"What is happening!?"

"Are these people dancing?!

It's so ugly, hahahaha~

I'm dying of laughter!"

"What happened?

Why are these people holding their noses?"

"Is it possible that they are holding some strange ritual, summoning evil gods and then praying for food?"

"Shocked! 12 men actually did such a shameful thing on the grassland!"

"Is it the decline of morality or the distortion of human nature that these 12 men actually performed such a shameful dance in broad daylight!"


Countless people who didn't know the truth kept talking and laughing.

At this time, Cao Bin's voice rang out again.

"We can now see these people dancing with their noses covered.

But in fact, they are not dancing, but chasing skunks!

Skunks are animals that usually like to come out at dusk or at night.

During the day, they like to hide in burrows to rest.

However, because of the heavy rain, all the skunks came out of their holes, so these contestants were able to find their prey.

They happened to pass by and wanted to hunt these skunks, but they were attacked by the skunks' stench.

Therefore, this weird thing of dancing with their noses covered occurred."

Although there was no teasing in Cao Bin's tone and words, some viewers still heard some teasing.

"However, there is no way to deal with such a thing on a deserted island.

After all, food is hard to come by on a deserted island.

No matter who it is, no one will give up the prey that is in front of them.

Oh! ?

There is a new situation on their side!"

Along with Cao Bin's slightly excited shout, the situation on the big screen also changed.

I saw a man shouting excitedly.

He was holding a skunk tightly in his hand, and his face was wrinkled by the stench, but this stench could not wipe out the ecstasy in his heart! The other 11 people around him also cheered when they saw this.

The excitement really gave people the feeling of an African cannibal tribe cheering together after killing their prey.

"It seems that they have caught the prey!

It is really not easy!

After all, this is the wilderness, a wilderness with scarce resources."

Not long after, the other people also caught skunks one after another.

The group of 12 people caught a total of 3 skunks and began to sing excitedly.

"You may think that these people are a bit exaggerated.

And a bit unreasonable.

But it is actually very reasonable.

In the wild, food is very difficult to obtain. With so much food, they will naturally be happy and excited.

This has nothing to do with strength. Everyone will be like this when they get so much food.

As for 12 people acting together... this is relatively normal.

After all, this is a tropical grassland, and most of the prey on the grassland are in groups.

If there are few people, not only will you not be able to catch prey, you may even be attacked by prey.

Therefore, it is safer to hunt together!"

With Cao Bin's explanation, the 12 people were divided into two groups. One group of 11 people continued to move forward, and the other group returned to their shelter alone.

The camera of the program crew has been following the person returning to the shelter.

"It seems that they have built a relatively sturdy small house here.

The house is divided into 4 rooms.

Judging from the situation, 4 people should live in one room, and the extra room is used to store things.

It is really amazing.

Not long after migrating from the south, the shelter has been built.

It can be seen that their strength is quite good.

Ever since the contestants knew that the typhoon was coming, everyone began to seek cooperation.

We don’t know whether this phenomenon is good or bad.

However, what is certain is that in the later stage of the show, there will be competition between several large groups!

Okay, let’s take a look at the other team~"

As Cao Bin’s voice fell, the picture on the big screen changed again, and another group of contestants appeared.

There are 7 contestants in this group, and they did not leave the east of the island.

"The core of this group of players is Ma Wei and Peng Peng. The place they chose at first was this place.

It is located in the tropical rain forest in the east of the island.

This is also the area with strong typhoon winds.

But they did not leave here, but chose to attract other contestants to join and build a stronger and larger shelter together!

Now, they have grown from 2 people to 7 people, gathering all the nearby contestants together.

At the same time, a stronger shelter was built.

It can be said to be very powerful.

As for why they did not leave this place, I think it is because there are more resources nearby.

In the west of the shelter, there is a relatively large herd of deer.

In the east of the shelter, there is a large herd of rabbits, but they have almost killed them.

In the south of the shelter, there are some scattered fruit trees.

At the same time, this place is close to the grassland, and you can enter the grassland at any time to kill more prey.

I have to say that this is indeed a good place and it is worth staying.



They set out to hunt!

More people is not necessarily a good thing, because more people also means more consumption. Only by getting more prey can the team continue to survive.

Their food has been consumed, so they need to go out hunting in the rain.

Going out hunting in the rain when a typhoon is coming, I have to say, this behavior is really too normal.

I believe that all the contestants will go out hunting at this time.

Although the wind is strong and the rain is heavy, although they may have enough food.

But they will still go hunting.

After all, the typhoon is coming soon, and everyone needs to stockpile more food to cope with everything.

What a group of people who are busy before the typhoon~

However, the wilderness is so cruel.

Okay, let's take a look at the next group of people gathered together."

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed, and Zhao Lu and the other six people appeared

"This is a six-member team with Zhao Lu as the core. They... uh……"

Cao Bin was just halfway through his sentence when he got stuck in embarrassment.

He was just saying that everyone would go out hunting in the rain at this time, but the next moment he was slapped in the face.

Look at what these people are doing?

Collective beauty treatment! ?

"Is this what a human being does?"

Cao Bin couldn't help but complain.

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