"Wait a little longer."

Mo Xi shook his head expressionlessly, and then began to slowly lower the barrel with the rope.

""Hmph! You're such a paralyzed person!"

Xiang Mo gave Mo Xi a secret look, then curled his lips and put the barrel down.

As a result, because he was absent-minded, his hand slipped and the barrel fell directly down.



"You want to kill me?……"

Xiang Mo exclaimed,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

I didn't mean it."

""Forget it, it didn't hit it anyway."

Zhao Lu replied speechlessly, and then began to dig.

When he left the well mouth, he specifically left it in a narrow bottom and thick top style.

Therefore, after these pipes are put down, there will be soil to support them, and they will not fall to the bottom all at once.

The purpose of this design is to prevent the pipes from falling from a high place and being directly damaged.

Therefore, after he got to the bottom of the well, the first thing he had to do was to dig out the supporting soil so that these pipes could fall smoothly and slowly. It was very dark underground, and fortunately, after Zhao Lu's body was strengthened, his eyesight was much better, so digging the soil did not affect him.

So he started to dig quickly.


"So fast! So fast!"

"I don't know why, but watching the master digging a hole has become a kind of enjoyment.~"

"Ding! The humanoid self-propelled excavator is online again!"

"I really admire the master now, his physical strength is really great.

It is amazing that he can work so fast for so long."

"Normal operation~Normal operation~"


Seeing Zhao Lu digging the well quickly, the number of comments in the live broadcast room began to soar.

When the comments in Zhao Lu's live broadcast room soared, the number of comments in Wang Di and Lei Rui's live broadcast rooms also began to soar.

Because they are doing something that everyone likes to see.

"Lao Wang, we have a good harvest!"

Lei Rui looked at the centipedes in the pot and almost drooled.

He was unlucky. He had stomach cramps and severe diarrhea because of eating oily fish yesterday.

He didn't dare to eat anything last night.

So now he is really hungry.

"Yes~ there are a lot of fat centipedes……"

Wang Di was also a little greedy

"Well, it's almost time to fish out these centipedes."

As soon as Wang Di finished speaking, Lei Rui couldn't wait to spread a large leaf on the ground. Then he stepped aside and let Wang Di pour the cooked centipedes on the leaf. With the sound of water flowing, dozens of fat centipedes fell on the leaf.

"The rainforest is such a great place!

The centipedes are really big and fat!"


The two picked up the centipede with a smile, shook it slightly, and then put it back into the pot, pouring some water into it and continued to cook.

After boiling the centipede for a while, the two officially started to eat it.

"The meat is so tender and delicious!

It tastes much better than other bugs!"

"Yes, it's delicious!

I have to find a way to catch more centipedes in the future."

"Centipede has a slightly fishy smell, a special pungent odor, and a spicy and slightly salty taste.

It has the effects of calming wind and relieving spasms, dredging meridians and relieving pain, and attacking toxins and dispersing knots! It is a must-have good product when going out!"

"Yes, Brother Lei~

From now on we must work together often and nourish ourselves together!"

"You are right, Brother Wang!"


"What a great tonic!"

"This...why, after listening to what they said, I actually had a feeling that this centipede is not bad?"

"It’s over!

I suddenly want to eat centipedes, what should I do! ?"

"However, this thing really looks delicious, right?"

"Anyway, there is no way I can eat something this horrible and disgusting."

"Hahahahahaha~Are these two crazy?!"


The live broadcast room was in chaos.

While Wang Di and Lei Rui were in chaos, a new situation occurred on Zhao Lu's side...

He dug up water!

""Water is coming out! Water is coming out!"

Xiang Mo shouted excitedly.

Although she couldn't see what was happening below, she could hear

"This is the first time I've seen someone dig a well!

It looks quite interesting."

"It's OK."

Zhao Lu's voice came from the well.

"Hurry up and send the buckets, so that we can finish the work earlier."

When water starts to come out of the well, it is necessary to continue digging down to a certain depth.

After digging, some filter layers need to be laid.

First, lay the bamboo charcoal wrapped in cloth at the bottom, then lay a layer of stone on it, then lay another layer of bamboo charcoal, and finally seal the top with stone.

In this way, the bottom of the well is padded.

With these things, the well water can be purified to the greatest extent.

Flush the well wall with well water, then release some well water, and then make a shelf at the well mouth, so that the well is completed. Although the process is not complicated, it also took Zhao Lu a whole morning.

After lunch, several people started to work again.

This time it is to renovate the bathroom.

When this bathroom was built, Zhao Lu had left a hole for convenient renovation.

So it is not troublesome to renovate it now.


While Zhao Lu was busy with the two girls in the bathroom,

Chen Chen was bored and working on the farmland.

"The method is actually not bad, but it's a bit boring……"

Glancing at Xiang Fangfa who was concentrating on digging a hole not far away, Chen Chen shook his head speechlessly. If

Xiang Fangfa worked alone, there would be no problem.

Although it was a little"stuck", without the influence of external objects, he could still do the work well.

However, boredom became inevitable.

After all, Xiang Fangfa was so"stuck", anyone would feel very uncomfortable chatting with someone who could only reply to your message after two minutes.

Therefore, Chen Chen could only work silently.

"Working alone is very boring.

Such a boring afternoon passed by.

"Ah! I'm so tired!

I have to go and see what my brother has done with the bathroom!

"I don't know what to do, you can go back by yourself later~"

Chen Chen said, and then quickly ran to the bathroom.

After seeing the brand new bathroom in front of her, she was dumbfounded.

"This is... a shower!?

You can actually make a shower like this?!

Brother... you can actually make a bathroom like this!? Oh my god!"

Chen Chen was stunned.

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