The comments in Zhao Lu's live broadcast room instantly went up. They filled the entire screen.

Countless people were watching here.

The staff of the program also began to prepare tranquilizer guns and helicopters. Not long after, they flew directly into the sky.

Although Zhao Lu did not ask for help, in their opinion, Zhao Lu would definitely not be able to withstand so many gorillas.

So it is better to act early!


Zhao Lu was not clear about all this.

What he knew most clearly was that he hated the gorilla in front of him!

Because this guy had a stinky mouth!

""Get out of here, you bastard!"

Zhao Lu yelled, then slightly turned her body to avoid King Kong's fist, and then blasted out with her right fist, hitting the gorilla's chin hard.



The gorilla screamed, and a very crisp sound of bones breaking rang out at the same time.

The next moment, the gorilla flew up directly, and then fell heavily to the ground.


The heavy object of more than 500 kilograms fell to the ground with a bang, and the noise it produced was naturally not small.

Instantly attracted the attention of all the gorillas and monkeys.


The gorilla leader was furious when he saw the gorilla attacking Zhao Lu being knocked down.

He roared and swept away all the macaques around him.

Then he rushed towards Zhao Lu with a ferocious look on his face.


Am I that strong?"

Zhao Lu clenched his fist.

He thought his fist would hurt, but it didn't hurt that much.

Seeing the gorilla leader rushing towards him, Zhao Lu was not surprised but happy.

""Come on!"

Zhao Lu shouted in a low voice and rushed towards the gorilla.

A sturdy human of 1.88 meters and a giant gorilla with a height of nearly 2 meters attacked each other at the same time.

Then the two collided fiercely, bringing a very shocking visual impact to everyone!


The two collided, and Zhao Lu was knocked back three steps.

There was nothing he could do. Although he was strong, the gorilla was bigger and heavier than him.

According to the momentum formula p=mv, under the condition of similar speed, his momentum was not as good as that of the gorilla.

The two collided, generating an impulse of I=mv1-mv2! The impulse

I=Ft, the collision time was very short, so the force generated by such a collision was very large.

If Zhao Lu hadn't been good at unloading force, it would not be as simple as taking three steps back.

However, Zhao Lu did not retreat and get frustrated because of this. Instead, he became more excited.


It feels great!"

He felt his blood burning.

"Sure enough, physical combat is the romance of men!"

Zhao Lu clenched her fists and rushed forward again.


The gorilla roared with some excitement. In its opinion, it had the upper hand and could definitely beat this"strange creature" this time.

So, it swung its fist and hit Zhao Lu.

But Zhao Lu was not stupid enough to bump fists with the opponent.

Without the weight advantage, a head-on collision would be very disadvantageous.

So he dodged the opponent's attack with great flexibility, and then punched hard, hitting the gorilla's abdomen directly!


The gorilla felt pain, and the strength of his fist became much weaker. His movements also became slower, and he took two steps back. His upright body was a little unstable.

Zhao Lu did not give up this good opportunity to attack.

He suddenly stepped forward, came behind the gorilla, hugged its arm, and then used the force of the punch to throw the gorilla to the ground over his shoulder!

Then he raised his foot and stomped on its head.


With a loud noise, the gorilla's head was stomped to the ground by Zhao Lu!


Seeing their leader being beaten, the remaining gorillas went crazy. They only attacked and did not defend, and beat back the macaques surrounding them, and then all rushed towards Zhao Lu.

It must be said that these gorillas are really smart.

After they found that Zhao Lu was knocked back by the leader gorilla, they all began to choose to use the attack method of collision.

And this attack method is really useful.

Zhao Lu couldn't knock down these gorillas, so he could only dodge quickly, let the gorillas hit him, and then punch him.

However, when he punched, he was very embarrassed to find that these gorillas did not stop. They just ran away with the force of the collision!

There were also two who took advantage of the gap when their companions hit Zhao Lu to force him back, carried the two gorillas on the ground, and then quickly ran away.


Sure enough, they are cowardly~"

Zhao Lu smiled and shook his head. He was not surprised by this.

Although gorillas are very strong and fierce, they are not very courageous, smart, and afraid of pain.

So after the leader and the second strongest gorilla in the tribe were defeated, it was normal for them to choose to run away.

"But why would the timid gorilla leader go crazy?

Could it be... homosexuality?"

Zhao Lu's smile suddenly became strange.

Gorillas like to do this kind of thing, so this is also possible.


"Squeak squeak……"

After seeing the gorilla run away, the macaques immediately started cheering


"Holy shit!

Is the master still human?

He actually took down two King Kongs by himself!

They were adult gorillas, silverback gorillas! Is n’t this too scary?"

"These two King Kongs really had no power to fight back!

If the master hadn't deliberately bumped into the King Kong at the beginning, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been able to touch the master at all!"

"The Great Devil!

The Great Devil Zhao Lu!

Too strong! Too strong!

He is too strong! He actually led the macaques to a comeback!"

"Bro, you're on the wrong channel?!"


When the bullet screen exploded in the live broadcast room, the staff of the program team stared at the live broadcast screen in amazement in the helicopter above the rain forest.

" this still a human being?"

"Too strong!

If he were to box, he would definitely be a world champion!"


How much power does this fist have?……"

"He is really the devil.……"


As the crowd sighed, the macaques calmed down from their cheers.

Some monkeys began to pick up the bodies on the ground, some began to rescue the wounded, and the monkey king, who had just ignored Zhao Lu, limped towards Zhao Lu with the help of two monkeys. Behind the monkey king, there were several monkeys.

They held a royal lily leaf in their hands and walked slowly towards Zhao Lu.


After seeing the things on the Victoria amazonica leaves, Zhao Lu was stunned for a moment.

"There is such a thing! ?"

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