"What good will it be?"

Zhao Lu lay on the bed, thinking silently.

Since he had a girlfriend, his thoughts have changed a little.

After all, he is also a young man with blood and vigor.

He even thought of a farther place.


This is a deserted island, there is nothing here.

If the safety measures are not done well, it will be very bad."

Zhao Lu rubbed her chin, feeling a little regretful.

After all, this is a deserted island.

Many things are not complete.

"It seems that

I can't leave the deserted island in a short time.

Um... wait!

I have a rubber tree.……"

Zhao Lu's eyes flickered as she began to think about how to make something more practical with latex.

Just as she was daydreaming, Chen Chen suddenly came in.

""Have you finished washing?"

After hearing Zhao Lu's words, Chen Chen did not answer, but jumped directly onto Zhao Lu's bed.



Chen Chen saw the joy on Zhao Lu's face and put his finger on Zhao Lu's mouth.

"This is a deserted island, it's not convenient, so don't even think about it.

Just sleep!

There's nothing more!"

"But I can't sleep~"

"If you can’t sleep, just stare!"

"Then a hug will be ok, right?"



"Zhao Lu!!!!"

In the rainy night forest, a very sharp cry suddenly appeared, startling countless wild animals.

It also frightened the three"Pokémon" in the shelter.


The night passed quickly.

The next day, Zhao Lu got up refreshed.

She stretched happily and walked out of the house.

"It's clear now!"

Looking at the sky that had just cleared up and feeling the moisture in the air, Zhao Lu was in a very happy mood.

"Today I can finally finish my palace!


By the way, I forgot to turn on the camera!"

Zhao Lu suddenly thought of the camera.

He turned it off all night yesterday. Now there is nothing to do, it's time to turn it on again.

"Good morning, everyone~" As usual, Zhao Lu greeted those invisible netizens online. Then he started to wash up. However, he didn’t know that the live broadcast room had completely exploded at this moment!


"Something must have happened!

Something must have happened!

Something must have happened!

They must have done something last night!"

"And it must be in the wild!

Oh my god!

This is too crazy, right?

In my opinion, people who do this kind of thing on a deserted island should be despised by everyone!"


I am really envious!"

"Oh...I'm sour……"


Ever since Zhao Lu turned off the camera last night, the internet has been going crazy!

Since Zhao Lu and Chen Chen are both very popular, and everyone likes this couple, after Chen Chen's"official announcement", countless people started talking about it online.

Plus, the program crew fanned the flames.

Now, all three topics related to their story have become hot searches!

However, Zhao Lu doesn't care about these.

He has already started directing Liu and Hu to work.

"Lao Liu, go mix the lime mortar. Lao Hu, start washing the vegetables. I'll cook in a while.

Let's start working after we finish eating!"

"No problem, boss!"

The two of them responded and started working.


It's so early!"

At this time, Chen Chen also came out of the shelter.

Seeing Zhao Lu, she greeted her.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she frowned and rubbed her cheeks vigorously.

"Why do you still feel so uncomfortable?"

"Good morning~

White Mole~"


What did you call me!?"


"You are not allowed to call me Xiaobai!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen immediately turned into a kitten with bared fangs and claws, and pounced on him fiercely.

"Good white"

"Don’t shout!"

"Yeah, got it, Xiaobai.~"

"You bastard!"

Chen Chen pouted and glared at Zhao Lu fiercely, then turned and left.

Everyone has their own tasks, and her task is to clean up the farm.


After breakfast, the four of them started to work busily.

"The frame of the"palace" has been completed. What needs to be done today is to pour lime mortar into the wooden frame.

Then all the bricks and tiles will be affixed, and all the work will be completed.

The workload seems large, but with the joint efforts of the four people, it is not too difficult. In just one morning, the four people have completely completed the"palace"!

Looking at this real palace in front of them, several people feel a little proud.

"It's not easy~"

Zhao Lu sighed silently.

The palace covers an area of about two thousand square meters.

In the outermost circle, there is a two-story building.

Each house in this circle is about 5 meters wide.

Inside the outermost circle of houses is an inner courtyard of about 30*40 meters.

The inner courtyard is very exquisite.

There are aisles, green plants, flowers and grass, and some more exquisite rooms.

However, flowers and plants have not been transplanted in now.

After all, the typhoon is coming soon. If these things are transplanted in now, they will be scrapped in a short time. It is equivalent to a waste of effort.

There are doors and windows in each room.

However, in order to prevent typhoons, these doors and windows are the simplest and most windproof.

The windows are all sliding windows.

Because the wall made by Zhao Lu is relatively wide, it is relatively simple to make a slide on the wood.

However, no real windows are installed at this moment, but pure wooden boards are used on it.

"It’s finally done!"

Chen Chen also sighed,"It’s just not perfect yet.

I really hope to see it in its most perfect form!""

"After the typhoon passes, we will decorate it.

Paint it and decorate the yard."


Liu Deli and Hu Xin were both stunned when they heard what Zhao Lu said.

They really didn't know anything about the typhoon.

"Boss, the typhoon is……"

Just when they wanted to find out what was going on, their help bracelets suddenly rang at the same time.

"Attention all contestants!

Attention all contestants!

Tropical Cyclone Big Pineapple has officially become a typhoon and will pass by Youmeng Island in three days.

The strongest wind on the island is in the southeast, so please pay attention!

If necessary, please use the help function!"

"Official announcement!?"

The four of them were all stunned.


At the same time, all the contestants on the deserted island heard this announcement.

After hearing this announcement, most of them were stunned.

"Typhoon! ?"

Xiang Mo was also one of the dumbfounded people,"Xiao Xixi!

The typhoon is coming!

What should we do! ?"

Mo Xi picked up the barbecue expressionlessly and put it to his mouth, took a big bite, and then pointed at several small animals on the ground.

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