
Is this what a normal contestant should do at this time?"

Cao Bin regretted it immediately after he finished complaining, and quickly added a sentence, trying to forcibly reverse his mistake.

However, unfortunately, countless netizens have taken screenshots and made them into emoticons, which began to spread on the Internet.

The forced reversal failed!

But it doesn't matter, because Cao Bin is still trying to save it.

Moreover, his method of saving is very clever!

That is……

"Teacher Xiao Lin, what do you think?"

"This one……"

Xiao Lin was a little confused by Cao Bin's words.

However, Xiao Lin is now completely different from before.

After being slapped in the face many times, he has learned to be smart.

"I have watched the previous videos and know that Zhao Lu just got a lot of meat, more than a thousand pounds. With so much meat, there is no need to go hunting or anything.

In fact, hunting would be a waste of resources.

So, I think it is still very correct for them not to go out."

"Thanks to Xiao���Teacher!"

Cao Bin smiled and thanked him, then changed the subject.

"Zhao Lu's team currently has the largest amount of meat in stock.

Therefore, they have the time to relax here.

This situation is difficult for others to imitate.

However, facial masks are generally made from a variety of edible foods.

They actually waste food like this.

It's really too easy to get it and don't cherish it~

Cut in the audio, let's listen to what they are saying now."

As Cao Bin's voice fell, Zhao Lu's voice was also cut in

"This mask is made of honey, coconut oil, raisins and sausage fruit as the main ingredients, mixed with some Chinese herbal powder that I specially prepared.

It has a strong effect in whitening, moisturizing and shrinking pores.

Moreover, it can also play a role if you have acne or acne marks on your face."

"Brother, is there anything I should pay attention to when using this mask?"

"Of course!

Because the ingredients I use are all natural, and they are all edible.

So, the downside is that this thing is too delicious, and you must not eat it as a snack!"

"Mmm~ So sweet! It tastes pretty good~"

"To Mo!"

"Okay, okay~

Xiaoxixi, I know~"

"Boss! I think I don't need this stuff.

A gentle and cute girl like me doesn't need a facial mask!"

"Lao Liu, I think you may have some misunderstanding about the term"little fresh meat"...

But boss!

I feel my face is so comfortable!

This mask is really magical!"

"Lao Hu, I'm speaking seriously!

But boss

, I don't think you need to give us this kind of thing.

Just give it to the three girls.~"

"It doesn't matter, there are a lot of things anyway~

I picked too many grapes from those trees, and many of them were caught in the rain. If I don't use them up, they will go bad.

So, I used them up.

By the way, I have some body lotion/fluid here, which is specially used for rubbing on the body.

The main ingredients are coconut oil and sausage fruit. It can not only moisturize the skin, but also whiten and moisturize the skin. The effect is very good. Do you want to try it?"

"I want I want!"

"I also want!"


As Zhao Lu and others' voices continued to come out, Cao Bin's smile became more and more awkward.

Seeing Zhao Lu took out the body lotion, Cao Bin immediately signaled to cut off the live audio and started talking himself.

"It seems that Zhao Lu and her team have a lot of resources.

Not only do they have endless meat, but they also have enough fruit to make facial masks.

It's really admirable~

Okay, now let's look at another team. They also have 6 members, and their current situation is very interesting."


Cao Bin tried very hard to change the subject.

Zhao Lu, however, was very relaxed.

Tree grapes don't last long, and they were picked too many times.

So they were about to go bad.

So Zhao Lu temporarily put aside the furniture-making business and made some facial masks and lotions.

Because there were so many things, it was difficult to use them up before they went bad, so he just distributed them to everyone and asked everyone to try some.

"This thing is really comfortable to use~"

Zhao Lu sighed inexplicably.

It was his first time to use a facial mask.

The overall feeling was good.

The face felt cool and comfortable.

So, he continued to make furniture with the mask on.

The others also worked tacitly with the masks on.

The whole room was peaceful.

The afternoon passed in a happy time.

After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms.

"la la la la(^^*)~"

Xiang Mo was walking around the room with a cane, humming a song.

He was in a very happy mood.


Xiao Xixi~

It's so good here~

I feel that my quality of life has been greatly improved!

You see, we now not only have toilet paper, but also skin care products!

This feels so good!

It's better and more comfortable than being in the city outside!

When will we tell him about working part-time?"

Xiang Mo grinned and kept looking at her skin care products.

As for the cooperation that Mo Xi had mentioned, she had already forgotten it.

"Wait until the typhoon is over, don't be anxious."

Mo Xi still had an expressionless face. After returning to the room, she began to twist the rope.

She was like a robot without emotions.

"Xiao Xixi~

How come you only know about work!

I have already begun to doubt whether you will become a workaholic and an iceberg female boss after you start working!


No doubt, I am sure you will become such a person!

Xiao Xixi~

Why didn't you work after graduation but participated in this show?"


Mo Xi's hands that were twisting the rope suddenly paused, and a complex look flashed in his eyes,"Didn't I say that I like wilderness survival?""

"Haha~ I knew it!

Our fourth aunt is so rich!"

Xiang Mo was still fiddling with the skin care products in his hand, and didn't notice the change in Mo Xi's expression at all.

"I came here because I like this thing too!



Xiang Mo suddenly said"Huh", then put the thing down and slowly stood up from the chair.

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