"How about it?"

Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen with a smile,"Xiaobai, why don't you try it after dinner?"


Chen Chen suddenly heard the word"Xiao Bai" and immediately came back to her senses from the surprise and shock. She looked around in annoyance and panic, and when she found that there was no one around, she felt a little better.

But when she thought of the countless people watching around her, she became angry again.

"You are not allowed to call me Xiaobai!"

It's not that she didn't want Zhao Lu to call her that, but she felt very embarrassed.

This is such a shameful thing!


However, the netizens that Chen Chen was worried about did not care about what Zhao Lu called her.

All of them were paying attention to the brand new bathroom!

"It's amazing!

You can actually create a shower this way...

Why didn't the ancients think of this method?"

"Who said the ancients couldn't think of it?

This is a method that anyone can think of!

There's nothing special about it.

In my opinion, this is purely a series that the poor can't afford and the rich can't use!

The reason why there was never any ancient method���It has happened before, because it is too impractical!"

"It seems to make sense."

"But the master is really amazing!

I really don't know what else the master can't do."

"I don't know if this thing can be used or not.

Don't let the water turn cold while you're washing!"


Chen Chen was unaware of the heated discussions in the live broadcast room. Before she could even get angry, she was carried away by Zhao Lu.

"What are you doing!"

"Let's go~ Let's eat~"

Zhao Lu pinched the soft flesh on Chen Chen's belly and said,"Look, your belly is flat from hunger."

"No way!"

"Oh? You can choose not to eat then.~"

"I don't!"

"Hehe~ Are you reluctant to part with the food I cooked?"


I just don't want to waste food.~"

"So you're not picky about food?"

"I'm never picky about food!"

"Not bad, not bad~

You are daddy's good pig"


"Dog Kun!

I'll bite you!"


Only Zhao Lu and the four girls had dinner. Liu and Hu had not returned yet.

However, Zhao Lu was not worried.

Liu Deli and Hu Xin were both experienced challengers.

Moreover, they had food and torches, so they did not have to worry about anything.

The meal was quickly finished.

"Ah! I want to try the new bathroom!"

Chen Chen said excitedly as soon as he finished his meal.

Most girls are very interested in new and good things.


However, Chen Chen had just taken two steps when he was stopped by Xiang Mo.

"Chen Chen! Wait for me! Let's take a shower together!"


Chen Chen blushed when she heard that.

She had a"special" physique and was naked from head to toe. As a result, she used to feel inferior and was laughed at by her classmates.

From then on, she no longer took a bath with people she knew.

When she was in college, she would go to the bathhouse alone when there were few people.

In this way, although there were still some people in the bathhouse, they were all strangers, so even if someone saw her, it wouldn't be a big problem.

At this moment, she was suddenly invited by Xiang Mo to take a bath together, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

She didn't want Xiang Mo to know her secret, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Forget it...

I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, you guys go wash first~"

Chen Chen was embarrassed for a moment, then pretended to have suddenly remembered something and said his excuse.


Xiang Mo was stunned for a moment, then showed a very friendly expression.

"Then I'll wait for you~"

Chen Chen: w(Д)wWhy is this person so enthusiastic!


"Could she have some purpose?"

Chen Chen suddenly thought that Xiang Mo seemed to have some bad thoughts about Zhao Lu. This sudden invitation might have a certain purpose.

"Forget it, let me first think of a way to refuse.……"

Chen Chen felt a slight headache.

But no matter how much it hurt, she couldn't think of any reason to refuse.

Just as she was awkwardly standing there, Zhao Lu suddenly spoke up.

"You can help each other wash."


"How can we help each other?"

Chen Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.

Sure enough, the most reliable person in the world is always your own man!

"You have seen what the bathroom looks like.

Because there is no electricity, everyone needs to boil the hot water themselves.

If there is someone on the second floor to help, it will be more comfortable to take a shower."

The shower designed by Zhao Lu is very simple.

A water tank is installed on the second floor. This water tank is used to store bath water. The temperature can be adjusted according to your needs.

A stove is specially set up next to the water tank for heat preservation, and it can also be used to boil hot water. Under the water tank, an outlet pipe is installed, leading directly to the bathroom on the first floor.

A switch is installed at one end of the outlet pipe, and a wooden shower head is installed at the end.

The switch is foot-operated, and the principle is very simple. A round stone larger than the outlet is used to block the outlet. A wooden pole is installed on the stone and connected to a foot pedal on the ground.

As long as you step on the foot pedal, the wooden pole will rise and push up the stone.

Then, the water will flow out of the outlet without hindrance.

There are three"special items" installed next to the shower..

One is a stone bell for pulling. As long as you pull the rope below, the stone bell above will ring.

The other is a stone bell for listening. As long as you pull the rope above, the stone bell below will ring.

These two bells are used to realize communication between the first and second floors.

Next to the bell, there is also a local telephone made of a bamboo tube.

Whoever needs it can pull the bell to notify the other party, and then the other party hears the sound and pulls the bell to indicate that he heard it.

After that, the two people can talk on the local telephone.

If you want to take a shower, you can boil a large pot of water and put it in a bucket.

However, there is a disadvantage to this, that is, you need to hurry up to wash, otherwise you will be at a loss if there is no water.

But if there is someone watching from above, the two will wash very comfortably.

This is the basic appearance of a shower


Xiang Mo, you help me, I help you, let's take a bath like this!

This way we can take a very comfortable hot bath!"

""Okay, okay!"

Xiang Mo also shouted excitedly.

However, after she finished shouting, she suddenly froze for a moment.

Just when Chen Chen was a little nervous, she asked a question that made Chen Chen very curious.

"Zhao Lu~

I feel that this shower is not difficult~

Why didn’t ancient people have such a thing?"

"Why didn't ancient people have showers?

This is a matter of face." Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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