""Little monkey, come here~"

Xiang Fenfang said as he stretched out his hand.

Then the Monkey King took two steps forward very obediently.


Xiang Fenfang touched nothing.

The Monkey King did not have any unusual reaction when he saw this. He continued to sniff around Xiang Fenfang, as if he was still curious about the difference of this person in front of him.

Two minutes later.

Xiang Fenfang glanced at Zhao Lu quietly, and then a little embarrassment suddenly appeared on her face.

However, the embarrassment disappeared in an instant, and turned into a quiet and calm smile.

Then, she took out an oil palm fruit from her pocket and handed it to the Monkey King.

"Little monkey, can you help your sister find this thing?"

The monkey king took the oil palm fruit, sniffed it with some doubt, and then turned to look at Zhao Lu.

"In this case, please."

Zhao Lu smiled and nodded to the Monkey King, who also nodded, then took the oil palm fruit in one hand, stood up with his tail, and walked away quickly.

Soon, a series of"squeaks" sounded in the forest.

The trees in the forest also began to tremble continuously.

Zhao Lu knew that this was the Monkey King starting to order the monkeys to hurry up, so he didn't care.

He was a little curious about the method at this moment.

"She said that she relied on a special affinity for animals to get prey.

But how did she hunt prey in such a stuck state?"

Zhao Lu was very confused.

Zhao Lu had seen the affinity. Xiang Fang did have a unique affinity for animals.

But Zhao Lu didn't understand how she hunted animals with this affinity.

However, he didn't plan to ask.

After all, talking to such a super stuck girl was a very tiring thing.

"Let’s go. In order to save time, I’ll carry you on my back~"

Zhao Lu said, and then she carried the"PING Value Girl" on her back and ran quickly towards the shelter.

Two minutes later


Xiang Fenfang suddenly screamed, and then transformed into an octopus again, and began to move around on Zhao Lu.

But this was nothing to Zhao Lu, who already had experience.

Soon, he returned to the shelter. He put

Xiang Fenfang away, and asked her to help Chen Chen with the work. After instructing Chen Chen, he walked towards the cellar.

As the food increased, the importance of this cellar became greater and greater.

Soon, Hu Xin and Mo Xi would come back with a lot of seafood. If there was no cellar at that time, a lot of saltpeter would be consumed.

""Boss, you're here!"

Liu Deli was delighted when he saw Zhao Lu coming.

Then he touched his almost bald head and pointed to the cellar in front of him with great pride.

"I dug several more meters down!"

"Not bad~"

Zhao Lu smiled and nodded

"I'll dig, you carry the dirt out"


Liu Deli responded, and then the two began to work.

At present, low temperature is urgently needed to preserve food, so they can't care about the appearance for the time being. Under the premise of ensuring safety, the two continued to dig down.


At the seaside, at the big pit.

Hu Xin and Mo Xi were standing next to the big pit, turning the handles in their hands and pumping water out with the pump.

"The boss is really amazing~"

Hu Xin sighed as he turned the handle.

"I feel like he knows everything and can do everything. I really don't know what else he doesn't know."


Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly.

Although she had no expression on her face, she was also admiring Zhao Lu's strength in her heart.

In such a place where tools are scarce, he can actually make so many things. He is really amazing.

The two water pumps in front of him were made by Zhao Lu not long ago.

The principle is very simple.

Turn the handle to drive the"water pump" up and down.

"The water pump is a needle-like thing.

However, there are two differences.

The needle-like thing with a rubber pad is not solid.

There is a hole in the middle of it, and a round stone is placed on the hole.

It can just block the hole.

There is also such a round stone on the hole of the suction pipe.

"Every time the"pusher" moves up, it will suck out some water from the suction pipe under the action of pressure.

The water flow pushes the stone at the entrance of the suction pipe away and enters the"water pump", raising the water level in the"water pump".

When the suction force is exhausted, the stone will fall again above the hole under the action of gravity.

Block the water inlet.

Then the"pusher" moves down, and under the action of pressure, the stone in the center of the"pusher" is pushed away by the water, and a large amount of water pours into the"water pump". It flows out from the outlet above the"water pump".

When the impulse is exhausted, the stone blocks the hole in the middle of the"pusher" again.

Repeat this process, and the water can be pumped away.

The principle is very simple.

But it is difficult to do.

The water pump made by Zhao Lu is even more powerful, because each water pump has 4"water pumps"!

As the handle keeps turning, the 4"water pumps" begin to pump water and drain water continuously, with super high efficiency!

"This is also a superb hands-on ability, and the efficiency is super high.

I feel that even an old carpenter with tools in hand is not as efficient as the boss!"


Mo Xi continued to pump water expressionlessly.

But Hu Xin was not surprised.

He was staring at the big pit, muttering to himself.

"This time they harvested a lot!

It was a great harvest! A great harvest!

Not to mention the dead seafood, just talking about the live ones, I don’t know how many pounds they weigh!"

This time they harvested a lot.

They have transported the dead seafood back and forth several times.

But there are still many live seafood in the pit!

Now that only half of the water has been pumped out, many fish can be seen flipping around.

"I'll get some sea water and start packing fish!"

Hu Xin excitedly picked up a wooden barrel and began to scoop water.

Soon, the wooden barrel filled with sea water was ready.

Mo Xi also stopped pumping water and began to catch fish with the net bag that had been prepared long ago.

The fish were simply classified, and a small number of fish that would not conflict were put into a wooden barrel, and then Hu Xin began to transport them back.

Back to the shelter, the fish and sea water were poured into the pool together, and the dead ones were picked out and sent to Chen Chen for freezing.

Since there was a large amount of saltpeter, Zhao Lu planned to stop making bacon.

His bacon was smoked and roasted with various fruit woods. Although it was delicious, it was not good to eat too much bacon.

Moreover, there were limited ways to cook bacon, so it was better to freeze it.

Time passed by minute by minute, and everyone in Zhao Lu's camp had been working in an orderly manner.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

Everyone returned to the"palace" and prepared to eat a"seafood feast".

After Zhao Lu came back, he went to the pool to see what he had harvested today.

"That's great~

Lots of fish~"

"Hehe~Yes, boss!"

Hu Xin showed off proudly,"There are so many live fish this time, it's all my credit!"

"Not bad~ Not bad~"

Zhao Lu nodded and was about to say something, but he was suddenly stunned after seeing a fish.

Then he grabbed the net bag on the side without saying anything.


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