The truth is that the two sides have been working hard.

From the internal information of Star Energy Storage that Yu Qianxia took out, we can see that the background behind it is not ordinary.

The confidentiality of the information circulated in the commercial investigator industry is not high, and it is not illegal.

Qin Ran is not familiar with the people in the company's project team, but if he steals their jobs, they probably won't be happy.

So he simply asked Yu Qianxia to see if he could get it.

At worst, he would bring Yu Qianxia free mahjong every day on weekdays.

He is really sincere.

If the project of Founder Group is successful, he will blow the "pillow wind" and let Su Qingmo take the lead.

If it is handed over to the project team below, he will suggest that he wants to learn from it, confirm the progress of the project, and report to Su Qingmo at any time.

From the past few days of getting along, Qin Ran felt that Su Qingmo would not refuse a reasonable request.

To put it another way, even if he really refused, he would not lose much.

He could also show his ambition in front of Su Qingmo.

But no matter what, Qin Ran would do it.

The task reward of Brother Tongzi was there, how could he ignore it.

The designated master-level skill reward.

It was so tempting!

No matter which skill was lit up, he could directly become a master in that field.

There were too many options.

Qin Ran had already thought of many ways to make money.

If being a stock trading master was not possible, then he could be a painting master.

For example, he could draw US dollars, exactly like the real ones.

Qin Ran knew a blogger who drew US dollars directly, and the police all over the country paid attention to him.

Even the overseas Fobollers paid attention to him, and people in the black market paid high prices to buy him.

This road could be "punished".

In short, all roads lead to Qincheng, and Qin Ran just wanted to get the reward as soon as possible.


The next morning, Qin Ran not only bought sesame balls, but also leek dumplings.

I believe Yu Qianxia likes it too.

When leaving the cafeteria, he ran into Su Muyue again.

Qin Ran wanted to greet Su Muyue's mother.

But he found that Su Muyue's face was not very good, a little pale.

It was probably her period.

Qin Ran was afraid of being beaten, so he didn't dare to ask, and just walked straight past like a stranger.

He kept walking, looking straight, as if he didn't see it, and didn't care.

Su Muyue paused and looked back at Qin Ran.

But Qin Ran didn't look back, but instead quickened his pace and left.

Since the last "bag throwing" incident, the two have been in a cold war for a week.

Su Muyue didn't expect Qin Ran to be so decisive!

Not only did he delete the friend directly, but he also blocked the phone number, and never added it back.

Su Muyue didn't know why it became like this.

She didn't hate Qin Ran, she just really didn't want to fall in love.

After so many times, she would get a little impatient.

And she has been rejecting others for the past three years.

But there is no one who is as persistent and good-tempered as Qin Ran.

Su Muyue found that she had become accustomed to Qin Ran's existence.

For more than three years in college, Qin Ran could be seen in major courses, elective courses, and even physical education classes.

When she forgot to bring her textbooks, Qin Ran would hand her hers without hesitation.

When she felt uncomfortable in physical education class, Qin Ran would bring her boiled brown sugar water and send her back to the dormitory to rest.

I heard that because she used high-power electrical appliances, her dormitory aunt confiscated her and she was punished.

During class, there were always washed and peeled fresh fruits, milk tea and drinks.

Sometimes she didn't accept them, and Zhang Lili and her roommates helped to accept them.

It's just that others gave them once or twice, but Qin Ran gave them for three and a half years.

Three and a half years is not long, but not short.

But it accompanied her almost throughout her college career.

Su Muyue thought Qin Ran was a good person, but she always felt that something was missing.

And she never told anyone that she actually hated boys.

To be precise, she hated all men.

Because she had no father since she was a child, and until now, she didn't know his name.

But she was sure that the man who abandoned his family was an irresponsible, heartless bastard!

No man is good!

This was her perception since she was a child.

However, time will tell, and she has seen Qin Ran's performance and attitude over the past three years.

He is not that bad.

But now Qin Ran's ruthlessness has made her firm in her thoughts.

If you say you don't like him, then you don't like him!

He was so intimate with Liu Yiyi, and he changed his mind so quickly.

She was glad that she didn't agree to Qin Ran.

Otherwise, maybe one day, Qin Ran would find another girl behind her back, and then

Then he broke up with her.

There are too many couples who cheat in college.

Su Muyue felt disgusted. Why can't they be faithful to each other?

Even if they really don't love each other anymore, they can't cheat.

Su Muyue felt that she was also "cheated on".

In just a few days, Qin Ran was with Liu Yiyi.

He had breakfast with Liu Yiyi and sent her back to the dormitory at night. I don't know what he did at other times.

Su Muyue admitted that Qin Ran had changed a lot recently.

Girls would chat with Qin Ran from time to time on the road, and Qin Ran would not directly refuse like before, but would smile and say a few words before leaving, and even add friends.

She felt vaguely uncomfortable when she saw it.

As time passed, this uncomfortable feeling became more and more obvious.

Every time she saw Liu Yiyi coming home late, she would become irritable.

Like Liu Yiyi didn't come home last night, she even couldn't sleep, wondering if the two were together.

When it was dawn, she washed up and came to the cafeteria for some unknown reason.

When she saw Qin Ran, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Ran didn't stay out, which meant that they didn't spend the night together.

But Qin Ran's expressionless face as he passed by her made her heart ache again.

The warm smile she once had could no longer be seen.

From now on, they were strangers.

Su Muyue wanted to shout, "Why do you have to do this?!"

But her dignity that she had maintained for a long time didn't allow her to do so.

She could only watch Qin Ran leave without looking back, going further and further away.


Qin Ran's quickening pace actually had nothing to do with Su Muyue.

It was just because he felt a little cold in the morning and wanted to get into the A6 early to feel the heated seats.

Qin Ran turned on the radio and listened to the radio broadcast.

The road was not congested at this time, and it was quite interesting to listen to the two hosts teasing each other.

The A6 was like a fish swimming in the traffic.

In less than half an hour, Qin Ran arrived.

He arrived early today, and Su Qingmo hadn't packed up yet.

Qin Ran didn't go into the house, but waited in the car for a while.

After Su Qingmo got in the car, Qin Ran was stunned for two seconds.

Su Qingmo was stunning today!

White teeth and starry eyes, shoulders like a knife, waist like a willow, eyebrows like smoke.

The eyes like a pair of water reflected the dazed Qin Ran.

"Aren't you leaving?" Su Qingmo put her hair behind her ears.

Qin Ran came back to his senses and was secretly annoyed that he had lost his composure.

"She killed a lot of people in her bare face. Is Nuwa so partial when she made people?"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing." Qin Ran handed over the pancake out of habit.

"Is it buy one get one free today?"

"Not today, but I met a classmate who insisted on treating me to breakfast."

Su Qingmo took the pancake and raised the corner of his mouth.

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