
Chapter 991: Dan Lao (I)

Xu Yangyi was silent.

Is this dynamite?

He came with gifts, disobeyed orders several times, and spoke in such a vicious tone. Taichu is the common enemy of the seven realms, and he and Taichu are not allowed to enter. What does that mean?

"Take it in again." He sneered: "By the way, tell the second elder that I won't leave until he sees me."

"Daozi..." The boy's face was full of embarrassment: "Senior Brother Song also stayed for a month, but the elder said he wouldn't see you, so I'm afraid..."

"He is him, and I am me." Xu Yangyi said calmly, sitting cross-legged in mid-air and meditating: "Go ahead and report it, the rest is none of your business."

"Yes..." The boy sighed in great embarrassment, hesitated to speak, and finally spoke: "Actually... the second elder is not the only one who is profound in talismans..."

Before he finished speaking, when he saw Xu Yangyi frowning slightly, he immediately shut up and ran in.

Inside the hill, in a cave, an old man covered in black and gray was looking at the jade slips attentively. Suddenly, a trembling voice sounded from the door: "Second Elder Qi..."

"Don't tell me he hasn't left yet?" The old man turned around. He was short, lean, with sallow skin, two eyebrows hanging to his chest, and a white beard reaching his abdomen. He looks old, but his voice is like a bell, full of energy, and every word is like thunder.

The boy held the jade box in both hands and dared not say a word.

"What do you want to eat?" The old man cursed bitterly, glanced at the jade box, patted the armrest and shouted: "Take it away! Take it away! It's annoying to look at it! Let me take it down!"

The boy was put down silently, and the second elder paced back and forth in the cave, cursing as he walked: "This boy... is so talented, why bother bothering me! Why can't old man Wan Zhong teach me? He has to come here!"

The boy pursed his lips and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency Daozi, you should think that... your teaching is better? Don't you have a disciple in Yibo yet? It might be good to see..."

"Fart!" the second elder scolded angrily: "It's because of the respect for alchemy! How many people from the seven realms come to my place every year? How many Taoists want to worship me as their teacher? Today's young people are so ambitious. They think they can do it if they have talent. Direct access to Yangsheng! If you want to get involved in alchemy, the first thing to look at is talent! If it comes to hard work, luck, and talent, alchemy will not work without talent!"

The boy didn't even dare to fart, so he lowered his head and listened.

"His talent should be cultivated hard! However, this mountain looks higher than that. If his talent is really addicted to alchemy, I will be the eternal sinner of Tianjian Villa! If he is addicted, he will not have this talent... I It’s really impossible to redeem yourself by death!”

Before, the boy didn't dare to speak, but this sentence almost made him jump up.

no the same……

No wonder Daozi dared to say that Song Ziyu is Song Ziyu and Xu Feng is Xu Feng.

When Senior Brother Song came, the second elder sneered repeatedly without saying a word, but just spat it out.

Xu Feng came, and although he kept scolding him, he could tell that the other party really cherished his talents and didn't want Xu Feng's talent to be wasted on Alchemy!

Is this Taoist's qualifications so terrifying? Is it so scary that the second elder doesn’t dare to delay even a moment?

Daozi thought this way and turned his eyes: "How about... just let him kneel there? It's almost a month since he left?"

"Where is he kneeling?" The second elder's ears suddenly stood up, staring at the boy, and suddenly burst out again: "Are you a pig?! Let a Taoist kneel there? Do you want to be thrown into alchemy by me? How noble is Daozi? How dare you let him kneel there!"

The boy was shocked, but he already knew in his heart that he had guessed correctly. Song Ziyu did kneel down at the beginning. The second elder said: It is better to kneel down and die. He is an incompetent person with evil intentions and little cleverness but no great wisdom.

But Xu Feng is definitely different.

This was Xi Cai's rejection, so he had no room for it, but both sides were stubborn. One wanted to catch up, the other wanted to come, and it was like this.

"This, this is what Daozi said himself..." He explained quickly.

Before he finished speaking, there was a flash of red light, and the second elder rushed out immediately.

"It seems... Xu Daozi and Senior Brother Song are treated very differently..." The boy murmured as he stared blankly at the back of the second elder.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the second elder who was like a firecracker so nervous.

The second elder rushed to the door anxiously, the red light getting slower and slower. Finally stopped in front of the closed door.

He also hesitated. He knew his temper. If he hadn't been extremely talented in alchemy, which was three and a half levels higher than that of monks at the same time, he would never have reached Yin Zun.

He couldn't learn from those hypocritical and submissive things, and offended too many people. It was all because of Alchemy that he was able to survive, and therefore, he did not allow anyone with a dishonest heart to join Alchemy.

It was Alchemy that saved him and gave him the qualification of Yin Zun. His heart was like a bright mirror.

He was also reflecting on whether he was exaggerating.

"No..." He gritted his teeth and said: "This son's talent is like another legend coming into the world. The chance of being promoted to Taixu is the only one I have ever seen in my life. Once he enters Taixu, the sect will immediately be promoted to the top level. He can protect the sect for three thousand years. He is only three hundred years old..."

"We can't let him enter the alchemy path! In this path, without too much hard work, how can a sea of ​​knowledge advance to the next level! He is simply... he is simply hoarding natural treasures!"

"If he starts practicing alchemy from now on without any foundation, it will take at least two hundred years before he can reach the level of a master craftsman! I...I, my old man Jiang, will be the eternal sinner of Tianjian Villa throughout my life!"

"No matter what, he must stop him from being so ambitious!"

The golden elixir and foundation at the door were so frightened that they knelt on the ground. Yin Zun, who was usually two o'clock and one line, was like a god descending. He was extremely hesitant behind the closed door and murmured to himself. Everyone was sweating profusely and talking. Don't dare to post.

"Open the door." After making up his mind, the second elder spoke calmly. As soon as his figure appeared with a loud bang, the monks on duty at the door knelt down and came around like an imperial military parade, shouting in unison: "Welcome Patriarch Wuxiang!!"

Like a sea wave, people at the door, outside the door, and around him all knelt on the ground. Even though the old man was covered in the black ashes of the alchemy furnace, no one dared not to kneel.

The second elder glanced ahead and immediately saw Xu Yangyi who was meditating in the sky. He stood up and landed, cupping his hands and saying, "I've seen the second elder."

"The sect leader asked this junior to learn alchemy with you, starting today."

The second elder's lips moved, and finally he snorted: "Come with me."

It's not that he doesn't want the other party to leave, but there are too many people, and the other party has moved out the sect leader's order. Regardless of whether it is for the sake of the harmony of the sect and the majesty of Taoism, he cannot reprimand the other party.

However, the expression cannot be faked.

The two of them walked all the way into the hill, and Xu Yangyi realized that it was completely hollowed out. There were sculptures of various unicorns and real dragons every 100 meters. The ground was flat and there was a strong flame power all around. It was like a natural alchemy furnace.

Wherever he goes, people around him kneel there.

"Six Yang Apertures." The second elder is a great master of Yin Zun Dan Dao, and his spiritual consciousness is so powerful that he knows what he is looking at without even looking at it. He said calmly: "One of the eight top natural alchemy furnaces, but it is too small, and It’s not completely complete. Any elixir refined here is equivalent to being roasted twice by the flames, and its potency is increased by one layer.”

Xu Yangyi nodded, and the two of them had already walked to a statue of Suzaku.

"There are rules for each profession, and there are ancestors in each profession. There are two gods in alchemy, the true phoenix and the peach immortal. One palm is flame and the other is wood. Come and worship."

Xu Yangyi was about to worship when the second elder said quietly: "In addition, this statue can test your aptitude. If it is not above the first level, you can leave by yourself. Because you do not have the talent of an alchemist. Although you can refine it, it is For ordinary alchemy disciples, you can’t do it!”

"You are the face of Tianjian Villa. If you want to do it, you must do your best. Otherwise, you must not waste your great talent on the alchemy path. Accumulation in this profession is more terrifying than practicing."

"Two levels. Only when you reach the second level can you be considered to have the best qualifications! At the same time, you must have accumulated a lot of alchemy before I will consider teaching you. Otherwise, you will just go and practice for me!"

Perhaps because he felt that the words were too harsh, he breathed a sigh of relief: "From today on, you will not go to the elixir hall to get your elixirs. Instead, you will come to me at the beginning of every three months."

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the second elder, and the resentment in his heart suddenly dissipated.

It even feels a little warm.

He was not shaking his head, but suddenly understood the other person's heart. The other party hated iron and was afraid of wasting his talent.

However, Nuan returns to Nuan, and the accounts have to be settled.

"You say I have no talent?"

"The all-purpose elixir made from the Wugen Jiuqu Water, and the magical power of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra. I have been practicing these two for so long. Although the elixirs I refined before were all ordinary and extremely ordinary elixirs, I don't believe that there is not even a 20% increase." .According to the calculation of Panacea, one realm increases by 10, and if I refine my energy and eat it, it should be 30 now!”

"It's not my style to be clumsy. Showing my sword is what I do!"

He immediately put his hand on Suzaku. He wants to tell the other party with actions that I am not here to pray.

But learn.

As soon as it was placed, the entire Suzaku, starting from its paws, was suddenly filled with a circle of red light.

It kept spreading upwards, and soon it reached the ankles and reached one-fifth of the entire Suzaku.

"Do you really have the talent of an alchemist?" The second elder stared blankly: "As long as I am willing to teach you a level of spiritual knowledge that is beyond ordinary people, I may have the opportunity to knock on the door of a master in the future. But I will definitely not be able to become a grand master."

“With such qualifications, it’s okay not to teach them.”

He has arrogance in his heart. Isn't it ridiculous that he, the famous Wu Xiang Yin Zun, a grand master in Jiang's life, taught a craftsman disciple?

However, before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly trembled!

Still rising!

The whole Suzaku gradually turned red from bronze, and before he could react, it came to the abdomen in an instant!

The second elder twirled his beard, his small eyes suddenly shining.

Actually... it's more than that?

The red color rose rapidly. Although the speed was slowing down, there was no pause, and it slowly climbed up to two-fifths!

Xu Yangyi stopped and breathed a long sigh of relief. He felt a pair of eyes peering into his spiritual consciousness, which made his spiritual consciousness boil. This feeling was very tiring.

"You..." The second elder pinched his beard and looked at him blankly, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Two levels of spiritual power beyond ordinary people...

This kind of qualification is enough to become his core disciple! After all, he himself is three and a half levels above the same level, 20%... or even level C, Ding and other sects are willing to devote all their efforts to support each other!

"You are actually... two levels above ordinary people?" He said, somewhat unfamiliar with Xu Yangyi: "What... are you not capable of?"

Xu Yangyi suddenly grinned at him.

Before the second elder could figure out what this smile meant, the light above the Suzaku was shining brightly!

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