"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Lu said, and then she stopped paying attention to the solution and took out the four little crocodiles.

She found a pot and put them in it.

Then she put them in a separate room to prevent them from being eaten by the two cats.


I have contacted the Monkey King again, and he has found a lot of oil fruits.

I put all these oil fruits in the storage room, you can take them whenever you need them.……"

"No problem."

Zhao Lu smiled and nodded,"I found some Chinese medicine this time. I will treat you when I have all the herbs.

Don't worry now, just continue as you should~"

After that, Zhao Lu went to eat.

He felt that he was really miserable today. He didn't even eat on time!


Two minutes later.

Xiang Fang looked at the place where Zhao Lu had been standing and nodded gently.

With a slightly red face, he said"thank you".

But Zhao Lu naturally couldn't hear these.

Zhao Lu ate, took a shower, packed up his things, and went to bed directly.

Nothing happened that night.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Just after dawn, Zhao Lu came back from outside carrying a small wooden barrel.

The small wooden barrel was filled with the latex that had just been collected.

Because there are too few rubber trees, in order to make a mattress, you need to make a very thin sheet each time, and then make it several times, and finally integrate all the mattresses together.

Therefore, as long as the conditions are right and the weather is suitable, he will get up early to tap the rubber.


After the mold was finished, Zhao Lu was about to take the ingredients to make breakfast.

Suddenly, she heard some strange noises in the breeding room, so she turned around and walked towards the breeding room.


You're back!"

Chen Chen was startled when he saw Zhao Lu coming in, and then happily brought the things in his hand over.


Little chicks!

Hahahaha ~

Our chickens finally laid chicks!"


That's great~"

Zhao Lu smiled and nodded.

Calculating the time, it was almost time.

Ever since he found that there was a fertilized egg in the egg, he had not eaten the eggs of this hen.

Now the chicks have finally hatched.

"How many are there in total?"

"12 of them!"

"So many! ?"

Zhao Lu leaned over to take a look, then nodded with great satisfaction.

Although some of these chicks didn't look very healthy, it didn't matter. With him around, he would definitely be able to raise the chicks to a level that was edible!

"Not bad~"

"Should I take the chicks out and raise them separately?"

"There is no need, let the hen take care of the eggs.

We can't make a constant temperature incubator here.

Otherwise, there is no need for hens to incubate eggs."

"That's true."

"I'll prepare some nutrient solution later."

"That's right!

Come and see this!"

Chen Chen suddenly thought of something and waved to Zhao Lu.

"Look, are these rabbits pregnant?

I just found out something is wrong with these rabbits this morning.

Their bellies seem to be bigger, and the hair under their bellies seems to be less.

Also, all the male rabbits have been driven into a corner.

These male rabbits are squatting there and shivering pitifully. It's really interesting to watch."

"It is indeed pregnant~"

Zhao Lu checked and nodded happily.

Pregnancy in rabbits is not so obvious. Generally, some signs can be seen after half a month.

And the rabbits in front of them are obviously pregnant for more than half a month.

"Normally, the gestation period of a rabbit is one month.

However, the gestation period of rabbits in this world may be shorter.

So, it is estimated that it will take about ten days for the rabbit to be born?"

Zhao Lu looked at the stored food in front of her and felt very satisfied.

"Take good care of these little animals."

Zhao Lu patted Chen Chen's head,"Separate the male rabbits.

Wait for a while, and when the female rabbits are well, then let the male rabbits in."

"Should we make a mark?

Should we keep them together as they were?"

"What is the difference between the original and the non-original rabbits?……"

Zhao Lu laughed when she heard this."Although inbreeding rabbits can cause problems, we have lived here for such a short time that we can completely ignore this problem.

So, there is no need to make such a fuss."


"Okay, clean up and get ready for dinner.~"


After breakfast, Zhao Lu exchanged the vegetables.

They got a lot of vegetables at once, which solved the problem of their single diet.

They cut off the old stems with nodes at the bottom of all the water spinach and soaked them in water with a little fertilizer.

Then they planted most of the mung beans.

They also squeezed all the palm oil fruits they just got into oil.

In this way, a busy morning was over.

At noon, everyone gathered together for lunch again.

They ate and chatted.

"Boss, the fish baskets we made last time during the typhoon haven't been used yet, why do we have to make them now?……"

"Yes, yes~

I feel that we have more than enough food now!"

Xiang Mo ate the meat foolishly, and asked curiously:"If there is more meat, it will really go bad! The four little guys this time are pretty good, you should find a few more of these little pets next time.

In this way, we won't worry about having too much meat!


I am very confused now, if meat is so easy to get, why did we starve back then?"

"Eat more vegetables!"

Mo Xi slapped Xiang Mo expressionlessly,"There is so much money in the bank, why are there so many poor people?

What you said is nonsense."

"Hahahaha~ That's because you didn't meet the boss back then~"

Liu Deli took every opportunity to flatter

"With the boss here, we don't worry about not having meat to eat, but we worry about what to do if there is too much meat?

Will eating too much seafood make it ventilated?

It's really a happy worry!

But boss, what are you planning to do with so many fish baskets?"

"Of course, it's to catch fish, shrimps and crabs?

In addition to these functions, what else can fish baskets be used for?"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't elaborate, because it was not the right time yet.

Recently, there was nothing to do, so he asked these people to start making ropes and fish baskets.

If the girls were free, they would make daily necessities.

"We have gone through the initial survival period and have now entered a period of steady development. We need to quickly make our lives better.

Then we can hunt other players.

After all, the players who survive to the end are definitely not simple, so we must be cautious.

Next step……"


Before Zhao Lu finished her sentence, she saw Chen Chen frowning suddenly.

His whole face was wrinkled.

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