"What will it look like?"

Chen Chen was immediately curious when she heard this.

In the past, they had always used the water channel to take a bath.

The water in the water channel was drawn from the waterfall not far away, and it was very cold.

Zhao Lu didn't care, but Chen Chen was not used to it.

Every time she took a bath, she would heat the water.

The heating method was to put the burned stones on the water channel.

This method was convenient and comfortable.

If there was any method that was more comfortable than taking a bath like this, she would never think of it.

So, she was very curious about what Zhao Lu would transform the bathroom into.

"You'll know when I finish the modification."

Zhao Lu ignored Chen Chen's curiosity and kept him in suspense, earning a roll of the eyes.

But he didn't care.

After finishing his meal, he turned around and walked towards the workshop.

He was going to start making the things needed to dig a well and renovate the bathroom.


This night passed in the wind and rain again.

Some people suffered from insomnia, some woke up hungry, some cried, some left, and some were bitten by insects...

But none of this had anything to do with Zhao Lu.

The next day, it was another windy and rainy day.

However, the wind and rain were much lighter.

"It will be cloudy tomorrow, but sunny the day after tomorrow.

Not bad."

Zhao Lu stretched and then started to wash and cook.

Breakfast was simple, beef, seafood and a small amount of vegetables.

"It's really inconvenient to not have wheat in the tropics... and the vegetables are almost gone.……"

While eating the delicious barbecue, Zhao Lu felt a little worried.

There was no solution to the wheat problem, but the vegetable problem needed to be solved quickly.

"I'll go find some vegetables later."

He made a plan in his mind and began to arrange everyone's tasks for today.

"Today I am going to dig a well and repair a bathroom, and at the same time start a farming plan.

Another task is to find vegetables.

This is a serious problem, as we are running out of vegetables.

So we have to replenish some.

In view of the fact that Lao Liu and Lao Hu both have strong survival abilities and good physical strength, so go explore today...

Each of you will go in a certain direction, and the focus will be on vegetables, wild vegetables, medicinal herbs, and mushrooms.

If you find fruit trees, remember them and we will pick them next time.

I have prepared some beef for you, which you can eat at noon.

There is also some water and spare torches, so you should bring them all.

Then pack up and get ready to go.~"

""Okay, boss~"

Seeing Liu Hu and the others agreed and started to prepare things, Zhao Lu looked at the remaining girls.

"You girls, please stay and help me.

Xiang Mo and Mo Xi, help me dig a well. Xiao Bai, take Xiang Fang and help me till the land I have circled.~"


Chen Chen rolled her eyes when she heard that, but she couldn't say anything.

After all, the camera was still on.

Then she turned around and pulled Xiang Fang towards the tool room.

"Why do you call Chen Chen Xiaobai?"

Seeing Chen Chen leave, Xiang Mo approached Zhao Lu with some curiosity and asked


Zhao Lu was suddenly embarrassed.

She looked at Xiang Mo unhappily.

Isn't this"Erha" too curious?

"Don't you think she's silly, like a newbie?

And if she tied her hair into two ponytails, she could even play a high school student."

"So that's it!"

Xiang Mo suddenly showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Chen Chen is only 162cm tall, not very tall.

He has fair skin, big eyes, and a pair of small tiger teeth. He looks cute and adorable when he smiles.

"One is a silly cute girl, and the other is a dull and expressionless queen?


A picture suddenly appeared in Xiang Mo's mind...

She was sitting on a high throne, with the cute girl Xixi on the left and the queen Xixi on the right.

Hugging them on both sides, she was so happy!

"They are all mine!"

Xiang Mo's saliva almost flowed out, but at this moment, Zhao Lu's figure suddenly appeared in the picture.

He walked forward while laughing, and came straight to her, carrying both Xixi, one on the left and one on the right.

She was trembling and stood there. She watched Zhao Lu carry the two Xixi away, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to resist.

Suddenly, Zhao Lu used magic and sucked her away.


"What the hell?!"

Xiang Mo trembled all over, and the picture in her mind disappeared.

However, when she was distracted, she bumped into Mo Xi who had just stopped.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mo Xi looked at Xiang Mo expressionlessly,"Stop thinking about random things all day long, and get ready to work."


Xiang Mo nodded, then turned around and glared at Zhao Lu fiercely.


Zhao Lu was stunned.

Did this girl not take medicine?

"Ahem~ Let's get to work~"

But then he stopped caring.

After all, a woman's heart is as deep as the sea, and no one knows what's in a woman's head.

"I will dig the well, and you will each have a bucket to help me carry the soil out."

Zhao Lu said, and began to dismantle the wooden piles on the ground.

When he built the house, he reserved a place for the well.

Now, as long as these wooden piles are removed, you can directly see the bottom of the foundation at that time.

It means that a lot of effort is saved.

"Huh? You actually left a hole! ?"

Xiang Mo said in surprise,"But why didn't you just go out at the beginning?"

""We were short of materials at the beginning."

Zhao Lu said casually, and then he placed the material he had prepared - a large round tube made of many stone pieces on the well mouth.

Then he placed another large round tube of the same shape on top of the first one.

After that, he climbed over the wall of the tube and jumped into the well.

"You were working on this pipeline at the beginning, right?"

Xiang Mo looked at the pipeline in surprise, feeling that it was a little unreliable.

"Are these stone pieces glued together reliable?"

"Of course it is reliable. This is glued with glutinous rice lime mortar.

Do you know the Great Wall?

Everyone uses the same material.

This thing is no different from cement."

"Glutinous rice!? How much glutinous rice does this require!"

Xiang Mo opened his mouth,"You are so extravagant!"


Zhao Lu was speechless.

Is this a normal operation?

Besides, how can glutinous rice that costs 3 yuan per pound be associated with luxury?

"Well, isn't it just some broken sticky rice?

What are you sighing about?

Put the bucket down.~"

"Broken...broken glutinous rice!?"

Xiang Mo was speechless for a moment.

"This is the wilderness, big brother!"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of the plan she and Mo Xi had made not long ago.

So, she turned her head and looked at Mo Xi. She opened her mouth and asked silently:"When will you tell him?""

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