"What's the matter?"

Zhao Lu frowned and looked at Xiang Mo with some doubt.

"It's not very convenient~"

Xiang Mo smiled a little embarrassedly, and then turned off the camera.

After the short treatment just now, she also understood how strong Zhao Lu's medical skills were.

Then she thought of the time when she was bitten by a snake, Zhao Lu did not use traditional rescue methods

"Could it be that he had slapped me twice like this and stabilized the snake venom?"

Xiang Mo was a little surprised.

He wanted to ask Zhao Lu for help more and more urgently.


Zhao Lu nodded and turned off the camera.

"Chen Chen~"

Xiang Mo looked at Chen Chen embarrassedly again,"Can you please go out for a while?"


Chen Chen looked at Xiang Mo with some doubts.

There was not only doubt in her eyes, but also some vigilance.

Xiang Mo was very beautiful. It made her feel very awkward to let such a beautiful girl stay in the same room with her boyfriend to heal. However, for the sake of face, she nodded and agreed very readily.


I just need to go check if the newly burned charcoal is ready, you guys chat first~"

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Chen Chen's leaving immediately attracted countless fans to complain wildly in the live broadcast room.

Countless people complained that Chen Chen was going to cheat. Some people complained about

Zhao Lu's fickleness.

Some people even complained about Xiang Mo's shamelessness.

But Xiang Mo was really shameless.

After all, it was about his friends.

"Um, my friend Mo Xi has been acting a little abnormal recently."

Xiang Mo's eyes flashed with worry.

"She has fainted twice.

The first time was because... that... her period was too strong, and then she fainted.

The second time was yesterday, and I don’t know why she fainted.

However, I feel that it might be related to... that thing.

Because her thing has been there these days.

I want you to help her~"

Mo Xi fainted twice in a row. Xiang

Mo was really worried about this.

The relationship between the two is now more than just friendship, it has become a"friendship of life and death.""!

"If you need any reward, just tell me!"

Xiang Mo said, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly added:


I showed it to her when I was treating her this morning.~"

"What's going on?

Xiang Mo was a little anxious when he heard that. If it's serious, don't say it in front of the camera!

What will she do in the future if it gets out?"

"Don't worry, she's fine, she's just too weak."

Zhao Lu waved her hand,"She's not sick at all, just hypoglycemia, malnutrition, and a little dehydrated.

When she leaves in the future, she can just take a good rest.

Also, she's too thin. She

's 1.7 meters tall, and probably weighs about 80 pounds. It's really a pain for her to be here.

If she was a little fatter, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

"Will you still feel dizzy on the island?"


If you are still malnourished, don't eat enough, and drink too little water, you will still feel dizzy."

"Will this have any impact on her body in the long run?"


This will have a long-term impact on her body, eventually leading to physical weakness, low immunity, and other problems."

"All right……"

He nodded to Mo Wen, his eyes filled with sadness.

"This ointment is for you. You can wash the wound with soapy water and then apply the ointment.

Once a day."

Zhao Lu said, and took out an ointment and a little soap.

"I'll ask Chen Chen to find a house for you to stay in later. You should take good care of your injuries."

"OK, thank you~"

Xiang Mo watched Zhao Lu leave, then stared blankly at the ointment and soap in his hand.

"Blame me...

If only I were stronger... then we wouldn't be hungry all day.……"

After silently blaming himself for a few words, Xiang Mo thought of Zhao Lu again.

"Liu Deli and Hu Xin actually came to Zhao Lu to work for her because they saw that Zhao Lu was too strong.

They seem to be living a comfortable life now.

As long as they work every day, they can have enough food and drink, and even fruits to eat.

It's really comfortable.

Should we go to Zhao Lu to work for her?"

Xiang Mo suddenly fell into deep thought, and then naturally thought of Zhao Lu's strength.

"However, Zhao Lu is really strong.

Not only can he find so much food, but his medical skills are also so strong!

This house was basically built by Zhao Lu himself.

I can't imagine how he did it in just a dozen days?

Only such a person can subdue the flat-headed brother and the leopard cat, right?"

The more Xiang Mo thought about it, the more incredible it felt.

Because Zhao Lu is really outrageous!

"What an almighty strong man!

When Mo Xi comes back, I will discuss this with her.~"


Zhao Lu walked out of the door and headed towards Hu Xin's place

"Boss, is it okay if the cellar is this big?"

When Hu Xin saw Zhao Lu coming back, he pointed proudly at the big hole he had just dug in front of him and said,"This one is about 10 cubic meters, right?"


Who said this was a cellar?"


Hu Xin was stunned when he heard this. Isn't this a cellar ?

"This is just the entrance to the cellar~"

Zhao Lu waved his hand, then picked up the shovel and started trimming. Soon, the"room" was neatly trimmed by him.

"What do you think of the temperature here?"

"This is not very low...……"

If the temperature outside is 30 degrees, then the temperature here is about 26 degrees.

"This temperature doesn't make much sense.���We need to keep digging!"

Zhao Lu pointed to the ground.

"In ancient times, people could store ice in winter for use in summer.

We can also build a similar cellar to extend the shelf life of meat to about 2 months.~"

"This... this is true... but how deep should we dig?"

"Look at the temperature.

Let's dig for now."


Hu Xin glanced at Zhao Lu.

He was not too surprised by this. After all, the palace-like house not far away was built by the man in front of him.

It was not surprising that he was digging a cellar like the ancient imperial cellar.

"But stop for now, let's go dig a hole somewhere else~"

"Hmm? Still digging?

Where to go?"

"Come with me~

If we dig this hole well, we won't have to worry about anything for at least a month.~"


Hu Xin looked at Zhao Lu curiously.

Is there such a thing in the world?

Digging a pit for a month without worry?

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