"What's going on?"

Zhao Lu looked at Mo Xi with some confusion.

"I hope our cooperation is not limited to the deserted island."


Zhao Lu was slightly stunned, and then smiled.

It seems that this Mo Xi must be a person with a story.

"no problem"

"Okay, let's start preparing now.~"

"What kind of place is that?

Where is the danger?"

"That is a swamp.

In the swamp, there are many crocodiles.

You need to analyze the specific situation yourself."

"Crocodile? Swamp!?"

Zhao Lu frowned.

This is indeed a very difficult thing to deal with.

"It seems that the production team is really good at choosing locations.~"

"We have a bow and some arrows, we'll give them all to you in a minute."

"Bow and arrow? Not bad~"

Zhao Lu nodded happily after hearing this.

He currently has no long-range output tools.

As for throwing stones... the effective range of that thing is only 10 meters.

This is already the top level among humans.

As for making crossbows... there are many materials missing, and it is impossible to make a good crossbow.

The best crossbow that can be made is estimated to have a range of about 10 meters, which is about the same as throwing stones, so he did not make a crossbow.

Although he already has the best ox horns and tendons.

But the lack of good glue, and the production period of ox horn bows is too long, so he has long given up making ox horn bows.

He plans to make a hand crossbow with tendons.

However, the tendons are still being processed, and the hand crossbow has not yet started.

At this time, Mo Xi suddenly gave him a bow, which directly filled the blank ability he lacked.

That's why he was so happy.

Moreover, the bows and arrows prepared by the program team have good performance.

The effective range is up to 300 meters, and it is a longbow specially used for hunting.

With such a bow and arrow, his attack ability will be taken to the next level again.

"" Okay!

I'll make a few more arrows while I'm here, and then prepare some more things.

You guys should prepare some things too, and wash the vegetables."

After giving the instructions, Zhao Lu walked towards the workshop.

""Xiao Xixi!"

When Xiang Mo saw Zhao Lu leaving, he immediately turned around and looked at Mo Xi with a sly look on his face.

"I'll go with you too!"

"You tell Zhao Lu."

Mo Xi still had no expression on her face.

After that, she turned and left, leaving Xiang Mo standing there with a pouty mouth and sulking.


It stinks!"


"Today I am going to explore a place with Mo Xi.

I will not be back at night.

I will assign the general tasks and everyone can complete them on their own. If there is anything else, go to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen will arrange everything."

After breakfast, Zhao Lu began to talk about her plans.

"You guys, just take care of the farmland I planned a while ago~"

Because the farming plan has been launched, arable land is essential.

However, in the tropical rainforest, large-scale arable land is not easy to get.

Because there are really too many plants and trees here, these plants and trees need to be cleaned up.


"Also, we need to protect all the resource points we have found. We need to build foundations around them to prevent the next typhoon from coming."

Currently, Zhao Lu has many fruit trees.

However, the fruits and flowers on these trees have been blown away by the typhoon.

Some trees have even been blown away.

In order to be on the safe side, all these fruit trees must be protected.

"Okay, there's nothing else to say, let's get started~"



After Zhao Lu arranged everyone's tasks, Chen Chen went to Zhao Lu

"Be careful when you go out ~ and don't mess around!"

"Silly girl, raising a pig is tiring enough, why should I open a pig farm?"


Chen Chen glared,"Dog Kun!"

Zhao Lu smiled and pinched Chen Chen's cheek, then turned and ran away.

"Little white pig~"

"Dog Kun!!"


The humid, hot, and tree-filled tropical rainforest was very difficult to walk.

In addition, the distance was far, and the mark left by Mo Xi was also damaged.

So Zhao Lu and Mo Xi did not bring too many things.

They only brought weapons and tools, and a tent.

As for food and pots... they did not bring any.

They only brought some water, which was considered light.

They wanted to speed up this way.


A light sound was heard, and then a big bird fell from the sky to the ground.

On the big bird's body, there was a feather arrow that was constantly trembling.

"Lunch is in hand~"

Zhao Lu walked quickly to the big bird, pulled out the feather arrow first, checked it carefully, and found that there was no damage, then put it away with a smile on her face.

"Let's go. There is a river not far ahead. Let's go there and have lunch.~"


Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly.

Neither of them liked to talk, so they didn't communicate much along the way.

However, they didn't feel awkward.


When they got to the river, Zhao Lu handed the bird to Mo Xi and started to make a fire.

Because the heavy rain had just stopped, the firewood outside was still wet.

It was not easy to make a fire.

However, just as Zhao Lu started the fire, Mo Xi came over with a serious expression.

"There are piranhas in the river"


Zhao Lu frowned, then quickly walked to the riverside to observe.

"There are indeed many small creatures in the water here.

It seems that we can't eat fish today.

We can only eat bird meat."

Zhao Lu didn't care much about this.

Because as long as he had a bow and arrow, it meant that he could catch countless big birds.

"Wait for me, I'll go catch some more birds."

As he said this, he took his bow and arrow and walked towards the forest not far away.


Soon, he found his prey - a bird singing on a branch.

However, before he could shoot the arrow, he saw a flash of black light.

Then, the bird was hit by the arrow and fell to the ground.

"Someone! ?"

Zhao Lu quickly turned her head to look at the place where the arrow was shot.

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