"They want food, to stay here until the typhoon is gone, and to heal Xiang Mo's injuries~"

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen quickly repeated Xiang Mo's and their requests.

"That's it~

No problem."

Zhao Lu nodded,"But I want to make some slight adjustments"

"What adjustments?"

"Stay here with me while you recover from your injuries. I will treat your injuries, detoxify you, and provide you with meals.

You can eat as much as you want, as long as you are full.

And when you leave, I will give you 100 kilograms of meat!

I have only one request. You need to work for me while you stay here.

How about that?"

Zhao Lu smiled very brightly.

He is short of manpower now, but not meat.

If he uses 100 kilograms of meat that will spoil sooner or later to exchange for two laborers and a saltpeter mine, it would be a great deal!

Xiang Mo's eyes were immediately filled with joy when he heard this. He and Mo Xi exchanged a glance and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

This is 100 kilograms of meat!

For Zhao Lu, it was just a drizzle, a drop in the ocean.

But for them...���That's really an astronomical figure.

"He is so generous!"

Xiang Mo looked at Zhao Lu, full of admiration in his heart.

I really don't know what she would think if she knew that Zhao Lu now had thousands of pounds of meat and just gave her the meat she didn't need.

But she didn't know it now.

"No problem!"

Xiang Mo nodded vigorously, and then seemed to be afraid that Zhao Lu would change her mind, so he quickly added:"However, I need to sign an agreement with you!

Let's be a villain first and a gentleman later, this way everyone will be better!"

"No problem~"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't care at all


Come and try my food~"

Soon, the agreement between them was signed, and the six people finally started to eat. There are more dishes today.

There is a big pot of boiled fish, which is full of fish meat, with only a small amount of wild vegetables at the bottom.

There is a big plate of mushroom fried meat, with very few mushrooms, but a lot of pork.

There is a big pot of beef brisket stewed with breadfruit. There is also a big pot of beef fried with dragon beans. There is also a roasted fish.

The soups are seaweed egg drop soup and black pepper pork bone soup.

The staple food is breadfruit.

This is today's lunch.

The six people ate and chatted.

Because the consumption on the deserted island is large, and the food made by Zhao Lu is very delicious, although there are many dishes at noon, they still finished them all in the end. After the meal, Zhao Lu began to arrange new tasks.

"Lao Liu, you and Mo Xi go and bring back all the saltpeter.

Lao Hu, follow me to dig a cellar.

Xiang Mo and Chen Chen, you guys stay home and work.

Okay, let's get started!"

Everyone responded and started to do their own tasks.

""Boss, now that we have saltpeter, the meat can be better preserved!"

Hu Xin was very excited.

He naturally knew what this cellar was used for, and also knew where the saltpeter would be used.

"But boss, should we use this saltpeter to make some gunpowder?"

"Forget it, there is no need for that."

Zhao Lu waved her hand.

Although the earth bomb is very useful, it is really unnecessary here.

"The saltpeter can only be used to make ice."

While the two were talking, they came to the small courtyard of the original shelter and began to dig on the ground inside the shelter.

They chose to dig a cellar here because they wanted to use this shelter to prevent rain and use the courtyard to prevent wild animals.

Moreover, the foundation of the new house had been laid, so there was no way to continue digging a cellar, so they could only leave it here.

Digging a cellar is not an easy task, but Zhao Lu is not fighting alone now, so the two of them worked together and soon dug to a depth of 4 meters underground.

"Lao Hu, you can continue digging now, keep digging, don't be afraid of getting tired, I will help you when I come back after collecting herbs."

Zhao Lu said, and then rushed up directly.

He brought Hu Xin here to teach him how to dig a pit, and then give him the work.

As a boss, he naturally has to enjoy more!

"It just so happens that I found a sausage tree this morning, so I can use it this time."

The bark of the sausage tree has a good effect on snake venom. With this medicinal material, he can make a better antidote.


In the weaving workshop,

Chen Chen and Xiang Mo are twisting ropes with tree bark.

"Do you still have no feeling in your legs?"


Xiang Mo nodded,"Actually, I feel like being unconscious might be a good thing.

It's better than feeling severe pain.~"

"This is"

"By the way, Chen Chen~

I have a question that has puzzled me for a long time."

"What's the problem?"

"It's just...

I heard that leopard cats are very fierce.

Moreover, this kind of cat has never been domesticated.

How did you make it so obedient?"

Xiang Mo looked at the cat huddled in front of the fire not far away, and suddenly he wanted to pet it.

"I don't understand this either, it's all done by my brother.

He's very good!"


Xiang Mo nodded, and his admiration for Zhao Lu increased a little more.

"So I believe he can heal your injury.~"

""Yeah, I believe it too."

Although Xiang Mo said this, she didn't think so in her heart.

When Mo Xi added this point, she added it to her.

The reason why she didn't refute it was just because of Mo Xi and Zhao Lu's face.

In her opinion, when Zhao Lu gave her first aid, he didn't suck out the poisonous blood or tie a rope around her legs, which showed that his medical skills were not good enough.

How could a person who couldn't even handle the emergency of a person who was poisoned by a snake have strong medical skills?

"What do you believe in?"

Just at this moment, Zhao Lu came in with a bowl of medicine.

"Hey? Brother!

You're back!"


Zhao Lu nodded, then looked at Xiang Mo's injured leg

"It's OK, it hasn't gotten too bad.

My efforts were worth it.~"

"Wasted effort?"

Xiang Mo was stunned when he heard this, and asked in confusion,"What kind of effort is this?""

"Help you suppress the toxicity."

Zhao Lu said softly,"Okay, now sit down and I'll treat you.

Drink this medicine first, and then sit with your back to me.

Remember, don't move around."

Zhao Lu instantly turned into a sexy old Chinese doctor and began to pat Xiang Mo.

Soon, Xiang Mo felt hot all over and felt much more energetic!

"Is it so powerful?"

Feeling the changes in her body, Xiang Mo was shocked.

Then, she thought of something else and asked quickly,"Um... can I ask you to do me a favor?"

After saying that, she suddenly became a little shy.

"I'm a little embarrassed. Let's turn off the camera and talk alone. How about that?"

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