Li Lin's face flushed as he began to accumulate strength.

Then... after a dull sound, everyone smelled a strong stench.


You want to stink us to death!"

Wang Xuepeng was furious and slapped Li Lin on the head, almost knocking him into the river.


Li Lin's face turned red and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Boss, I'll continue...

I'll continue……"

After laughing dryly and saying a few words, Li Lin continued to prepare.

This time, there was no accident.

With a"hiss" sound, a stream of yellow water rushed out.

Seeing this, Zhao Lu threw out a piece of liver and marked Li Lin's"range"

""Wow~ That's awesome~"

Zhao Lu said with a smile, then let go of the pole and pulled the rope hard.

The raft immediately began to move forward until it reached the place marked by the red dot and stopped.

"Okay, next one!"

"Watch me!"

The second brother, Chen Qiang, looked at Li Lin with some disdain, and then began to plan.

After a moment……


With a slight sound, a stream of yellow water rushed out.

Just by visual inspection, it was farther than the third brother Li Lin's!


I suddenly feel a little worried.……"

Zhao Lu made a mark and pulled the raft over.


Do you know how far the person who peed the farthest in the world peed?"

"As long as the wind is strong enough, I can make my urine run around the blue water planet!"


Zhao Lu gave a thumbs up.



Wang Xuepeng stood by the raft and began to think.

After a moment……


With a slight sound, another stream of yellow water spurted out.

It was yellower than Chen Qiang's, but also stronger than Chen Qiang's!

The sum of the distances between the three people was already very long.

""Brother, excuse me for making fun of you!"

Wang Xuepeng said with pride.

Although he didn't know how far Zhao Lu could pee, the sum of the distances of the three of them was about 6 meters.

He didn't believe that Zhao Lu could pee 6 meters without any wind!

"It's really amazing, really amazing~"

Zhao Lu smiled and let go, then used the pole to push the raft back, and finally let the edge of the raft be on the original red dot.

"Come, hold the bamboo pole and pull the rope~"

"Here we come!"

Wang Xuepeng ran over and started working with the second and third sons, taking over the pole and rope work perfectly.

"I'll turn on a camera and let it be our witness~"

Zhao Lu said, turning on the camera on her head.


Wang Xuepeng was stunned when he heard this.


He was a little confused as to why Zhao Lu turned on the camera.

However, he wasn't the one going to pee, so he wasn't afraid.

"Let's start!

Watch carefully!"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't explain why she turned on a camera.

Instead, she started to pee.

""Sizzle" ~

A slight sound was heard, and then a clear liquid flew out with a"whoosh".

The water line seemed to have become a bridge connecting the raft and the river bank, flying directly from the raft to the shore!

"Wow… shit! ?"

Wang Xuepeng and the other two were stunned at the same time.

There was no need to compare. It was a complete defeat!

Although they could guess that Zhao Lu was strong, no one expected that Zhao Lu would be so strong!


"Well, it seems I won~"

Zhao Lu looked at the three people in front of her with a smile and turned on all the cameras at the same time.

"How is it?

Is it okay?

Are you convinced?"

""I surrender!"

Wang Xuepeng gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously.

"We are willing to accept the defeat and tell the secret to Big Brother now!"


"About half a day's journey to the northwest, there is a very strange mountain.

Inside the mountain, people's shouts can be heard from time to time.

It is very strange.

We think there must be something inside."

""People shouting?"

Zhao Lu frowned,"Is it the cry of a wild animal?"

"This... we don't know.

But it doesn't sound like it."

Wang Xuepeng smiled awkwardly,"We feel like someone is calling"


Are you kidding me?

If it's a person, then it must be a contestant.

Why would a good contestant have nothing to do but yell all day?"

"This... maybe there's something good in it.~"

"If there is something good, would you not go and see it?"


We explored that place once.

We found it to be a dangerous valley. There were many poisonous snakes and insects on the mountain. There were also many bats at night. It was too dangerous. We just explored it roughly once and got a lot of bites on our bodies.

It was itchy and painful.

So we didn’t explore it carefully."

"Is this also secret information?

Do you want to eat my flesh for this?"

Zhao Lu sneered at the three people in front of him.

"Are you thinking too much?"


I think that the sound was really a person shouting.

Because he not only shouts, but sometimes he also calls for help!

However, it was too dangerous there, and we didn't dare to stay for long, so we didn't save anyone.

Because in our opinion, this person didn't ask for help from the program team, which means he wasn't asking for help at all.

He was fishing.

So initially we just wanted to see what resources there were in the valley that could support that person to survive for so long.

Later we found it was too dangerous, so we gave up.


This news is really useful!

If you go there, you will definitely be able to get the resources in the valley!"


Zhao Lu nodded gently,"If that's the case, then it counts as���~

You guys just paddle your raft well.

When we reach the destination, I will give you a tiger.~"

""Brother! You are so nice!"

Wang Xuepeng and the other two were overjoyed when they heard this.

"We will definitely row well!"

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, brother!"


Wang Xuepeng suddenly hesitated to speak again


"Brother, I have a small request.……"

"What are you doing?"

"Actually, we have another companion, but he has been ill recently, so he has not come out to hunt.

We came out to find a prey to nourish him.

Look, can we let the third brother take a tiger back first, and then we will give you a good plan?"


Zhao Lu nodded indifferently,"In that case, I'll do you a favor and take the tiger away first~"

Zhao Lu said, and then pulled the rope and started to move towards the shore.

"Thank you, brother!"

Wang Xuepeng and the other two thanked him at the same time.

"You're welcome~"

Zhao Lu responded kindly with a smile.

The four of them seemed harmonious on the surface.

But deep down, they all had their own agenda! Have fun reading on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Top up now (Event time: April 29 to May 3)

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