
Xiang Mo looked around in a panic.

She felt something was wrong.

It was as if there was a wild beast around them.

"I always feel like something is wrong.

There seems to be something around me...

Do you notice anything?"


Mo Xi shook his head expressionlessly and continued to walk forward.

"Well... just pretend it's nothing.……"

Xiang Mo swung the hatchet in frustration, chopping an unknown plant next to him into two pieces.

"I guess I'm just overthinking it... but I always feel weird……"

Because they had taken the wrong direction, the two of them continued to move forward southward. They did not encounter anything special on the road. They did not even encounter a single wild animal.

This smoothness made them feel a little uneasy, but they could not tell what was wrong.

"Why does it still feel weird?……"

"You think too much."

Mo Xi replied expressionlessly.

"Do you want to take a break?"

"Take a break……"

Xiang Mo let out a long breath, then found a relatively clean place to sit down.

"It is really hard to survive in this place!

I won’t talk about the heat, humidity, or heavy rain.

But I can’t help but talk about the insects. Look at my legs bitten by leeches!

My poor legs!

I hope there are no scars or anything like that…

Otherwise, my beautiful legs will not be beautiful anymore.……"

Looking at his calf that was covered in blood from being bitten by leeches, Xiang Mo was about to cry.

"Let's be careful, there are too many leeches in the rainforest."

Mo Xi's legs were also covered in blood, which was caused by leech bites.

"Is there really nothing that can protect against leeches?"

"We don't have any."

Mo Xi shook his head expressionlessly, then took out the bamboo leaves and lit them.

"This thing is disgusting!

If it weren't for this thing, we wouldn't have to wear so many clothes in such hot weather!"

When it comes to leeches, Xiang Mo is full of resentment.

The best way to prevent being bitten by leeches is to wear thicker clothes.

But this thing is everywhere, no matter how tightly you wear, there will be a flaw and you will be bitten.

"Maybe it's because it's too hot and annoying, so I have those weird thoughts.……"

Xiang Mo gave a bitter smile, then took the burnt bamboo leaf powder from Mo Xi and rubbed it on his wound.


"In the rainforest, the most dangerous things are often not ferocious beasts, but smaller things.

For example, bacteria, fungi, small insects, leeches, etc.

Liu Deli was talking to the camera while working.

"Because the probability of encountering large beasts is not high, and large���Beasts generally don't actively attack humans.

However, the probability of encountering those little creatures is 100%!

As long as you are in the rainforest, you will definitely be tortured by various insects~

Fortunately, I have a magic medicine specially prepared by my boss.

With this medicine, I don't have to worry about being bitten by these disgusting insects anymore.


Liu Deli suddenly saw an ant, then he stopped moving, slowly bent down, and lay down next to the ant.


Look everyone, what did your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi find!

There is a bullet ant here.

You can tell it's ferocious just by the name, right?

It is indeed very ferocious.

If you get bit, it will be very painful!

It feels like a rusty nail pierced into the heel, and then walking barefoot on red-hot charcoal.

The pain will get stronger and stronger. As long as I am bitten by this little thing, I don't have to do anything else today, I just have to bear the pain.

It is the most painful insect in the world, very scary."

Liu Deli said, and took out a bamboo tube, placed the bamboo tube in front of the bullet ant, and used his hands coated with the medicinal materials given by Zhao Lu to drive away the bullet ant, and drove the bullet ant into the bamboo tube.

"However, this thing is pretty good~


If you use it to play a prank on someone, it's really powerful!"

Liu Deli shook the bamboo tube in his hand and smiled proudly.

"It's an unexpected harvest!

I plan to collect some more bullet ants now.

Anyway, my fruit collection task has been completed."

After Liu Deli said this, he began to look for bullet ants nearby.

However, he searched for a long time but still couldn't find the second one.

This made him a little frustrated.

"It seems that this ant is out looking for food.

I need to go a little further to find their nest."

Liu Deli said, and began to walk away. After searching for a long time, he finally found another bullet ant.

However, this time he did not rush to catch it, but followed behind the bullet ant, trying to find its nest and catch a whole nest of ants.


Following the bullet ants all the way, when they arrived at the ant nest, Liu Deli was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then looked at the distance with some surprise.

There were actually many things that excited him!

"What a pleasant surprise!"


The tasks in the afternoon were not very difficult.

The only difficult part was the transportation of the fruit.

However, Zhao Lu, who had superb physical strength, could easily overcome this difficulty.

Therefore, the harvest in the afternoon was very rich.

"Hmm? What happened to Liu Deli?

Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Zhao Lu looked at the sky and frowned,"Did something happen?"

Accidents are very common on a deserted island, so we can't take it lightly.

"Wait a little longer. If he doesn't come back, we'll go find him."

Hu Xin also looked at the direction Liu Deli left with some worry, and then continued to build his tent.

In order to make the new house more thorough, they would not live there for the next two days.

While they were busy, they waited for Liu Deli to come back.

Just when they were getting impatient and wanted to go out to look for him, Liu Deli finally came back.

""Boss! Boss!"

As soon as Liu Deli appeared in everyone's sight, he began to shout loudly.

Just looking at his expression, you can tell that he is very happy at the moment.


I found a really good thing!"

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