"There are guests~"

Zhao Lu glanced at the two women in the room, then nodded slightly, as a greeting.

"Xiaobai, you take care of the guests. I'm going to get busy."

After saying that, he turned and walked out.

""Okay, brother~"

Chen Chen turned and smiled at Zhao Lu, but his eyes were very unfriendly.

And he was a little shy.

"How can you call me Xiaobai in front of outsiders!?"

Chen Chen took a long breath, adjusted his mood, and then turned to look at Xiang Mo and Mo Xi.

"Drink some water~


Although she didn't show anything on her face, she was still a little shy and flustered in her heart.

"He is your companion, right?

You can tell at first glance that he is very powerful!"

Xiang Mo's face flushed slightly.

It has been raining in the rain forest for a while, and it has been soaked through. The temperature has dropped below 30 degrees.

Because of the wind, the perceived temperature will be lower.

However, Zhao Lu has been working all the time and it is quite hot, so her upper body is not wearing any clothes.

So, she saw the scene of Zhao Lu shirtless.

The strong muscles, the perfect eight-pack abs and mermaid lines, the skin that was originally white but slightly dark due to frequent sun exposure, and the handsome face.

All of them exude a strong masculine scent.

Xiang Mo's face couldn't help but blush when it was the first time he was in close contact with such a scene.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Xiang Mo quickly picked up the cup and lowered his head to drink a sip of honey water.

However, Chen Chen didn't notice these.

She is still embarrassed and thinking about it.


Everything here is his credit!"

"Mmm! This honey is really delicious ~

Thank you!"

"It's okay, it's just some water, it's okay~"

"It's him"


The two absent-minded people who were talking nonsense suddenly heard Mo Xi's inexplicable words, and they all turned their heads to look over.

"What is he?"

"He saved us."


Xiang Mo was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted.

This place is very close to where she was bitten, and looking at this shelter and the things in the shelter, it is clear that it is a strong person.

Therefore, the one who saved them must be Zhao Lu.

"Unexpectedly, the benefactor we have been looking for for a long time is your brother~"

Xiang Mo suddenly said with some surprise, and then turned to look at Mo Xi

"Xiao Xixi, we should say thank you in person!"

"It's okay~"

Chen Chen smiled when she heard this. When she heard Xiang Mo talking about her bad luck, she had already guessed that the person who saved her was Zhao Lu.

So she was not very surprised.

"Brother won't care about these.

You guys can have a good rest here.

If you feel uncomfortable, you can take off your clothes and warm yourself by the fire.

I see your clothes are all wet, and it's uncomfortable to wear them like this.

If you feel embarrassed, I can go out later.~"


Xiang Mo smiled a little embarrassedly,"Then thank you~"

The feeling of her clothes being soaked and sticking to her skin was very uncomfortable, and she couldn't stand it any longer.

So, after Chen Chen said that, she shamelessly agreed.

"Hahaha~ It's nothing~"

Chen Chen smiled and nodded, then stood up and walked outside.

"You guys have a good rest here, this door can be locked, just lock it later.

I will tell our people not to come in."



There are four of us~

Have a good rest~"

Chen Chen said, and then he pushed the door and left.

"Xiao Xixi!

Turn off the camera!"



As soon as the camera was turned off, Xiang Mo no longer had any trace of ladylike air.

She lifted her leg and put her foot on Mo Xi's leg, leaning back and posing like a Ge You pose.

"We really met a good person~

That's great!

This reminds me of that big yellow tooth.

It turns out that sometimes people still need to look good. Look at how wretched the big yellow tooth is, he is really not a good person.

Look at how good-looking Zhao Lu and Chen Chen are, they are really good people!"

"A person's character has nothing to do with his appearance."

Mo Xi expressionlessly moved Xiang Mo's legs off his legs.

"Also, how do you know his name is Zhao Lu?"


My little Xixi~ didn't you see the list of contestants before coming here?"


"Uh... okay...

I took a look and felt that he was the most handsome of all the contestants.

How could I not remember him if he was so handsome?"

After turning off the camera, Xiang Mo's true colors were revealed and he dared to say anything.


Xiao Xixi~

Go, lock the door, and help me change clothes."

Mo Xi looked at Xiang Mo expressionlessly, and then went to close the door.

She was also annoyed by the wet clothes.

Roasting by the fire, drying clothes, and drinking honey water, this is the real enjoyment!


As soon as Chen Chen went out, she went to look for Zhao Lu.

Not long after, she found Zhao Lu in the smokehouse.

"Brother, their clothes were all wet, they looked so pitiful.

I let them stay and rest."

""Well, it's okay."

Zhao Lu waved his hand and didn't care.

He had just taken the pot out of the fire and was waiting for the steel pot to cool down naturally.

"Is this pot of charcoal ready?"


Zhao Lu nodded.

He was burning charcoal.

There are two ways to make charcoal with wood.

One is to gather the wood together, wrap it with mud, and leave an air outlet from top to bottom.

Then leave an opening at the top, put in the flammable wood and ignite it, and start burning.

In this way, the flame will burn from the top all the way down.

Observe the burning condition of the wood inside through the specially reserved air outlet observation hole.

Once the degree of burning is almost the same, the air outlet of that layer will be directly blocked with mud.

This will continue until all the wood is carbonized.

The second is to find a closed but slightly ventilated metal box, then put all the firewood in it and cover it.

Put this metal box in the fire and burn it for a certain period of time.

In this way, the firewood can be perfectly carbonized.

The second method is not only simple, but also the charcoal made from it rarely produces smoke when burning.

In addition, Zhao Lu has a lot of pots, so he used one pot as a tool for burning charcoal.

"Fortunately, our pot is the kind that can be covered, otherwise this method really can't be used."

Zhao Lu didn't know the purpose of the program team, but everyone's pot is like this, which really saved him a lot of trouble.

""Boss! Boss!"

At this moment, Liu Deli's loud shout suddenly came from outside.

"It’s released!

It’s really released this time!"

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