
Before Wang Di came back, Lei Rui ran to Wang Di with an ugly face.

The two squatted on the ground together, waiting for the"judgment of fate"."

"Do you have a stomachache too?"

Wang Di looked at Lei Rui blankly.

He felt very irritated.

Because his underwear was all oily!

Moreover, after he urinated, the oil would continue to leak.

This meant that he would have a very hard time today.

"No, I'm taking precautions."

Lei Rui's face was gloomy.

His stomach didn't hurt yet, but in order to prevent oil leakage, he came here to squat in advance.

"This time we are in trouble."


"It's definitely oily fish!"

Oily fish, as the name suggests, is a fish with a lot of oil on its body.

Moreover, this kind of oil cannot be digested by people after eating, and it is easy to cause stomach cramps after eating.

If you are lucky enough not to have stomach cramps, don't be happy, because diarrhea is bound to come.

What's more terrible than diarrhea is that this thing, the sphincter can't control it at all, and it will eventually cause oil leakage!

Make the crotch full of oil!

Although oily fish will not kill people and will not cause permanent damage to the human body, it is disgusting and painful, so most countries have banned this fish from entering the market.

However, there are still many unscrupulous vendors who"dress up" it and sell it as cod or salmon.

"It's over! It's all over!

The meat was eaten in vain!"

Lei Rui cried,"We are so miserable!

If I had known, I would have eaten insects all the time.……"


Wang Di's face also looked bad

"Lao Lei...

Let's just eat bugs from now on……"

"I think it's OK!

It's high in protein and nutritious!"


The two looked at each other and saw some recognition in each other's eyes.

At this moment, they once again felt the mutual appreciation in each other's eyes.


The two clasped their right hands together tightly, looked into each other's eyes, and brilliant sparks burst out.

"The"Thatch Agreement" was officially established in this stinky place!


"Phew~ Done!"

Zhao Lu looked at the small cellar in front of her with great satisfaction.

Digging the soil was not difficult.

The difficult part was waterproofing the cellar, preventing the cellar from collapsing, and the groundwater that might appear during the excavation.

However, these were no problem for Zhao Lu.

First, a wooden frame was built in the cellar, and then limestone bricks were laid to cover the entire cellar.

Finally, a large amount of lime powder was placed in the cellar to prevent moisture and water.

"Boss, is this kind of wood okay?"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and asked in confusion,"Isn't wood not moisture-proof?"


We don’t have copper oil or moisture-proof paint, so we can only use this high-density wood~"

Zhao Lu shrugged and started packing up to leave.

"This kind of high-density wood corrodes slowly, and we don't live here forever, we can go home in a year at most.

So it's enough.

It's the same with our palace.

The pure wooden foundation bracket can't last too long, but it doesn't matter~

At least they are fine before we leave."

"Oh, that's true.

Liu Deli showed a look of understanding.

Life here is so good that he almost forgot that he was on the show.

"I feel that with our strength, we can win in half a year!"


Let's go, you go help deliver the things to the cellar, and I'll help collect the seafood."


Liu Deli responded and began to help carry the frozen seafood to the cellar.

The cotton that Zhao Lu had obtained not long ago also came in handy at this time.

Put the frozen food in a wooden box, and then wrap the ice lumps with cotton.

The wooden box is also wrapped with a layer of cotton, and there is another wooden box outside the cotton.

This allows the ice to be preserved for a longer time.

At the same time, holes should be exposed under the double-layer wooden box to drain water, and a bamboo tube should be placed underneath to collect the water.

This is a simple refrigerator.


Harvesting seafood is a very boring, but also very fun thing.

It is boring because the process is simple, that is, constantly releasing water to catch.

But it is also a very interesting thing, and its fun lies in……


Such a big lobster!"

Hu Xin was excited.

After draining the water and seeing the big lobster at the bottom, he was really excited.

"How many pounds does this weigh?"

""It's amazing!"

Zhao Lu couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the half-meter-long lobster in front of her.

"Although the Splendid Lobster is big, there are not many that grow to this size. It is considered the king of lobsters!

It is estimated to be more than 4 kilograms!"

""Put it away!"

Hu Xin looked at the large pit full of seafood and became even more excited.

However, after a burst of excitement, he suddenly felt bored and even a little distressed.

"Boss... can our cellar hold so many things?"


But don't hunt for the time being."

Zhao Lu was also a little worried.

"If you eat too much seafood, it will cause ventilation...

Forget it, let's send it back first.

Anyway, it's okay to eat this stuff in a short time."

Zhao Lu took Hu Xin and Mo Xi to carry the seafood they had just caught back.

This time the harvest was very rich, not only with a large amount of seafood, but also some seaweed.

In Zhao Lu's opinion, seaweed is more"valuable" than seafood. After all, there are too few vegetables here!

After Zhao Lu and the other two transported all the seafood back, it was completely dark.

No seafood was eaten for dinner.

Although seafood is good, it really can't be eaten often and in excess.

Not to mention purine and the like, the stomachs of ordinary people may not be able to bear it.

So, in the evening, there was beef and stir-fried vegetables.

A bowl of fresh and delicious beef and rice"fresh" porridge is a perfect reward for people who have worked all day.

"Ah~ I’m so full~"

Chen Chen patted his belly and felt that all the fatigue in his body disappeared.

"Oh, brother, when will the wind and rain return to normal?

If our waterway is not repaired, we will really have to fetch water.~"

"The day after tomorrow, the sky will be clear.

As for the waterway, we won't repair it.~"


"I have something better."

Zhao Lu smiled mysteriously,"Build a well!"

"Well? Inconvenient! ?"


After the renovation, the bathroom will be greatly changed!"

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