This bamboo tube is a secret weapon that Zhao Lu brought with him before he came.

It is a very dangerous weapon.

He would not use it unless it was necessary.

But this time he had to use it.

Crocodiles have a very strong sense of territory.

If a person rows a boat through the crocodile's territory, he will be attacked directly by the crocodile.

Fighting a group of crocodiles on the river can be said to be a sure death.

Even Zhao Lu did not dare to fight a group of crocodiles in the river.

So if you want to pass through the crocodile gathering place and reach the location of the container on the opposite side, you must kill all the crocodiles! It is naturally possible to take a detour.

But who knows what kind of dangers you will encounter when taking a detour?

Moreover, the detour takes too long. Now there is a good opportunity to wipe out the crocodile group, so he naturally has to seize it.

Although there are certain risks in using this secret weapon, it is worth it!


Zhao Lu opened the bamboo tube, and inside was some black powder.

He found an upwind vent that could send wind to the battlefield, poured some powder on the stone, and then drew fire to ignite it.

The next moment, a puff of green smoke slowly rose up, followed the wind, and blew towards the battlefield.

Seeing that the powder was ignited, Zhao Lu hurriedly ran back.

At this moment, he was standing at the upwind vent, and the smell on his body would be carried to the lions and crocodiles by the wind.

He must not let these beasts find his trace, otherwise if he was besieged, he would die miserably.

"Done, let's move on to the second step."

Zhao Lu quickly returned to the tent and began to prepare the tools for the next step.


"Are you injured?"

Mo Xi asked when he saw Zhao Lu coming back. After that, he looked around Zhao Lu.

After finding no injuries, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really dangerous for you to do this!"

"Don't panic~

This is just the beginning."

Zhao Lu's words made Mo Xi jump with fear.

"what's the situation!?"

"The lions are about to riot~"



Just after Zhao Lu returned to the tent.

The green smoke finally spread to the lions and crocodiles.

At the beginning, some lions turned their heads to take a look in confusion, but because the battle was fierce, they only took a glance and did not look any further.

Later... these lions would not look again even if they wanted to.

Because they were completely furious!

Not only the lions, but also the crocodiles fighting with the lions went crazy!

Even some small animals that were unlucky enough to smell the smell went crazy!

Suddenly, the battlefield became even bloodier.


"I gave them some strong medicine - something that can make people more manic after smelling it.

After those animals inhale a certain dose, they will go crazy.

So, it should be a mess outside now."

"This is why you wear a mask.……"

Mo Xi heard the various roars outside and suddenly felt a little creepy.

"Is this dangerous?!"


This thing also has a side effect, which is that it can enhance the senses of animals.

That is, it can increase the animals' vision, hearing, and sense of smell.

This means that if one of those animals wins in advance, they will follow the smell and kill us...

Just imagine ~ a group of mad lions, with red eyes, coming to kill you"


Mo Xi trembled all over.

Even though she was relatively calm, she became terrified.

People who had never seen a lion group could not understand the horror of a lion group.

She was sure that if those lions went crazy and attacked her, she would not be able to hold out for more than a few seconds.

"Haha~ Are you scared?"

Zhao Lu couldn't help but laugh out loud when she saw Mo Xi showing some expression.

"Do you have a solution?"

Mo Xi immediately realized that Zhao Lu was joking.

"But even if there is a way, it would be very dangerous, right?"

"Of course, this can be said to be dancing on the edge of a knife ~ but it doesn't matter, as long as you control the rhythm."

Zhao Lu shook her head and started to speed up her work.

"Come on, help me, let's make this thing quickly, and it will be much better later"

"This is……"


Because many things will be thrown into the river later, it is necessary to make a trebuchet. The simple trebuchet is very simple to make.

Its principle is to use a lever to eject the ammunition.

You only need to make a rack, a"long-handled spoon" to place the ammunition, and an elastic device.

Because this is a simple trebuchet and the materials are insufficient, the elastic device can also be omitted.

Just make a rack and a"long-handled spoon".

At that time, put the ammunition on the"spoon", and then Zhao Lu can pull the"short end of the lever" to launch it.

Because the process is simple, a simple trebuchet was made soon.


Zhao Lu clapped her hands with great satisfaction.

"You continue to wait here, and I will apply these things on my body to cover up your smell.

I am leaving, be careful"

"You be careful too!"

"Don't worry~"

Zhao Lu smiled and waved his hand, then walked out quickly with his things. He chose a suitable place and assembled the trebuchet.

Then he tested it with a stone and calculated the approximate range of the trebuchet.

After that, he approached the battlefield again.

At this moment, the battlefield was completely in chaos!

The lions and crocodiles fought more and more fiercely.

The water in the river also began to roll.

Obviously, many piranhas and crocodiles had gathered again and fought together.

""It seems that we need to add something more~"

Zhao Lu sighed, and then rushed towards the lone dog that was stealing food not far away with an axe.

With Zhao Lu's current physical condition, a dog obviously couldn't hurt him.

With just one axe, the dog became ammunition for the catapult.

"Aim and fire!"

Swoosh~ plop!

A crocodile fell into the river, making the already crazy piranhas even crazier.

After Zhao Lu threw the crocodile, she started hunting the crocodile again, and then continued to throw.

This increased the bloody smell in the river and attracted more piranhas.

Although heavy objects often fell in the river, the already crazy beasts would not care about these.

They were still fighting.

In just a moment, the river water rolled even more violently.

At the same time, the crocodiles on the shore were about to be killed or injured.

Although crocodiles are the overlords of shallow water, they are no match for the king of the grassland on land.

They were completely suppressed.

Therefore, they could not withstand the mad lions at all.


We have to add some crocodiles.……"

Zhao Lu muttered to herself, and then took out another bamboo tube.

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