"I don't know if you have guessed it, but I am going to announce the answer."

Maybe because of hope, Wang Di looked a little more energetic.

He usually seldom interacted with his fans, but now he started to interact.

"The correct way to use a fish basket in the wilderness is to fish!"

Wang Di stopped looking at the camera and began to focus on the fish basket in the water.

"Because I don't have a line or steel wire, I can't make a fish basket that the fish can't get out of once they come in.

So, if I put the fish basket in the river to catch fish, it's purely dependent on the weather. If

I come at the wrong time, there will be nothing in the fish basket.

Therefore, in the wilderness where tools are scarce, it is better to use the fish basket for fishing.

But there is one thing that is not easy to do with fishing with a fish basket.

That is the depth of the fish basket.

If it is too deep, you can't open the fish clearly, and if it is too shallow, there are few big fish.

So I can only hold the fish basket with my hands and let the fish basket float at a proper depth.

In order to make it easier for the fish to enter, I also tied a small stone in the center of the fish basket.

Don't underestimate me.

Although I often eat spiders and insects, my survival level is very strong.

The reason why I often eat insects and spiders is because of bad luck.


There are fish!"

At this moment, a big black fish appeared in the river, swimming carefully towards the fish basket.

Not long after, it came to the bait of the fish basket and began to eat it bite by bite.


Wang Di was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly tried to lift the fish basket.

However, because he had not eaten enough for a long time, he was not strong enough, and the fish basket was too big, and the resistance in the water was too strong, so the pulling speed slowed down.

As a result, the big black fish ran away.

"It doesn't matter. Let's try again.

It's normal not to catch anything."

Wang Di encouraged himself and continued fishing.


While Wang Di was working hard to catch fish, Liu Deli was already exhausted.


Boss, you are awesome!……"

Liu Deli lay on the earth wall, gasping for breath.

Zhao Lu, not far from him, was waving her shovel like a ruthless excavator.

"You've been digging for such a long time, but your speed hasn't changed at all, it's still so fast...

Could you be a robot that traveled back from the future?"

"You have a very rich imagination.……"

Zhao Lu's voice was slightly breathless.

Although such high-intensity work would not make him tired, it greatly increased his oxygen consumption.

The oxygen underground was relatively thin, so he could only breathe heavily to make up for the oxygen he consumed.

"It's just a routine operation. You can go up and take a rest first.

There is less oxygen underground."

"It's okay~ Let me take it easy~"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head, and then said indifferently,"It's still cooler underground. It

's still hot outside even if it's raining."

"All right then~ It

's almost over anyway."

The underground temperature is divided into three layers.

The first layer is the exothermic layer, also called the variable temperature layer, which is about 0-10 meters underground. The specific depth depends on the region.

It may be less than 10 meters, or it may be dozens of meters.

In this layer, the underground temperature will continue to change with the temperature of the outside world.

The lower it is, the closer the temperature is to the temperature of the second layer.

The second layer is the normal temperature layer, also called the constant temperature layer. The depth of this layer is not deep, only about 60cm.

The specific depth depends on the region.

Generally speaking, the temperature here is similar to the local annual average temperature.

But it is not absolute.

Because this temperature is also related to the specific local conditions.

There are many influencing factors, such as humidity, soil conditions, precipitation, light intensity, etc.

It's like the permafrost in the Arctic.

The underground is completely frozen, but the ground The surface will thaw in the summer.

Many underground pipes are buried deep, the purpose is to prevent or reduce the impact of thermal expansion and contraction on the pipes.

The third layer is the inner heat layer, also called the warming layer.

After the second layer, the ground temperature begins to increase.

This goes all the way to the hot center of the earth.

Therefore, if you want to find the lowest temperature point, just dig to the constant temperature layer.

And this is a tropical rainforest.

The rainfall is heavy, it is very humid, and the light level on the surface is not high.

Therefore, the temperature of the constant temperature layer is lower than the annual average temperature.

This is very good news.

But what comes with it is bad news-it is not easy to waterproof.

The humidity in the tropical rainforest is too high and the rainfall is too much. When digging a cellar, it is easy to dig out groundwater.

If you are not careful, the cellar will be turned into a well.

So Zhao Lu dug very carefully.

""Okay, this is it~"

Zhao Lu stopped.

They had already dug to the best location.

All that was left was to expand the cellar area and make it waterproof and moisture-proof.

"It looks like it will be finished soon!"

Zhao Lu showed a happy smile on her face


While Zhao Lu was very happy, Wang Di was about to cry.

Fishing with a fish basket is simple to say, but it is very difficult to do.

There are not many big fish by the river. He waited for a long time, and only one big fish appeared, but he didn't catch any. There were quite a few small fish, but because he made the fish basket with rattan, he basically couldn't catch the small fish.

Those small fish would run away from the holes in the fish basket.

Now, his bait has run out.

In the end, he only caught a 10cm long"big fish"."

"Oh, forget it. It's better to have something than nothing.

Wang Di sighed and started to walk back.

"Maybe Lei Rui can find a lot of delicious food~"

Lei Rui is his partner. The two met because of eating insects, and then became partners and started to look for prey together.

Now, their relationship is very good.

This time when the typhoon came, they split up to look for seafood. Calculating the time, Lei Rui will be back soon.

So Wang Di did not eat the fish he just got, but waited for Lei Rui to come back.


Not long after, he heard Lei Rui's hearty laughter.

Hearing the pride contained in that laughter, Wang Di was immediately delighted.

"Lao Lei~Did you find seafood! ?"

""Hahaha~ Of course!"

Lei Rui strode over, put down the bamboo basket behind him, and took out three fish from it.

The three fish were all 20cm long, fresh and plump, and they were delicious.

"Although I don't know what kind of fish this is, it should be pretty good!"

Although Wang Di has a lot of knowledge, there are really not many people who can recognize all the marine fish.

After all, there are too many


This fish doesn't look poisonous at all!"

Lei Rui said with a smile, and put the fish into the pot and added water to make soup.

Wang Di also put his little fish in, and then added a few mushrooms and cooked them together.

"People say tropical fish are not as delicious as cold-water fish, but I feel that... that's because you are not hungry!

When you are really hungry, tropical grass is tastier than cold-water fish!"

""Yes, yes!"

A pot of fish stew was quickly cooked. The two of them could not help but salivate at the delicious aroma.

They picked up their chopsticks and began to devour the food.

10 minutes later


So refreshing!"

Wang Di patted his stomach and burped comfortably.

He felt that his body was full of strength!

"This fish has no bones and tastes really good!

Moreover, it feels so fat and full of oil!"

Thinking that there will be fat centipedes to eat tomorrow, Wang Di suddenly felt that his life was complete. He leaned lazily against the pillar of the shelter and didn't want to move at all.


Hehe~ After my fishhook is sharpened, we can eat fish every day!"

After Lei Rui was full, he didn't want to move.

The two of them rested against the pillar while drinking fish soup and chatting, which was quite comfortable. However

, half an hour later……


My stomach hurts!"

Wang Di suddenly covered his stomach and bent over like a shrimp.

"what happened?"

"I don't know... but I feel...

I feel……"

Wang Di suddenly covered his butt again

"It feels like… it feels like oil is leaking out!


It’s really leaking out!



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