Wang Xuepeng was confused at the moment.

He felt that Zhao Lu's ability to think in leaps and bounds was really too strong.

They were chatting happily, but how come she suddenly jumped to such a weird dimension! ?


Big Brother……"

The smile on Wang Xuepeng's face was a little stiff

"If you are a man, you should pee three feet into the wind...

How do you play this?"

"This is easy!

Just pee on this raft and see who can pee farther!"


Wang Xuepeng showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

In his heart, he felt a little contempt for Zhao Lu.


Really vulgar!

Isn't it just relying on your good health to abuse us?"

Although he despised it in his heart, Wang Xuepeng would not say contemptuous words.

"Um... bro, isn't this a bit inappropriate?

We have ladies here.……"

"Don't worry, I'll just ask her to turn around later~"

After saying that, Zhao Lu turned around and looked at Mo Xi again.

"Mo Xi, you don't mind, do you?"

"I don't mind."

Mo Xi nodded expressionlessly.

She knew Zhao Lu very well, so she knew that Zhao Lu would never do such a boring and meaningless thing.

Since he wanted to play such a game, Zhao Lu must have his deep meaning.

So just agree.

"Uh... bro, this... is a bit embarrassing to do that in front of a beautiful woman.……"

Wang Xuepeng was telling the truth this time.

Most men are very concerned about their reputation in front of beautiful women.

""Peeing three feet in the wind" is really too indecent. He feels a little embarrassed to do that in front of Mo Xi.

"What's the big deal

? It's just a game.

I'm bored right now."

Zhao Lu waved her hand nonchalantly, then strode to Mo Xi's side and put her arm around his shoulders.

"Look, my girlfriend doesn't care.

What are you worried about?"


Mo Xi was embarrassed when she heard this.

Her face, which had always been paralyzed, turned red.

In order to cooperate with Zhao Lu's performance, she was neither able to move nor to stay still. In the end, she could only stay where she was, with her face flushed.

Zhao Lu noticed Mo Xi's change, so she quickly patted her shoulder gently, and then spoke again to divert Wang Xuepeng's attention.

"How about this~

Let's make a bet~

If you win, I'll give you a big piece of meat.

If you lose, you can tell me your news.

How about that?"

"This... this is not good, right?"

Wang Xuepeng felt a little guilty.

He had seen how strong Zhao Lu was, so he was not confident.

"Big brother is so strong. If we play like this, I will definitely be the loser in the end...

Big brother, why don't we try another way?

Or just change the game?

Or big brother, you just rest over there and we will row the boat for you?"

"What's the point of just rowing?"

Zhao Lu shook his head. He looked careless.

Then he gritted his teeth and put on an expression of great sacrifice.

"Since you think this is a bit unfair, let's do something big!"



All three of you come at me!

If the distances of the three of you combined are farther than mine, then I lose!

How about that?"


"The stakes increased from a piece of meat to a tiger!"

"Isn't this a bit unfair?"

Wang Xuepeng added hypocritically.

Although he said this, in his heart, he had already agreed to this kind of gambling.

"No matter how weak the three of us are, when added together, we are still stronger than you, big brother!"


Excuse me for being blunt, but in my eyes, you three are all garbage!"


Wang Xuepeng finally couldn't help it.

"Let’s do it!

Second and third brother, what do you think?"

"All is up to Big Brother's arrangement."

Chen Qiang and Li Lin replied in unison.


Brother, let's do it!"

Wang Xuepeng nodded vigorously and agreed to Zhao Lu's proposal.

Although Zhao Lu was very strong, he really didn't think that he could be stronger than the three of them together!

However, the next moment he thought of another question.

"But... how should we measure it?"

"That's easy."

Zhao Lu casually took out a rope - this was the extra rope they had just twisted to make a raft.

"Let's use the rope to measure it."

He cut a piece of wood and tied it to one end of the rope.

Then he threw it hard, and the rope flew out instantly and wrapped around the small tree by the river.

Then Zhao Lu took a small piece of tiger liver and hit it hard at the junction of the rope and the raft.

Suddenly, a red mark appeared on the rope.

"We use the liver to mark this point as the starting point.

That's it."

After saying that, Zhao Lu directly picked up the pole and plunged it into the river.

The raft shook for a while and then stopped in the river.

"Okay, stop swiping.

Turn off the camera, Mo Xi turns around, let's start~"


Wang Xuepeng and the other two were stunned.

This person's power was too terrifying, wasn't it?

He could actually stop the raft in this way.

Suddenly, the three of them began to feel uncertain again.

However, after thinking that they were working together to deal with Zhao Lu, he inexplicably gained some confidence.

""Good! Let's do it!"

Wang Xuepeng clapped his hands vigorously and shouted loudly.

But at the same time, a hint of viciousness flashed in his eyes.


That's fine.

Get the meat first, so that when the raft sinks, there's no need to waste the good meat."


That's great!"

Zhao Lu laughed, and looked at Wang Xuepeng with a little pity in her eyes.

"So, let’s get started~"


As they said that, everyone turned off their cameras and started to perform.

The first one to appear was the third child, Li Lin.

Li Lin was a little embarrassed and stood at the head of the raft for a long time and refused to start.


I feel the wind!

This is unfair."

"Fairness is bullshit!"

Wang Xuepeng slapped Li Lin on the head.

"Don't you even notice that the leaf on the other side is moving before you start talking nonsense?"


Li Lin scratched his head awkwardly.

Then he turned around and looked at Mo Xi who was carrying them, and finally started reluctantly.

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