Tang Yi felt that his good luck had finally come!

After he knew that the typhoon was coming, he did not migrate.

Because he knew that there must be a lot of people there. When there are more people, the competition pressure will be very high.

There will be fewer resources.

The probability of elimination will become greater.

If he did not migrate, but continued to stay in this sparsely populated area.

Then he would have a lot of resources, and the competition pressure would be super small.

In this way, his chances of winning the championship would be greater.

So, in the end, he chose not to leave, but to stay in the original place and start building a stronger shelter.

Although his skills and physical strength were not very good, he still built this kind of shelter that could temporarily resist the typhoon.

And he, relying on such a shelter, successfully avoided the typhoon.

Not only that, he also relied on such a shelter to make a lot of money when the typhoon came!

First of all, he gained some new tools, including a bow that he liked very much.

Secondly, he gained a group of lackeys.

""Brother Tang, you are awesome!"

Beside Tang Yi, there was a fat man who was chattering and flattering him.

This fat man was called Jia Zhen, and he was the lackey that Tang Yi got by accident.

This lackey had no special features except that he cooked delicious food.

But Tang Yi didn't care.

Because he found that he seemed to have an unusual talent in archery.

After getting the bow and arrow, he didn't train for too long, but he could hit 9 out of 10 shots.

It can really be said that he was gifted.

With such an ability, he naturally didn't mind raising a lackey who could cook and work.

"You can kill a bird this far away with one shot!

That's amazing~"

Jia Zhen smiled flatteringly

"Brother Tang, wait for me. I will go get the bird for you."


Tang Yi nodded indifferently.

This feeling of commanding others was really great.

He also enjoyed this feeling.

However, before the fat man ran far, he heard the fat man screaming.

"Who are you?

What are you doing?

Why are you touching our prey?"


Tang Yi was stunned when he heard that.

Someone is stealing prey?

Then he strode over there.

A moment later, he saw the person who moved his prey. It was a handsome guy in his twenties.

He was so handsome that he was a little jealous. He was holding a bird in his hand. The bird was the one he had just shot not long ago.

The original hatred, coupled with the jealousy, made him feel unimaginable disgust towards this guy.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to steal my prey?"


That person was Zhao Lu.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw a bird being shot and falling from the sky.

So he picked it up.

It's a waste not to eat the free food falling from the sky!

"It seems that you don't know the rules of this program very well."

Zhao Lu shrugged, then directly pulled out the feather arrow from the bird. After finding that the feather arrow was still intact, she put it into the quiver.

"On this deserted island, whoever picks up something first gets it.

However, I still want to say thank you.

After saying that, Zhao Lu turned around and left.

Everyone on this island was his competitor and enemy.

So he was very happy to grab the bird.

But he was happy, but Tang Yi was angry.


Tang Yi gnashed his teeth and looked at Zhao Lu's back, wishing he could just take out his bow and arrow and shoot him.

But he couldn't do that. He could n't even take back his prey.

He could only watch Zhao Lu take his prey away.

"Damn the broken rules!"

Tang Yi cursed, and then fiercely kicked the stone on the ground away.

"Boss, we must not let him go!

We must take revenge!"

Fatty Jia Zhen gnashed his teeth and fanned the flames.

"We might as well follow him. I saw that he also used a bow and arrow!

I don't believe that he doesn't hunt!

On the way, we can not only rob his prey, but also think about how to eliminate him.

Moreover, judging from the direction he is heading, it should be the direction of our shelter.

We are familiar with this road. We don't have to worry about walking too far and not being able to return at night."


We must eliminate them!"

Tang Yi gritted his teeth and glared at Zhao Lu fiercely.

"We'll catch up in a bit!

Be careful not to get too far away, we can just follow the trail"



Zhao Lu didn't care about Tang Yi and Jia Zhen's thoughts.

In his opinion, these two people would most likely follow him and make trouble because they couldn't stand this kind of anger.

But not only did he not care about this behavior, he also expected them to follow him.

After all, if they didn't follow him, he would have no way to eliminate them.

After lunch, Zhao Lu and Mo Xi set out again.

However, this time, Zhao Lu started to leave marks on the trees.

Before they had gone far, Zhao Lu found someone following them.

"What did you find?"

Mo Xi saw a strange smile on Zhao Lu's face,"Those two people followed?"

Just now when they were having dinner, Zhao Lu told her about Tang Yi and Jia Zhen.

At the same time, he also told Mo Xi about his plan.

So, when Mo Xi saw Zhao Lu's expression, she immediately understood that those two people followed.

"Yes~ that's them~"

Zhao Lu smiled, and then began to speed up,"Let's start the plan.

I'll go ahead and dig a trap, you walk slowly."


Mo Xi slowed down when she saw Zhao Lu leaving.

She picked up stones while walking and threw them at the birds on the trees.



Their skills are really bad!"

Jia Zhen looked at the birds not far away that were startled from time to time, and sneered disdainfully.

"Not even one tenth of Brother Tang's level.



Tang Yi sneered,"It seems that we are destined not to pick up their prey...

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't expect them to catch the prey!

Jia Zhen, how are the preparations going?"

"No problem!

With these things, I promise to make sure they never come back!"

Jia Zhenyin laughed twice,"Boss, you came up with a plan that kills two birds with one stone, it's really great!

This way we can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap all the benefits!"

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