had just been opened for three years. Now the passage has been closed for a long time. It would take at least five hundred years to enter the Yuanxue Realm, if he was still alive.

Standing up and stretching, he realized that the sky was already bright.

"Today I will go to see the second elder, the talisman master, and I don't know what his temper is like." He looked at the rising sun in the sky with comfort, and a feeling of a dragon entering the sea came to him.

Whether it was the adventure factor, he didn't know. He only knew that the upper realm could allow him to give full play to his abilities, instead of feeling that he was facing a bottleneck on Earth.

This feeling was very good, and he liked it very much.

Glancing at Wangchen and Mao Baer, ​​who were still fascinated by putting the jade slip on their brows, his spiritual consciousness swept the phantom cocoon that he had hidden.

There was still no movement. It was just like a heart, rising and falling.

"If the second elder is easy to talk to today, I can ask for a pill for a spirit beast." Retracting his gaze, suppressing his expectations for the phantom in his heart, he cast a cleaning spell, straightened his clothes, and flew out of the cave.

The entire sect was quiet. Generally, the disciples in the sect mainly studied and usually meditated. Tianjian Villa advocated the practice of going out, so those who were not in the sect naturally could not see it.

Tianjian Villa had a total of four oases. The first one was located in the center of the sect, and the second one was located in Andong Country, which was sheltered by it. The third one was where the Dan Hall was located, and the fourth one was the Qi Hall.

After distinguishing the location, he soon came to the northwest corner of the sect where the third oasis was located. Today was not the day to receive the elixir. It was even quieter here. A thousand-meter-high mountain with thousands of holes in the weathered land lay here. It looked ordinary, but from all the holes, various colors of light burst out from time to time, especially in the center. Hundreds of sky-high lights, mixed with pieces of misty clouds, made this low-rise weathered mountain look surprisingly holy.

"Welcome, Daozi." Seeing a black light coming from the horizon, the two foundation-building monks who were meditating jumped up in fright and hurriedly bowed to greet.

"No gift." Xu Yangyi smiled and raised the gift box in his hand: "I am here to see the second elder. Please inform me."

However, the two foundation-building monks looked at me and I looked at you, their expressions turned out to be extremely bitter.

"What's wrong?" he asked in shock.

"Daozi, calm down..." A doorman coughed dryly: "Since yesterday, the elder has given an order...if Xu Daozi comes...well...that..."

"That's what you said." Xu Yangyi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"He, his old man said one word..." The boy looked at Xu Yangyi's face and did not dare to say any more.


"Get out." The boy was sweating profusely and no longer dared to look into the other person's eyes.

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

When did you provoke the other party?

"Don't mind." Another boy smiled bitterly and said: "Three months ago, the second elder led all the deacons of the alchemy hall into the mansion to open the furnace and refine 'Xingxinghe.' Even the sect leader was hit by him with the alchemy furnace. I've been out a few times..."

Is the Ten Thousand Saint King still alive today?

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "Then I will wait."

He was bored while waiting. He chatted with the two boys, and the other boys slowly let go.

"You don't know, the second elder is nicknamed Elder Dan. He is usually easy to talk to, but once he comes into contact with the alchemy aspect, he is really...too unkind." "Yes, you are pretty good. When Song Ziyu came here, , the second elder didn’t say a word, and just left him alone for a month!”

"Are you asking about the realm? The second elder is in the middle stage of Yin Zun, but the realm of alchemy is that of a grand master. Except for Master Yuanling in Xu Kunlun, who is slightly higher than him, no one in the other sects or dynasties can compare to the second elder!" "Even if the Jiu Zhen Jiu Nanmen where King Jie Hai is located, their worship was defeated by him in the Dan Dan Tournament."

"I heard that Jiuzhen Jiunanmen came to dig several times, but the second elder never left." "His elixirs, as long as they are carefully refined, all sell for sky-high prices at the Kunlun auction. But he has Weird... no, it's customary to only open one batch of any high-level elixir. "A hundred years ago, the 'True Divine Eye' elixir won the second place!"

"It's a pity that the second elder has no successor yet, and I don't know who will succeed him after the second elder..." "Yes, there are so many people every year, but none of them can enter the eyes of the Dharma."

Xu Yangyi listened with a smile, eager to try.

Only true masters have the qualifications to be proud of their talents.

He dared to refuse the invitations of the five kings and two queens. This second elder must have real abilities.

He doesn't care how in-depth the other party's knowledge of alchemy is, but every master of the side sect has a deep understanding of talismans.

At this moment, a ray of light soared into the sky from the cave, and in an instant, a black night was formed within a radius of 10,000 meters.

An extremely strong medicinal fragrance spread instantly as the night fell. The two boys immediately stopped talking and sucked in the fragrance greedily like a man possessed.

"It's's done! Xi Xinghe is a level above B! It seems that the old man is on par with Master Yuan Ling!" "Yes, for us foundation-building monks, if we can smell this fragrance, we will be able to It’s really incredible to extend your life and even eliminate all diseases!”

In an instant, Xu Yangyi was left alone again. The attraction of alchemy to monks is fatal.

"Such a rich fragrance." He couldn't help but take a deep breath. As soon as he breathed it into his chest, he immediately felt his mind clearing up and his whole body's spiritual energy came to life.

"This... is definitely above me. I should be almost at the Grandmaster level now. Is the gap between me and the Great Grandmaster so big?"

However, the shocking scene did not end there.

In the next second, a bright moon burst into the sky from the building. At the same time, countless stars responded and flew straight into the sky, forming a bright galaxy across the entire cave.

"Is this... really a pill?" Xu Yangyi looked at this scene in shock. He didn't refine many high-level pills on the earth. Most of them were for the purpose of leveling up. He never focused on this. Now he saw this pill. The scene that dazzled the sky suddenly shocked my heart.

As the day turned to night, the stars shone brightly, and Xu Yangyi's soul was slightly shocked by this scene.

He suddenly had a feeling that he had... not paid attention to, or despised something?

"Any discipline, taken to the extreme, is close to the Tao." After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and flew the jade box to the boy: "Let me inform you."

The boy immediately flew in, and a few seconds later, he actually walked out again holding the jade box.

"Daozi..." He didn't dare to look at Xu Yangyi at all, and knelt down with a plop, almost crying: "Daozi, please punish me!"

"Get up." Xu Yangyi also became stubborn. Why, he didn't respect the order of the sect leader?

"What did the old man say again?"

The boy's lips trembled several times before he said with a sad face: "Xu Feng... and Taichu are not allowed to enter..."

grass! ?

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