"It's incredible……"

Xiang Mo stared blankly at everything in front of her.

Everything in front of her was impacting her three views.

This area is composed of three parts.

One is a stone platform.

On the stone platform, there are several small sheds, in the sheds there are a lot of dry firewood, and some brick kilns.

It looks like a place where things are fired.

The second part is a small courtyard.

The small courtyard not only has a fence full of thorns, but also has three shelters.

Each shelter looks better than the one they live in.

The third part is even more amazing.

It's actually a"palace"!

It covers a large area, and there is a small swimming pool outside.

There are specially built waterways to bring water from the outside into the palace.

The palace is exquisite in appearance, as beautiful as a large ancient mansion.

"Could it be that we have come to the station of the production crew?"

Xiang Mo said this out of the blue.

In her opinion, only the staff could build such a shelter, right?

If it were a contestant, who would have the time to build such a huge structure!

Just looking for food would exhaust all the time and energy of the contestants.

""It's incredible!"

Mo Xi also showed a shocked expression on her face.

For her, who had always been expressionless, this was as incredible as the appearance of such a palace on a deserted island.

"This must be a contestant."

Then, Mo Xi's face was���He regained his composure and said with certainty:"If it were the production team, they would never use such material."

"That's true."

Xiang Mo nodded, then suddenly thought of something and gritted his teeth.


It must be him!

He is the one who cut down the tree we marked!

What a narrow road for enemies!

I didn’t expect that we would meet here!


Xiao Xixi!

Let’s go and cause trouble for them!"

"Not good."

Mo Xi shook his head,"They are the ones who saved us.

Cutting down the trees should be unintentional, we can't repay kindness with hatred."

"Then let's go get a bowl of hot water~"

Xiang Mo pouted immediately, his face full of grievance.

"I really can't bear it anymore~


Xiao Xixi~"

"Well, then.

I'll go in and thank you."

Mo Xi thought for a moment and agreed.

The two began to walk towards the palace not far away.

As for the small courtyard, they simply ignored it.

After all, in their opinion, that house must have been built at the beginning.

Now it must have been moved.

"Is anyone there?"

Mo Xi knocked hard on the palace door and called out loudly.

Although the door was currently open, it was still necessary to knock on the door.

""Is anyone there?"

Xiang Mo also shouted loudly, but there was still no response.

"Did they go out to chop trees?"

Xiang Mo's pretty eyebrows suddenly frowned together,"Why don't we go under the shed on the stone platform and sit for a while?"

The rain has been falling.

She is already soaked. She really doesn't want to continue soaking in the water.


Mo Xi nodded, and then helped Xiang Mo walk over there.

However, at this time, a very clear and pleasant voice suddenly came from the palace.

"What happened to you guys?"

The two turned around and saw a very cute and pretty girl.

It was Chen Chen who stayed at home!

"You are... Chen Chen?"

Xiang Mo raised her eyebrows and smiled.

She knew Chen Chen because his name was very similar to Mo Xi's and he was also very good-looking.

"Xiang Mo? Mo Xi?"

Chen Chen also knew them both. After all, beautiful people will always be remembered.

""Xiang Mo, what's wrong with your leg?

Come in and sit down!

Wait for your brother to come back and I'll ask him to help you~"

Chen Chen said, and then he trotted over and helped Xiang Mo in with Mo Xi.

"We just want some hot water to drink~"

Xiang Mo cried and told all the bad things that happened to him today.

This immediately aroused Chen Chen's sympathy.

"Come in first and have a drink of water and warm yourself by the fire~"

"Uh-huh���Thank you~"

Xiang Mo nodded repeatedly.

She felt that she had really turned from bad to good. She just hoped that she would not be too happy and then sad.

As she walked, she looked at the scenery in the palace.

The more she looked, the more shocked she felt.

"So beautiful!

So nice!

Is this really a deserted island!?"

She felt like a country bumpkin entering the city, curious about everything she saw.


What is that?"

Suddenly she saw two very strange plants not far away.

The plants seemed to be two people, bowing to the balcony.

"Uh... that's an ornamental plant~ don't mind it."

Chen Chen smiled awkwardly.

Hu Xin's flattering words came to his mind again.

"Come on, come in and sit down."

As they were talking, they came to the textile workshop of the palace.

The workshop was about 50 square meters.

There was a loom, a table, and four chairs.

There was also a stove in the corner, which could be used to boil water and cook.

On the ground on the other side, there were three nests.

In them lay a cat, a honey badger, and a honey bear.

It was simple, but also very shocking.

"There are pets! ?"

Xiang Mo was even more shocked.

Keeping pets on a deserted island... this is simply unimaginable!

"It's a cat!"

"Don't touch it, it's very fierce."

Chen Chen smiled.

Her smile was full of pride.

All this was her brother's masterpiece!

"Is this an ocelot?"

Although Mo Xi was asking, his tone was very certain.

"Yes, you sit down.~���

Chen Chen took out two bamboo cups, scooped a spoonful of honey, and poured a spoonful of hot water from the pot next to the stove into the cups.

"Come, drink some honey water~"

"Honey water!?"

Xiang Mo swallowed hard, and did not take the cup. Instead, he said a little embarrassedly:"I'm so sorry~

You actually gave us such a valuable thing~

In fact, just give us boiled water.~"

"This is not a valuable thing~"

Chen Chen smiled helplessly,"We have more than ten kilograms of honey~"


"More than 10… pounds!?


Not expensive!?"

Xiang Mo felt that his mind was completely confused.

Is this really a deserted island!?


This is showing off wealth!

It must be showing off wealth!


I'm back~

Have you tried what I gave you?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out.

Then a tall figure pushed the door open and walked in.

The four of them met, and the atmosphere was a little strange.

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