"Are you reluctant to part with these foods?"

Xiang Mo saw Mo Xi pointing at the small animals on the ground and seemed to want to speak, so he said first:"It doesn't matter!

We can eat before leaving!

I can eat a lot!

If you need, I can finish all these things in one day!"

After Xiang Mo finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the camera without waiting for Mo Xi to answer.

With a"warrior" expression, he said seriously:"Dear fans.

We are about to withdraw from the competition.

I decided to perform a show of 'Lian Po is old but can still eat' for everyone before I withdraw from the competition.

I hope you will like it and give me a reward!

Thank you!"

Xiang Mo said, then he put his hands together and bowed slightly to the camera.

"Please please!"



"No need."

Mo Xi shook his head expressionlessly,"I mean, we can't underestimate ourselves.

A few days ago, could you believe that we could catch so many prey?"

"I don't believe it...

A few days ago, how could I have thought that we could come up with such a clever way to catch prey!

If I had thought of it earlier, we wouldn't be hungry!

If I had thought of it earlier, maybe I would have earned a lot of rewards now!

I don't know how much I have earned now……"

Xiang Mo started to mutter to herself when she heard this.

There was nothing she could do. She really regretted it.

If she had known this earlier, she would have done it earlier.

"Who knew your aunt could be used like this!"

"I just thought of this method, too."

Mo Xi bit a piece of meat expressionlessly.

After she experienced"heavy bleeding", the bloody smell on her body became even stronger.

In order to prevent being attacked by wild animals, she dug traps all around their shelter.

As a result, these all-round traps actually fell into animals attracted by her bloody smell!

This time, they had a great harvest!

Not only did they solve the problem of food, but they also threw away a lot of uneaten internal organs!

"It's true, fate is wonderful.

Everything has been predetermined!"

Xiang Mo sighed, and then continued to talk to the camera.

After she stabilized a little, she continued to be active in front of the camera.

"Hey friends, if you have gifts, please give them to us.

Xiao Xixi, what do you want to try?"

"We can migrate to places where the wind is weaker.

Our shelter is also very broken, so it is not a pity to throw it away."

"It seems... to be a method."

Xiang Mo nodded.

If the game could continue, who would be willing to leave?

"Then let's start preparing ~ time is running out"


A single stone can cause a thousand ripples.

This notice from the program group made the entire deserted island lively.

Everyone knew what a typhoon meant.

Everyone also knew what their own shelters were like.

Most people's shelters were just for protection from rain, but if a typhoon came, everything would be blown away.

It was obviously very difficult to build a shelter that could withstand a typhoon in three days.

Therefore, most of the contestants in the southeast, south, east, or in the middle began to migrate.

They planned to come to the northwest where the wind was not that strong.

"Hey~ Brother Shuo, how many times have we moved?"

After hearing the announcement from the program team, Wei Di wanted to cry.

Because they just moved not long ago!

"I don't know...

Who would remember such a boring thing?"

Li Shuo shrugged and said something speechless.

"It's just our bad luck!

We found resources several times, but someone got there first, so we didn't get anything.

Just like those coconut crabs!

Now that I think about it, they must have been taken away by someone."

"Brother Shuo~Didn’t you say at that time that the coconut crabs were not at home?"


Li Shuo laughed dryly and then quickly changed the subject,"We need to learn from our mistakes and migrate early to find a good place to occupy.

Otherwise, others will take over first.""

"That is required!"

"Let’s take action!"


If someone recorded a video over Youmeng Island, they would definitely see that at this moment, countless contestants were carrying large and small bags, migrating slowly like ants.

They were forced by the typhoon.

However, Zhao Lu was an exception.

As a man with a typhoon-proof house, he naturally did not need to migrate back and forth to avoid the typhoon.

As long as the wind force of this typhoon is not too strong, then nothing will happen.

Moreover, according to the announcement, this is a passing typhoon and will not land, so the wind force will not be too strong.

Naturally, he would not be afraid.

In fact, at this moment, not only is he not afraid, but he is also preparing a celebration banquet.

"Everyone has worked hard during this period.

Our big house is now completed, so we need to celebrate it properly!"

Zhao Lu picked up the cup filled with honey water and clinked glasses with everyone.

"Everyone, eat quickly, and start stocking up after eating."


The three of them answered at the same time, and then began to eat.

Today's meal was very rich. Zhao Lu also made rice for once.

She even made four dishes.

Everyone was very happy.

After the meal, they started to act separately and began to prepare for the typhoon.

Liu Hu and the other two went to the small fruit forest they found to collect fruits, while Zhao Lu and Chen Chen came to the place where they found the tree grapes yesterday and began to harvest the tree grapes.

After harvesting this wave, they went to harvest breadfruit, mangoes and bananas.

A busy and fulfilling afternoon passed just like that.


While everyone was busy, Xiang Mo and Mo Xi were also busy migrating.

Their journey was very smooth.

It was so smooth that they were a little surprised.

"Xiao Xixi, we are so lucky. We don’t know how far we have walked now.

But I think we can occupy a good place!"

Xiang Mo said happily.


Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly and continued walking.

However, what they didn't realize was that the direction in the rainforest was the most difficult to identify.

And they were now walking in the wrong direction.

Following this direction, they were directly led into an extremely dangerous area!

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