
Zhao Lu was suddenly embarrassed.

He was not afraid of the lioness, but was worried that after killing the lioness, he would be besieged by a group of lions.

After all, judging from her behavior, this lioness should be a core role in the lion group.

"It seems that I need to stay out of the spotlight for a while.……"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, and then began to use the concealment skill to hide his position and breath.

The next moment, he felt that the cold gaze staring at him completely disappeared.

"Looks like he got away with it."

Zhao Lu sighed.

It was normal to be discovered. After all, he wanted to scare the water deer. Such a big and obvious target, there was no reason why he would not be discovered by the lion group.

So he didn't get discouraged because of being exposed.


Outside, the lioness was originally planning to go over and teach the boy a lesson that she would never forget. But before she could do anything, she found that the boy had disappeared.

This made her a little annoyed.

So, she quickly came to Zhao Lu and began to search for traces of Zhao Lu, and then take revenge!

She quickly moved her nose, trying to use her nose to find traces of Zhao Lu.

But she found that she couldn't smell Zhao Lu at all!

This made her very depressed.


Just as the lioness was about to conduct a carpet search, a cry of pain suddenly came from not far away.

This cry of pain immediately froze her body in place.

The screaming lion was her most outstanding son!


The lioness roared softly.

Then she turned her head to look at the river, and then she used her limbs to charge towards the river.

Although Zhao Lu was also very hateful, she wanted to teach those ignorant crocodiles a lesson!

She wanted to vent all the anger she got from Zhao Lu on those crocodiles!


Thinking of this, the lioness rushed out and fought with those annoying crocodiles.

The lion group and the crocodile group started a decisive battle!


During the battle between the lions and the crocodiles, the small animals that had been hiding in fear of the lions showed up again.

The dogs looked at the dead sambar deer on the ground with eager eyes. Although they wanted to eat it, they didn't have the courage to eat it.

They could only wander around the dead deer, waiting for the opportunity.


"What's going on?

Why can't I hear Zhao Lu's movements?

Mo Xi stood in the tent, looking outside nervously.

Because it was dark, she was standing next to the fire, and it was difficult to see clearly in the dark.

In addition, Zhao Lu had already hidden.

So for a while, she really couldn't find Zhao Lu, let alone what Zhao Lu's current situation was.

"The fight over there is so intense...

It seems the plan was successful, don't get hurt……"

In the wilderness, once you get injured, you are likely to be forced to be eliminated.

Because the conditions here are very poor, there are no disinfection measures at all.

And the claws and teeth of those beasts are full of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses.

Therefore, after being injured, it is extremely easy to get infected.

Many people have been eliminated for this reason.

Although Zhao Lu has a high level of traditional Chinese medicine, without medicinal materials, no matter how high his medical skills are, it will be useless.

It is precisely because of this reason that Mo Xi is so worried.



I need more fuel.……"

Zhao Lu suddenly frowned.

Because the fight in front of him was coming to an end.

The crocodiles suffered heavy casualties, and the lions also suffered heavy losses.

It seemed that the anger of both sides had dissipated a lot, so they didn't want to fight anymore.

Especially on the crocodile side, many crocodiles had already begun to retreat to the river.

And more crocodiles were lying in the water, quietly watching their own kind fighting with the lions.

"It's you!"

Zhao Lu quietly came to the place where the water deer was beheaded.

She took out her bow and arrow and killed all the small animals that were eating around the deer's body.

Then she chopped the body on the ground with an axe, grabbed a large piece of meat and internal organs with the strongest blood smell, and walked towards the river. The main battlefield this time was mainly by the river, some distance away from the river.

Although the blood smell was strong, no blood actually flowed into the river.

So the piranhas in the river did not come here.

Zhao Lu was going to use this blood and flesh to lure the piranhas over.

"Throw them all in. I don't believe that we can't attract a large group of piranhas!"

Zhao Lu found a small tree with two forks, quickly modified it, cut off the extra branches, and then used a rope to mark the two forks.

A simple catapult was made.

The internal organs and fur of meat animals were simply packed, and then placed on the rope, aiming at the position with the most crocodiles in the river, and fired!



With the sound of heavy objects falling, the crocodiles in the river were frightened and scattered instantly.

The crocodiles and lions on the river bank also paused for a moment and looked at the river in surprise.

But the next moment, they regarded it as the daily restlessness of the crocodiles in the river and continued to fight together.

After Zhao Lu fired a"blood bomb", he continued to wait and see.

He was not in a hurry to release it again.

Because continuous release will scare away the animals that are fighting.

The most important thing is that these baits should be enough

"Come quickly~


Although piranhas look strong, they are just delicious food in the eyes of crocodiles.

Piranhas' bite force is not strong enough to bite through the carapace of crocodiles.

Although the belly can be bitten through, crocodiles have their own protection measures.

Therefore, there are no piranhas in places where crocodiles gather in large numbers.

However, I believe that it will not be long before these piranhas will be attracted by the blood and flesh.

Then, these piranhas will be eaten by crocodiles, and new blood will appear, attracting more piranhas, making the river more chaotic.

Let the crocodiles in this place He wanted to gather all the crocodiles here to facilitate his next plan.

At the same time, he wanted the lions to think that the crocodiles were unwilling to accept their defeat and wanted to"turn the tables", so they attacked more frantically.

After all this preparation was completed, Zhao Lu could use the things he had prepared long ago to catch all the crocodiles and have a fierce fight with the lions!

In this way, the crocodiles here could be completely wiped out!

This was the entire crocodile elimination plan.

Among these plans.

How to delay time, let the lions and crocodiles maintain their fighting spirit, hold on until the piranhas approached, and let the crocodiles gather was a big problem.

However, it was not difficult for Zhao Lu.

"This time, we are really dancing on the edge of a knife!"

Zhao Lu took out the special mask that she had prepared long ago and put it on, then took out a bamboo tube.

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