Zhao Lu was very excited at the moment.

Because he encountered the legendary thing - Yijin Xisui!

Of course, this statement is not accurate.

A more accurate statement is that it can expel toxins from the body.


It seems that the second bottle of strengthening potion has been digested.

I don't know how strong I am now.……"

Zhao Lu suddenly became curious

"However, before testing my strength, there is one more thing to do."

Zhao Lu quickly completed the"detoxification project", then went to the storage room to cut a large piece of beef and came to the restaurant.

Sitting in the restaurant, he cut the meat into small pieces and grilled it. He ate more than 30 kilograms in a row before stopping.

Fortunately, he had not turned on the camera, otherwise he would have been regarded as a monster.


Zhao Lu took a long breath and felt full of strength

"Let me try my current strength.……"

Zhao Lu was very happy, so he braved the wind and rain and went outside the house.

The outside world was in the heaviest storm.

The howling wind made Zhao Lu's face hurt.

However, he also felt some changes in his body - he gained weight!

Although his body shape did not change much, his weight did increase.

He inferred this from the wind force.

However, there was no scale here, so he could not judge how much he had gained.

"It seems that the meat I just ate was not in vain~"

Zhao Lu strode to a big tree.

The tree was half a meter in diameter and was swaying wildly in the wind, but it was still very tenacious and was not broken by the wind.

"I'll use you as an experiment~"

Zhao Lu took a few steps back, then moved her body slightly and rushed over.

When she got close to the tree, she suddenly raised her leg and kicked the tree trunk hard.


A loud noise was heard, and then the big tree fell down.

"Not bad~"

Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

Although he broke a tree with one kick, he did not"float".

After all, he broke it with his legs after a run-up.

If he had used his fists, he would definitely not have been able to break such a thick tree.

Zhao Lu did not try again.

Instead, he picked up the tree and strode towards home.

"This strength and endurance have also been enhanced."

Zhao Lu tidied up the tree and put it in the room.

Then he took out the third bottle of potion and drank it in one gulp.

"I really don't know what I will look like after the third bottle of strengthening potion is digested."

Zhao Lu clenched her fist and smiled with satisfaction, then turned on the camera and walked towards the workshop.

""Brother~ where have you been?"

Seeing Zhao Lu coming back, Chen Chen asked.

But as soon as she looked over, she saw Zhao Lu's wet clothes.

"You went out?

Huh? Why do I feel like you seem to be stronger?"


I just went out to check the weather, it's okay~"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen's worried eyes, smiled gently, then patted Chen Chen on the shoulder, turned to everyone and said:"The wind outside is still very strong, let's go eat~"

Although he had just eaten a lot of meat, Zhao Lu could still eat.

After dinner, everyone continued to work.

After digesting the second bottle of strengthening potion, Zhao Lu immediately felt the difference.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the work is faster.

In this way, Zhao Lu made 3 fish baskets, 2 tables, and 1 cabinet in an afternoon.

The efficiency and workmanship directly shocked countless carpenters who watched the video.

However, Zhao Lu was not just doing carpentry this afternoon.

He also took the time to do some tricks with the fruit wine he had just brewed, intending to make some very good things.

At the same time, he steamed some breadfruits and planned to make some good things!


While Zhao Lu is busy, the attention and popularity of the special issue of the"Desert Island Survival" program are constantly increasing.

"From the time the typhoon approached until now, a total of 12 people have been eliminated!

It's really unbelievable.

Such a strong typhoon only sent 12 contestants back to the city.

I have to say that the contestants who stayed are getting stronger and stronger!"

In the live broadcast room, Cao Bin said with an amazed look on his face.

He felt incredible.

In his opinion, encountering such a typhoon, at least 100 people should be eliminated.

But now the strongest time of the typhoon has passed, but only 12 people have been eliminated.

This made him feel very surprised.

"Teacher Xiao Lin, why do you think this result occurred?"

"This is not unrelated to the fact that many contestants have started to form alliances.

Xiao Lin showed an amazed expression on his face."I have to say that most of the contestants know very well how to survive better in the wilderness.

Perhaps this is also human nature.

If we don't care about them, I think they will definitely evolve into small tribes in the future."

"I'm suddenly looking forward to the next show even more."

Wei Ling said with a smile

"I think, after the typhoon, maybe it will be a fight between small tribes?

So, if the tribes can't fight, how will they fight?


"That won't happen.

After all, poisoning is not allowed by the program team.

However, using laxatives or something like that is possible.~"

"But how should it be used?

Dump it directly into the river?

How much would be needed ?~"

"cough cough……"

Cao Bin looked at the guests in front of him with some embarrassment.

How could the topic have unknowingly turned to poisoning?

So he quickly changed the subject.

"Well, let's continue to look at this rescue operation~

This rescue operation went very smoothly!

All the players who asked for help were rescued by us very smoothly!"


While Cao Bin was bragging, Han Shang was cursing


Find them! Find them for me!

How could two of them be missing?"

Han Shang felt like he was going crazy.

Because two people were missing!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find them!

Han Shang was so angry that he kept swearing.

"Damn it!"

"Boss, there is no signal on the Madecao bracelet, I really can’t find it!"

"I'm not talking about fucking you, I'm talking about fucking you asshole!

Find a way! Find a way!"

"Boss, there is no signal! I can't give you any solution!"




Han Shang is completely crazy


When Han Shang went crazy, Xiang Fang also went a little crazy.

Because her situation was a little embarrassing.

"Ahhhh! My pants are falling off!

My pants are falling off!"

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