
Looking at his micro farm, Zhao Lu clapped his hands with satisfaction.

But then he began to worry.

"There are too many things and the place is too small!

Also, what should I eat for lunch?

Forget it, let's eat fish...

Those fish are dying, so I'll eat them while they're fresh.……"


While Zhao Lu was busy preparing lunch,

Chen Chen was also busy preparing lunch.

"Hehe~ Hehehe~"

Chen Chen smiled foolishly, holding a bamboo rat in one hand and a hatchet in the other.

There was also a bunch of bamboo shoots in the big hood of his jacket.

It can be said that he"returned with a full load""!

"Great! I'm so lucky! I can finally eat meat!"

He quickly returned to his shelter, put down the bamboo shoots, and was about to take the pot to get water to boil the bamboo rat.

But he found that his shelter had been robbed!

"This... this... this... my pot... my sleeping bag... my banana……"

Seeing that all his things were stolen, Chen Chen collapsed

"Who is it!!!"

Chen Chen gritted her teeth. Even though she had a good temper, she was also angry at this moment.

This person stole her family fortune, which was as abominable as blocking someone's financial path.

"The guy from yesterday?!"

Chen Chen frowned, and then she thought of the person she met yesterday.

Because in the past few days, she had only seen that person.


Chen Chen cursed again, but there was nothing he could do.

He couldn't fight.

Even if he followed the other party, found their shelter, and took his things back, it was useless.

Because there were two of them, they could easily kill him!

Chen Chen had no other choice, his mind went blank.

In the end, he could only squat on the ground and cry with grievance.

"Woo woo woo……"


"Chen Chen is so pitiful……"

"This Qian Lin is such a bastard!"

"It seems like I need to beat up Qian Lin!

I don’t know why, but there are still so many people giving Qian Lin tips!

What a bastard!

I’m going to scold that bastard!"

"You look so pitiful... You really look so pitiful!

Don't cry...

We will reward you!"


While Chen Chen was squatting on the ground crying,

Qian Lin was showing off his trophies to his teammates.


Brother Long~

Look what I stole!"


Wu Long was holding a pheasant in his hand - this was the harvest of his hard work all morning - and looked at Qian Lin in a daze.

"Sleeping bag?

What are you doing with that?"

"Brother Long, look at this again!"

Qian Lin said, and took out another sleeping bag, which made Wu Long's eyes widen instantly.

"Did you come across another contestant's shelter! ?"

"Yes, it was a girl, very pretty, very pure, very cute.

Then I stole her sleeping bag, pot, and banana while she was away!


I don't believe she won't come to beg us!"


Wu Long smiled obscenely. He understood what Qian Lin meant.

In this individual competition, it is very dangerous to rashly accept contestants without signing a contract.

So, in his opinion, Qian Lin wanted to get some benefits from that girl.

"But this is a live broadcast.

You have to be careful about what you do.~"

"As long as the other party is willing, it's fine~"

Qian Lin shrugged indifferently.

The rules of the program are that fighting is not allowed, other people's cameras are not allowed to be forcibly turned off, and cameras are not allowed to be damaged.

But there is no rule that men and women cannot do that.

As long as both parties voluntarily turn off the camera, they can do whatever they want afterwards.

Of course, this is a live broadcast, and there may be some negative effects if it is spread out.

But Qian Lin doesn't care.

As long as he can become popular and famous, he is very happy to become famous in any way.

When live broadcast supervision was not strict, there were people who broadcast making babies live. It can be seen that people these days really have no bottom line in order to become popular.

What is he afraid of as a grown man?


As long as it doesn't violate the rules, you can do whatever you want!"

Wu Long smiled obscenely,"Let me see what you stole?"



Zhao Lu patted his belly happily.

He was full!

"I used to think that wild fish and farmed fish tasted similar.

Now I know that the wild fish I bought in the past were all fake!

Wild fish are indeed much tastier than farmed fish. The disadvantage is that they are not as fat as farmed fish


After silently making a joke and triggering countless comments and rewards, Zhao Lu patted her butt and ended the noontime eating show


Let's get to work!"

Zhao Lu stretched, brushed the pot, and then walked towards the bamboo forest with a hatchet and a bamboo basket on his back.

Resources must be plundered!

Under this program mechanism, if you don't take the initiative and plunder the resources first, you will definitely suffer a loss!

He doesn't want to suffer a loss!


Soon, Zhao Lu arrived near the bamboo forest.

However, this time he was a little slower than before because he accidentally harvested a lot of mushrooms on the way.

"It's great. I haven't even started catching bamboo rats yet, but I've already got something~"

Zhao Lu smiled and put the bamboo basket on the ground, then took out a paste from the bamboo tube.

"Now that everyone knows about rabbit bait, let’s learn about bamboo rat bait~"

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