Xiang Fangfa, female, 19 years old

"The program"Desert Island Survival" is one of the"Top Ten Weirdos".

Reasons for selection:

First, the name is very weird.

It is said that her father gave her the name in anger after seeing that she was a girl.

Later, her parents died in an accident, and she regarded the name as a precious legacy left to her by her parents. No matter how others used her name as a nickname, she did not change it.

Second, she looks very cute, has a very cute personality, and wears black round glasses, which is completely cute!

She has a very long reflex arc. Once she accidentally met a bear, and her companions screamed and ran away, but she silly greeted the bear and continued to move forward.

It was not until the bear left with a confused face that she suddenly screamed.

According to legend, this was because she was stimulated after her parents died, so such a strange symptom appeared.

Third, she has a very special"magic" in her body, and mosquitoes and beasts do not bite.

Not only that, she also has a certain affinity. Those small wild animals such as rabbits and pheasants are not afraid of her when they see her, and they are very close to her.

This is also why she can survive in the wilderness for so long. The main reasons are made to successfully appear on the"Top Ten Wonderful" list! Blowing up , or the camera was blowing, she was not very powerful. There are many rain forest trees, so she still hugged a tree. She had planned to relieve this tree with a good breath, and then said something.

But at this time , there was an accident!

""Ahhhh! My pants are falling off!

My pants are falling off!"

Xiang Fang was about to cry.

However, when she tried to pull her pants with her hands, she found that they were already gone.

There was nothing she could do. Her reaction arc was too slow.

No matter what she did, she would be a beat slower.

Whoosh, whoosh~

The wind kept blowing.

Because Xiang Fang pulled one hand away to pull up her pants, the force she had on the tree was much weaker.

So, she flew into the sky again.


After flying in the air for a while, Xiang Fang realized her situation.

She pressed the emergency button on her bracelet, but there was no response because there was no signal.

She could only continue to drift with the wind.


Ma Decao and Xiang Fangfa had similar experiences. They were both blown by the wind.

However, there was one difference between them. One was active and the other was passive.

Ma Decao took the initiative to follow the wind.

He believed that he, the favorite of the goddess of fate, would definitely survive.

So, he followed the wind and continued to move forward in the dark. He walked all night in exhaustion.

When the sky gradually brightened, he really came to a cave.

"This is the arrangement of the goddess of fate!"

Madcao sighed, and then lived in the cave.

When thirsty, he went out to drink some rain water. When hungry, he also went out to drink some rain water.

When sleepy, he took a rest.

Although there was no food, he could make do for a while.

"I hope the staff of the program group can come to save me as soon as possible!"

The idea is very beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Due to some unknown reasons, there is no signal on his bracelet.

So the positioning function is naturally unusable.

So, he waited for a whole day, but still no one came to save him.

Mad Cao suddenly couldn't stand it.

He was hungry and cold, and his whole body was very weak.

He really wanted to eat a hot meal!

After thinking about it, Mad Cao planned to pray.

Ask the goddess of fate to save him.

Although he has never believed in this thing, isn't there a way now?

"Great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Madcao, is so hungry that I can't walk...

Please give me some food!"

He looked at the sky humbly with a sincere expression on his face.

"You still have to have dreams, what if they come true?

Great goddess of fate! Your darling, Madcao, wants some cooked food!"


Madcao had just finished speaking when suddenly a gust of wind blew and a strange thing flew in from the cave entrance and landed directly in front of him.

It was a pair of pants that couldn't be torn any more!

"Hmm? Pants! ?"

Madcao was delighted and quickly reached into his trouser pocket. After a moment, the smile on his face became brighter.

"There is dried meat!"

Madcao put the dried meat into his mouth and chewed it vigorously.

At the same time, he did not forget to thank

"Thank you for your gift, great goddess of fate!

But your darling, Madha grass is not full.……"

Whoosh whoosh~

Another gust of wind blew by, and Madcao quickly began to look for new food.

But he found nothing.

Just when he was depressed, he suddenly heard a very strange sound coming from the cave.

It seemed that a group of things flew out.

Turning around, Madcao was stunned.

"Damn it! Bats!!!

Great Lady of Destiny! Your darling will never be greedy again!"


This night was spent in a storm.

The next day was still a stormy day.

However, the wind was obviously much weaker than yesterday.

But weak wind is relative. No matter how weak the wind is today, it is still level 11.

Zhao Lu got up very early.

After going out to look at the sky outside, Zhao Lu frowned.

He suddenly felt a little worried.

There is a crisis that has always existed, but it cannot be solved.

"This won’t do…

This crisis must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad!"

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