"What happened to you?"

Zhao Lu was stunned.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, he was obviously enduring great pain.

"That one is coming...……"

Chen Chen covered his stomach, his face flushed, and he threw away his chopsticks and ran out.


Which one?"

Hu Xin was stunned when he heard this.

Then he scratched his head stupidly.


Liu Deli slapped Hu Xin's head hard, and said angrily:"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

Zhao Lu didn't say anything, but stood up and walked towards the storage room.

His medicinal materials were all in the storage room.

Not long after, Zhao Lu appeared in the bedroom.

""Ah! Get out!"

Chen Chen was embarrassed when he saw Zhao Lu coming in.

He hid behind the table and shouted loudly.

"Get out now!

Come back in a moment!

Quick, quick, quick!"


Zhao Lu naturally ignored Chen Chen's words, closed the door casually, and strode towards Chen Chen.

"Young lady, let your husband see what is going on.~"

"Don't! Don't come over here!

Go away!

I'll be fine in a moment.~"

"It's not like I haven't seen it before~

What are you afraid of?

I've turned off the camera~"

Zhao Lu ignored Chen Chen's words again.

He was used to Chen Chen's"very strange" reaction. He had seen everything, but he was still so shy.

It was really... wonderful!

"Here, you will drink this later.~"


Chen Chen poked his head out from behind the table and secretly glanced at the cup.

He was like a red-faced mole, peeking at the peanuts he hadn't stolen yet.

However, the cup was a bamboo cup, and from a distance, he really couldn't see what was inside.

"Turmeric water, pain relief.

Mainly used to treat irregular menstruation~"

"Who...whose thing is out of tune!



You haven't put on your period pads for such a long time, don't you know how to wear them?"


That's not right!

You are talking nonsense!"

"Then you figure it out yourself~

It's such a simple thing~"

Zhao Lu didn't continue teasing Chen Chen, but smiled and strode out.

Returning to the restaurant to continue eating, Zhao Lu found that everyone's eyes had changed.

They became very curious.

"What did you get for her?"

Xiang Mo asked first.

Because her period was coming soon.

It's better to be prepared than to be caught unprepared. Knowing the solution early will be useful even if she goes out in the future.

At the same time, she was really curious.



"Yes, this stuff is a natural pain reliever.

It's pretty good."

"Is it so good?"

"There's nothing good or bad about this.

It's just a painkiller, which is sold in drugstores.

If you have any problems after you get out, you can buy some ibuprofen.~"


I remember that this kind of painkiller can't be taken often, right?"

Liu Deli asked with some doubt:"As for that, I think it will pass if you just bear with it.

There is no need to take any painkillers at all."

""You can't bear it?"

Xiang Mo glanced at Liu Deli,"Do you know how painful it is?

If you knew, you would never say that!

It feels like an electric drill drilling into your stomach.

You can imagine how it feels when your stomach hurts the most. This is several times more painful than that!"

"Your concept is very old-fashioned.

This concept is just like the idea that you must stay in your room for a month during the confinement period, and you can't take a shower or wash your hair.

It's time to get rid of it~"

Zhao Lu patted Liu Deli on the shoulder,"You can take painkillers.

If the pain is severe, it's completely fine to take a little.

It won't harm your body.

Feel free to take it~

Of course, don't take too much."

"Boss, how do you know so much?"

"Because I'm a doctor.~"


Hu Xin and Liu Deli were stunned. They didn't expect that Zhao Lu was actually a doctor.

"His fourth brother, swoosh!"

Xiang Mo chewed the meat and stabbed him indistinctly.


Liu and Hu were stunned and turned to look at Zhao Lu strangely.


Don't treat bean buns as dry food!

A veterinarian is also a doctor!"

Zhao Lu rolled her eyes at the two of them, then threw away the bowl and chopsticks,"Closing the stall, getting back to work!"

After saying that, she strode out.


A tough life doesn't need explanation!


"Is it really… can it be believed?"

Liu Deli looked at Zhao Lu's back in confusion.

Zhao Lu's image of being strong and omnipotent had long been deeply rooted in his mind, so when he knew that Zhao Lu was actually a veterinarian, he became a little confused.

It seemed that Zhao Lu's original perfect image was an illusion.


Xiang Mo gave Liu Deli a blank look.

"Is academic qualifications useful?

What's the point of just looking at academic qualifications!

The main thing is ability!

Don't forget, he cured my leg and my snake venom~

I knew he was a veterinarian at the beginning~

But even so, I still let him cure it!"

"That's true.……"

Liu Deli nodded, and suddenly thought of something, and asked again:"Since you know he is a veterinarian, why do you still let him treat you?"

"Do you think that everyone only looks at academic qualifications like you do?"

Xiang Mo rolled his eyes again,"You should look at people with your heart!"


Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and nodded thoughtfully.

""Did you do it with all your heart?"

Liu Deli began to recall Zhao Lu's various actions and various miraculous performances.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt Zhao Lu was powerful.

The more he thought about it, the more he found Zhao Lu's image was incomparably majestic.

After a moment,

Liu Deli's eyes suddenly showed a fanatical look.

"That’s right!

The boss is the strongest!

He is the man who will conquer the world!"

Xiang Mo:"???"

Who am I?

Where am I!?

What did I just say!?

Why is this person so stupid!?

A picture suddenly appeared in Xiang Mo's mind...

She turned into a big devil, started to use her mouth to attack a little man.

The little man was instantly annihilated.

She looked up at the sky, and the devilish energy around her was surging!

Her skills improved greatly, and her mouth to attack was upgraded!


Xiang Mo trembled all over, and the picture shattered

"What the hell?!"

Xiang Mo was a little panicked


Zhao Lu didn't know what happened in the restaurant.

He came to an empty room.

"It's time to get those things!"

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