Zhao Lu was very fast and soon arrived at the grass.

As soon as he arrived, he saw three rabbits jumping on the grass, eating grass while jumping.

"Rabbits are a very good resource.

Not only are they easy to breed, but if you are lucky, you can get more rabbits!

On average, a litter of rabbits is produced every two months, with about 10 rabbits in each litter. They can be sold for meat after three months.

It’s really good~"

Zhao Lu said softly, pinching the stone and slowly approaching the rabbits.

When he reached the best distance, the stone in his hand flew out instantly, knocking the three rabbits to the ground at the same time.

Once again, he showed his amazing hidden weapon skills in front of the audience!

"I got three more rabbits!"

Zhao Lu happily tied the rabbits with vines and put them in a bamboo basket, then picked up a hatchet and began to search on the grass.

Soon, he found several rabbit holes.

Afterwards, he did not rush to do anything, but first found a pile of stones, and then took out the things in the bamboo tube.

That dark brown paste

"You will never guess what this thing is.

But I don't mind telling you what it is."

Zhao Lu said, shaking the thing in her hand.

"This is my latest rabbit bait!"


"Rabbit Bait?!"

"What the hell!?"


While the live broadcast room was full of comments, Zhao Lu calmly placed the paste on a large rock next to a rabbit hole.

"This is what is called rabbit bait.

I made it with special materials, and rabbits love it.

As for how much they love it, you will know when you see it."

Zhao Lu said, and then quickly stepped back, hiding aside and watching quietly.

"This kind of thing needs to be placed in a ventilated place.

This will attract many rabbits.

Although it would be easier to make some cages, and there is no need to wait here, but making cages is too troublesome.

It is better to wait here and come faster!


While Zhao Lu was speaking, a hare poked its head out of the hole.

It first looked around carefully, and then jumped towards the big rock.

As a result, before it ran far, it saw a stone whistling over, and hit the rabbit's head with a"bang", knocking it unconscious.

"The first one!"

Zhao Lu ran over with a smile, tied up the rabbit and put it in the bamboo basket.

Then she continued to hide and watch.

Not long after, another rabbit jumped out.……


"Oh my god!

What kind of magic bait is this!?

Why does it feel like a drug!?"

"God! If Australia had Zhao Lu's formula back then... they wouldn't have been tortured to death by a bunch of rabbits.……"

"Master! Please tell me the recipe! I want to eat wild rabbit!"

"Master! Please tell me the recipe! I want to eat wild rabbit!"

"Master! Please tell me the recipe! I want to eat wild rabbit!"


When the live broadcast room was very lively, Zhao Lu had already caught 75 rabbits.

It was really a full basket!

"Well, theoretically, there should be no rabbits on this grass.

Because my bait is very strong.

As long as they smell this smell, the rabbits will definitely take the bait.

But now it has been a long time, and still no rabbits have taken the bait.

So, I can conclude that there should be no adult rabbits here.

As for the young rabbits... it's hard to say."

Zhao Lu said as he put the bait into a bamboo tube and walked back with a bamboo basket of rabbits on his back.

His steps were fast, and he returned to his shelter in a short while.

He put the rabbits in the woven bamboo cages.

After looking at his room, which was already half full of rabbits, Zhao Lu smiled with relief.

"The micro-farm project can finally begin!

I remember there is a bamboo forest not far away.

If I catch the bamboo rats there, my small shelter can be turned into a breeding farm!"

Looking at the sky, Zhao Lu silently calculated the time in his mind.

"Hmm~ It’s almost time for lunch…

I’d better go out and catch bamboo rats later.……"

Zhao Lu touched his chin, then went out with his hatchet.

Not long after, he came back with a pile of firewood.

He filled the two fires in the shelter, and then he started to make shelves - in order to save space and place more cages, he needed to make several wooden shelves!

Time passed quickly.

When Zhao Lu's stomach began to"grumble", his shelter also changed dramatically!

The shelter was built according to a structure of about 3 meters * 7 meters.

In the innermost corner of his shelter, there was his small bed of about 1.5 * 2.

On the wall opposite the bed, there were a bunch of scattered things hanging.

Next to the bed were wooden stools and the wooden table that was originally made.

The total area was about 9 square meters.

In other places, there were neat wooden shelves.

At this moment, there were cages one after another on the wooden shelves, some of which were empty and some were filled with rabbits.

The rabbits were also placed in a male and female structure.

Everything was very neat and regular.

Zhao Lu's micro-breeding farm was officially built!

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