The traffic jam started on the way from Yu Cui Garden to the company, but there was still plenty of time.

And even if Qin Ran was late, it was understandable.

After all, he was late to pick up Su Qingmo for work.

Qin Ran waited for Su Qingmo to finish eating the pancake before asking, "Boss Su, are you going to attend any event today?"

"Didn't you remember my schedule?"

"I remembered it, and I notified all departments of the meeting this morning. You are dressed so well...formally, I thought there were other activities."

"No, I will notify you if there are."

Qin Ran didn't ask any more questions on the way.

He couldn't tell whether Su Qingmo was in a good mood.

According to the principle of saying less and making fewer mistakes, it is better to say less.


Qin Ran made coffee and heated up the chive dumplings and sesame balls in the microwave.

When Yu Qianxia arrived at work on time, the time was just right.

Sharing breakfast.

Today, Yu Qianxia brought Cantonese-style morning tea.

Golden lava buns, crystal shrimp dumplings, crispy pineapple buns and rice noodle rolls.

Qin Ran ate with relish.

If he eats like this for a month, he will probably gain weight.

Yu Qianxia has such a rich diet every day, but she is still so slim.

She is enviable for not gaining weight.

The breakfast Qin Ran shared was a bit "shabby".

But Yu Qianxia still ate with relish, but after eating, she had a taste of chives in her mouth.

As soon as she spoke, she smelled chives.

Qin Ran decided to bring something else next week and would never bring chive dumplings again.

Today is Friday, and a happy long vacation is coming soon.

My mood has improved.

As long as there are two days off every week, starting from Wednesday, time will speed up and workers will be in a good mood!


After helping Yu Qianxia solve a difficult level, Qin Ran whispered, "Xiaoxia, after this week, do you feel anything?"

"What do you feel?" Yu Qianxia blinked.

"No feeling at all?"

"It feels good. There is nothing to do. My colleagues are also good. It's just that the working hours are a bit longer."

. . .

Every time Yu Qianxia said a word, Qin Ran's heart was stabbed.

Miss, you really come here to experience and enjoy life.

Do nothing and be happy every day.

Qin Ran slowly induced, "Don't you feel too bored? And if you don't do anything, your boss will be unhappy."

"I do work. Didn't I help you look up information?"

Qin Ran paused!

"That's just a small thing. Look at you. You spend most of your time destroying stars every day. Don't you want to do something?"

"Then I destroy zombies?"

Qin Ran lowered his head and held his forehead, making him laugh.

"Ahem" Qin Ran controlled his emotions and continued, "I mean work. You come here to experience work life, don't you want to make some achievements?"

Yu Qianxia's eyes lit up and she nodded vigorously, "I want to! But I don't know what to do, and no one tells me."

Qin Ran was shocked to realize that Su Qingmo almost ignored Yu Qianxia and always maintained a laissez-faire attitude.

Occasionally, when he went to the bathroom, it seemed that he didn't see Yu Qianxia playing games.

Usually, he would leave anything to him.

Qin Ran couldn't help but whispered, "Xiao Xia, tell me the truth, are you and Mr. Su related?"


"Really not?"

"Really not."

"Did you know Mr. Su before you came?"


Qin Ran was dumbfounded. This was completely different from what he guessed.

Why did Su Qingmo take such good care of Yu Qianxia?

Qin Ran hesitated, but didn't go into it. This was a bit of a violation of privacy.

As long as Yu Qianxia keeps doing it, she will know one day.

Qin Ran hopes that Yu Qianxia will stay.

Some things might be better left unsaid.

After thinking it through, Qin Ran stopped dwelling on Yu Qianxia's family background and returned to the original topic.

"Xiao Xia, do you know what our company's core business is?"

"What is it?"

"Business investigation."


Yu Qianxia's response was so bland that Qin Ran almost forgot to continue.

"Xiao Xia, let me tell you, business investigators are very mysterious."

"Really?" Yu Qianxia's big eyes finally began to flicker.

"Really, can I still lie to you?"

Qin Ran began to make up, no, began to describe the particularity of this profession.

"Business investigators are just like private detectives."

"Specializing in business intelligence, risk

Investigation, commercial fraud, etc."

"You need to have keen insight, careful logical thinking ability, strong analytical ability, super execution and judgment."

"It is difficult for ordinary people to bear such pressure. To be a qualified commercial investigator means that this person is very capable! He will be recognized by everyone."

Yu Qianxia's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Really? So amazing!"

Qin Ran nodded firmly.

"Of course it's true, I can't fool you."

"In fact, I joined Yueying just to become a qualified commercial investigator."

"But it's hard to get started, there is no martial arts."

Qin Ran sighed, full of disappointment.

"What martial arts? Do you still need to know martial arts? Do you meet bad guys and subdue them?"

"No, no. The martial arts I'm talking about are the knowledge and skills that need to be mastered as a commercial investigator."

"Okay." Yu Qianxia was a little disappointed, "I thought it was very exciting. ”

“To some extent, commercial investigation is a process of fighting wits and courage, which is really exciting!”

The light in Yu Qianxia’s eyes lit up again.

“Then I’ll go find some martial arts secrets, and how about we investigate the case together?”

“Okay, no problem. When the time comes, we will join forces and we will definitely be able to solve all the cases.”

“Yes! "The fourth tone.

Yu Qianxia nodded heavily and went to look for the "Martial Arts Secrets".

Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

This set of rhetoric could probably only fool Yu Qianxia.

In addition, the "case" that Yu Qianxia mentioned was probably not the same as what he said.

Qin Ran didn't dare to really let Yu Qianxia take risks, he just wanted to get some industry information.

Afterwards, he thought that it might be easier for him to ask Yu Qianxia to help find it.

There was no need to spend so much time and effort.

Qin Ran felt a little ashamed, feeling that he had deceived the little girl.

But seeing that Yu Qianxia stopped playing games and looked full of fighting spirit, this shame quickly disappeared.

I was doing good things.

There was nothing wrong with what I said, but Yu Qianxia's version of understanding was a little different.

But anyway, the "Martial Arts Secrets" thing should be done.

With the "Martial Arts Secrets", Qin Ran would have no problem getting the project with a little practice.

Qin Ran had already seen the reward waving to him.

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