
What a great event!"

Zhao Lu couldn't help but frowned when she heard Liu Deli's shout.

"What's wrong with Lao Liu?"


Liu Deli was very excited at the moment.

His task was to store water and find yellow mud and clay.

With the waterway, storing water was a very simple job.

All he had to do was put the wooden barrels that had been prepared long ago under the waterway, and when they were filled with water, he could leave the buckets.

It was purely physical work.

Soon he filled all the buckets with water.

Then, he went out with a bamboo basket on his back to collect yellow mud and clay.

Just passing by the river, he found countless fish by the river, jumping madly towards the river.

And there were many fish that had just died by the river.

Obviously, they had jumped ashore before him.

Seeing this scene, Liu Deli was immediately ecstatic.

This is food!

On a deserted island, the most important thing is food, which is as precious as money outside!

So, he temporarily gave up collecting yellow mud and clay and started picking up fish.

He was not satisfied with just picking up fish, so he found a sharp wooden stick and started fishing. He kept walking along the river, catching and picking up fish.

After a whole morning, he could no longer carry the bamboo basket!

"Hey, audience friends, did you see that?

Your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi can also catch so many prey!

Liu Laoshi's luck has finally improved!"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head excitedly. He directly ignored the credit of the typhoon and attributed all the credit for catching the fish to his own luck.

"I wonder how the boss will praise me?"

Just when Liu Deli was excited, Zhao Lu came out of the room.


Seeing Zhao Lu, Liu Deli immediately ran over happily



I caught so many fish!"

Liu Deli put the bamboo basket in front of Zhao Lu, like a primary school student who had scored full marks in the exam and was showing off to his parents and waiting for praise.


However, Zhao Lu did not praise him, but frowned.

"So many fish?"

He felt a headache!

Because he didn't know how to eat so many fish!

This is a deserted island, there is no refrigerator.

The food can't be kept for too long.

There are already thousands of kilograms of beef, and now there are dozens of kilograms of fish...

I really can't finish it!

By then, it will definitely go bad before I finish eating it.

It's all wasted!

He really felt very sad and regretful to waste food on such a deserted island.

"It would be nice if there were more pets or people.……"

Inexplicably, this thought suddenly occurred to Zhao Lu.

If the other contestants knew about this thought, they would be furious.

Comparing yourself to others is really frustrating!


Liu Deli found that Zhao Lu's expression was not right.

Logically, shouldn't she be surprised, patting my shoulder and praising me loudly?

Why did she look like she wanted to poop but couldn't?

Liu Deli was very puzzled.

So, he touched his almost bald head, trying to make this"extremely smart" brain work faster.

"Is it because the boss is jealous of my talent?

That shouldn't be the case!

The boss is much better than me!"

Liu Deli didn't realize that some people would worry about what to do if there is too much food to eat.

But Zhao Lu was really worried.


In the textile workshop,

Xiang Mo was leaning on the window, looking out curiously through the small gap in the window.

When she saw the fish Liu Deli was carrying, her mouth was watering.

""Wow! So many fish!"

Xiang Mo swallowed hard, then took out a piece of dried meat and chewed it slowly.

This was their only food!

"Xiao Xixi!

They caught so many fish!

Let's go to the river and catch some to eat! ?

The typhoon is coming soon, so there must be a lot of fish to catch, right?

But it's so strange!

Zhao Lu got so many fish at once, why didn't she look happy?

But this person was willing to become Zhao Lu's employee...

Zhao Lu is really amazing!"




Just as Zhao Lu was frowning, another shout suddenly came from a distance.

This time it was from Hu Xin.


I found something good!"

Hu Xin strode over with a pile of firewood in his hands and a bundle of strange things on his back.

""Boss, look!

It's palm core and wild vegetables!"

Hu Xin handed the bundle to Zhao Lu.

"And I picked some mushrooms, but I couldn't take them, so they're still there.……"

""Good, good, good!"

Zhao Lu was overjoyed. He took the palm core and kept looking at it. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. His expression immediately stunned Liu Deli and Xiang Mo.

Palm core is really good. It has the title of the king of vegetables and is a relatively precious ingredient.

Wild vegetables are also good. In a place like this where plants are everywhere, it is really hard to find them.

But on a deserted island, the value of these things is incomparable to fish!

Why did Zhao Lu look constipated when he saw the fish meat, which was obviously more valuable, but was full of joy when he saw the wild vegetable palm core, which was of lower value?

They couldn't figure it out.


"Don't you understand?"

Zhao Lu saw Liu Deli's stupid look and immediately glared at him.


Liu Deli was confused at first, but when he saw the vegetables on the ground and remembered the thousands of pounds of beef being smoked in the smokehouse, he suddenly understood.

"I understand!"

After Liu Deli figured it out, his expression suddenly turned bitter.


I was so reckless!

What should I do now?"

""Alas~ what should I do!"

After hearing Liu Deli's words, the other three sighed together.

At this moment, the four people's faces were full of sorrow.

If someone who didn't know the situation saw them, they would definitely think that they had nothing to eat!



Xiang Mo was confused

"What's going on with these four people?"

Xiang Mo turned to look at Mo Xi with a confused look on his face and told him everything he had just seen.

"Xiao Xixi, what happened?……"

Mo Xi pondered for a moment, then his beautiful eyebrows knitted together.

"Too much meat to finish?"

Mo Xi said the conclusion with a surprised look on her face, but she couldn't believe this conclusion at all.


Xiang Mo was stunned.

But then her eyes lit up.

"I have a great idea!

We can use that thing to trade for meat!"

"You mean that one! ?"

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