Zhao Lu didn't expect that these monkeys were so particular.

They just came out to offer treasures.

They even used a 2-meter-diameter Victoria amazonica leaf as a tray.

"It really has a sense of ritual!"

For some reason, this word popped up in Zhao Lu's mind.

"This monkey king is also a particular monkey.~"


This time the monkey king didn't have that indifferent expression.

When he came in front of Zhao Lu, he squeaked at Zhao Lu twice with a"kind face".

Don't ask how the monkey looked"kind".

Anyway, Zhao Lu could see that the other party had a kind face.


After thanking Zhao Lu, the monkey king waved to the monkeys behind him.

Then the monkeys quickly walked forward a few steps and put the royal lotus leaves they were carrying on the ground.

The monkey king naturally took a bamboo cup from the royal lotus leaf and handed it to Zhao Lu. After

Zhao Lu took the cup, it picked up another small natural stone cup on the royal lotus leaf and respectfully toasted Zhao Lu with a glass of wine.

���It feels like an elegant landlord, not a monkey.

"Isn't this too clever?"

Zhao Lu was a little stunned.

Bamboo cups are not rare. You can tell at a glance that this thing is something left behind by some unlucky person who was eliminated.

Stone cups are not rare either. Although they are rare, you can still find some.

But a monkey toasting is a bit scary.

"Could this thing be a time traveler?"

Zhao Lu suddenly had a ridiculous thought in his mind, and then he stopped being polite and drank the cup of monkey wine in one gulp.


The monkey wine immediately brought Zhao Lu a cool and hot feeling.

The wine quickly slid down the esophagus, and this feeling continued to extend, bringing Zhao Lu a different kind of enjoyment.

"Good wine! Haha~"

Although I don't know what it is made of, it's the first time Zhao Lu drinks such a strange monkey wine.

It tastes really good.


The monkey king waved his hands, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

He seemed to understand what Zhao Lu said.

Then he handed the stone cup to a monkey and pushed the royal lotus leaf towards Zhao Lu.

The meaning was also very clear, that is, to give the things on the royal lotus leaf, together with the royal lotus leaf, to Zhao Lu.

"It's really agarwood and ambergris~"

After smelling the two black strange things on the royal lily leaves, Zhao Lu sighed softly.

"With this thing, can't I make an air freshener?

Even, can I make perfume?

It's really a pleasant surprise!"

Zhao Lu sighed, and then put away the two good things.

He turned his head and looked at the royal lotus leaf.

At this moment, there are many unknown wild fruits and water corn on the royal lotus leaf.

Water corn is the fruit of royal lotus.

The berries are spherical, and the seeds are about the same size as lotus seeds and are black.

It is rich in starch and is a very good food.

Zhao Lu didn't hesitate to put the wild fruits and water corn into his bamboo basket.

Then he took out some wound medicine from his pocket and handed it to the Monkey King.

He also used gestures to express the purpose and use of the wound medicine.

The Monkey King is worthy of being the Monkey King. He has a very high intelligence. After a while, he knew what these wound medicines were used for.

So it hurriedly"squeaked" and ran towards its injured subordinates.

It looked very hurried, and it didn't even care about its own injuries.

""He is smart and responsible. It is definitely not a fluke that he became the Monkey King~"

Zhao Lu smiled and was not in a hurry to leave.

Anyway, he had received news from the monkey who brought him here that there were buffaloes. He could just let it take him to find them later.

So, he took out a water corn and peeled it while waiting for the Monkey King.

Not long after, a series of"squeaks" with joy came from the Monkey King.

""How clever!"

Zhao Lu felt a little emotional when she heard the monkeys' cheers.

Not long after, the monkey king came to Zhao Lu again.

He squeaked twice in gratitude.

Zhao Lu waved her hand nonchalantly.

Then she pointed at the"experienced monkey" standing aside and imitated the call of a buffalo with her ventriloquism.


"Seeing this, the"old monkey" hurriedly"squeaked" twice, then turned to look at the Monkey King.

The Monkey King waved his hand casually, and then"squeaked" twice at Zhao Lu.

It felt like seeing an old friend off from home, and by the way, saying"Come and play often".

Inspired by the Monkey King, Zhao Lu also waved to the Monkey King and said"Goodbye".

Then, he saw that the Monkey King actually smiled at him!


Is this monkey a spirit?!"

Zhao Lu was shocked and quickly quickened his pace, following the"old monkey" and leaving the macaque's nest.

This trip to the macaque's nest was very rewarding.

Not to mention the monkey wine, with this thing, he can easily make wine.

Not to mention the agarwood and ambergris, these are all good things, and can also be made into perfume.

The most important gain is the friendship of the macaque group.

"I believe that it will be very convenient for me to find anything in the future!

After all, I have so many"native" brothers to help me!"

Zhao Lu thought very proudly in his heart.

Many times, the reason why prey is difficult to hunt is because it is difficult to find where the prey is.

But with these monkeys, it will be much easier for Zhao Lu to find prey or plants in the future.

This is also the most special unexpected gain of Zhao Lu's trip.


A man and a monkey shuttled quickly through the forest.

They went to two places first, but did not find the bison.

Just when Zhao Lu suspected that the monkey had misunderstood his meaning, he finally saw the target of this trip-the Javan bison! The Javan bison is an animal that is not common in the tropical rainforest.

It looks very similar to a yellow cattle, but the four calves and buttocks are white.

They often live alone, or 2-3 live together, and sometimes 2-30 gather together to form a large group.

They hide during the day and come out at night, and are very difficult to find during the day.

All in all, this is a very good prey!

However, the three bison in front of him made Zhao Lu feel a little tricky for some special reasons.

Even the body was shaking a little.

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