Hu Xin looked at Zhao Lu with some curiosity.

He didn't know what he meant by being so anxious to catch fish.

"Could it be that there is a ferocious carnivorous fish?"

Hu Xin suddenly thought of this.

Fish are divided into two types: carnivorous and herbivorous. This is common sense, and Hu Xin naturally knows it.

Moreover, he not only knows it, but can also make a simple distinction.

"But I have classified these fish into simple categories.……"

Some of the fish that looked more ferocious were poured into a separate large bucket.

So logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problem. Before Hu Xin could figure out Zhao Lu's idea, Zhao Lu had already fished out a small fish and placed it in a separate wooden bucket.

""Boss, what kind of fish is this?"

Hu Xin came over curiously.

The fish was not big, only about 4cm, but it looked very beautiful.

It was brightly colored, with red, white and yellow. Although it was caught by Zhao Lu very roughly, it still swam gracefully in the wooden barrel.

"I have some impression of this fish, it is really beautiful!

It should be an ornamental fish~"

"Not bad."

Zhao Lu nodded, her face full of joy.

"I never thought there would be a red mint fairy~"

"Red Mint Angelfish?

This name... doesn't sound like a fish... but why does it sound familiar?"

Hu Xin didn't know much about ornamental fish. After all, ornamental fish were only for the rich.

And compared to cars, watches, jade, antiques and the like, ornamental fish were a very niche category. As a poor guy like him, he naturally didn't know much about it.

"Of course I am familiar with it."

Zhao Lu said as she walked to the pool again and began to observe the fish in it.

"Red Mint Fairy! ?"

However, before he could explain it in detail, a scream came from behind him.

Turning around, he found that several other people had also come to see the harvest.

The person who screamed was Hu Xin's old partner, Liu Deli

"It turned out to be a red mint fairy!"

Liu Deli's face was full of excitement,"This thing is the most expensive sea fish!

A fish can be exchanged for a motorhome in foreign countries! It is worth hundreds of thousands!

And it is priceless in the market!"


There are probably only a few of these fish produced in the world every year, right?

If you're unlucky, you might not get one in a year. We actually got one~

We're really lucky!

Moreover, this kind of fish is very delicate and difficult to raise. I didn't expect it to survive to this day. It's really rare!"

Zhao Lu said, shaking her head in disappointment, pointing to some dead ornamental fish placed not far away.

"It's a pity that the blue tang, also known as the king surgeonfish, is gone.

And the red clownfish, the double-banded clownfish, and the two-color fox……"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Zhao Lu call out the names of the dead ornamental fish one by one.

"Boss, you really know everything~"

Hu Xin said with some emotion

"How much are these fish?

It's a pity."

""It's OK~"

Zhao Lu shook her head,"There are many ornamental fish in the tropical ocean.

Let them die, they are not easy to raise anyway.

The conditions here are really not good for raising them.

Throw all these dead ornamental fish into the fermentation tank~"

The land in the tropical rainforest area is not fertile. If Zhao Lu wants to start a farming plan, he needs a lot of fertilizer.

And this fermentation tank is what he has already started to prepare.

Put some animal offal, fruit peels, food scraps, branches and wood in it for fermentation to make high-quality fertilizer, which will be used after starting farming in the future.

"Huh? There are two more of these?"

Zhao Lu suddenly stopped beside a wooden barrel and frowned at the two strange brown fish with gray stripes in the barrel.

"Zhao Lu, what kind of fish is this?"

Xiang Mo came over and took a curious look at the fish in the bucket.

"These two fish look so lively.~"

"This is a cat shark."

"Cat litter?"

Xiang Mo was stunned when he heard this, and a picture appeared in his mind... the two fish were taken out, put on the chopping board and chopped wildly, and finally turned into a pile of minced meat.

The little cat Xiaochan walked over with cat steps, smelled the minced meat, and then lay on it and began to relieve himself happily.

After that, he lifted his back and scooped up the minced meat twice to bury what he had just pulled out.


Xiaochan called out proudly, then kicked his four legs hard and ran away.

"Cat litter is great!

With this kind of cat litter, Xiaochan can live a better life!"

Xiang Mo clapped his hands and said happily.

"Shall we chop it up?"


Everyone turned to look at Xiang Mo, their eyes seemed to see Erha hiding in the wolf pack.

"Uh... isn't it?"

Xiang Mo was embarrassed when he saw this.

"Shark of sharks."

Zhao Lu silently revealed the truth

"Because of its small size, it is called a cat shark.

Many whisker sharks that are no longer than 1 meter and have cat-like patterns on their bodies can be called cat sharks.

The scientific name of these two cat sharks is the spotted bamboo shark.

It is considered an ornamental fish, but it can be eaten when it grows up.

Of these two, the larger one is worth 6,000 and the smaller one is 5,000.

It is not expensive.

But it is very expensive to raise.

This thing eats meat and is very greedy.

The food expenses for a month are over a thousand."

Zhao Lu felt a headache.

If there was no saltpeter, this kind of big stomach fish would be raised.

But after having saltpeter and a cellar, he didn't want this kind of big stomach fish anymore.

"Since they are so lively, why don't we just braise them?"

Xiang Momomo expressed everyone's thoughts.

Then everyone looked at the cat shark with a strange look in their eyes.

"Ornamental fish? Or shark?

I don't know if it tastes good.……"

Zhao Lu had never eaten this kind of fish before, so she waved her hand and said,"Take it away, kill it and eat the meat!"

"All right!"

Liu and Hu excitedly dragged the cat shark down.

Zhao Lu turned around and looked at the seafood that had just died and had not been frozen.

"There are really a lot of seafood this time...

It seems that the cellar needs to be dug quickly……"

The harvest this time was really huge. At present, they have already stockpiled hundreds of kilograms of seafood. In addition, there are more than 900 kilograms of beef. There are still many seafoods in the pit that have not been collected...

Just these are enough to ensure that they don't have to worry about food for a month or two.

"There's just less food.……"

Just as Zhao Lu was sighing silently, suddenly there was a cry of surprise from not far away.

"Oh my god!"

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