"Oh? Why?"

Mei Jinxin looked at Qian Duoduo with some doubt.

He could see that Qian Duoduo's face was not very good, and it was obvious that he had been hungry for a long time.

Such a person could actually resist the temptation of meat.

I have to say, this is really... a sand sculpture!

"Because I am a fasting person.

I am devoted to Taoism and have already started fasting.

I only drink water every day and eat some fruits occasionally to survive.

I must not let this piece of meat ruin my Taoism!"

Qian Duoduo looked at the piece of meat with nostalgia.

He didn't really refuse to accept the piece of meat because of fasting.

He was afraid that after eating this piece of meat, his willpower would decrease and he would especially want to eat meat.

But he couldn't find the meat, which would only increase his troubles.

So, it's better not to accept such a good thing.


Mei Jinxin was slightly startled when he heard this, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face,"Brother Daoist!

I didn't expect that you are also a fellow Daoist!

I also like fasting!"


Qian Duoduo was stunned when he heard this, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Fasting can clean the digestive tract!

My dirty intestines became exceptionally clean after fasting!

All the stool and aging cells on the intestinal wall disappeared!"


Mei Jinxin smiled slightly when he heard this, took a step forward, and then said solemnly:"Bigu can dredge and soften blood vessels!

The three highs and other things can be cured!"


Qian Duoduo raised his eyebrows, his expression gradually excited,"Fasting can burn excess fat!

Did you know?

When I first came in, I weighed 180 pounds!

Now, I estimate that I have lost weight to 150!"

"Hahaha~ Brother Dao is right!

But Bigu can also eliminate harmful substances in the body!

Do you know this, brother Dao?

When we Bigu in the big forest, we not only breathe the freshest air, but also drink pollution-free healthy water!

And the fruits we eat occasionally are pure natural high-quality fruits without pesticides or fertilizers!

This will prevent all harmful substances from being inhaled into the body, and at the same time, it can also allow us to eliminate the harmful substances absorbed in the body in the city!

Let the body rejuvenate!"

Qian Duoduo immediately took a step forward when he heard this, staring at Mei Jinxin face to face.

"Fasting can activate immunity!"

Mei Jinxin was not to be outdone and also widened his eyes.

"Fasting can slow down cell aging and is beneficial to longevity!"

"Fasting can beautify your skin!"

"Fasting can improve sleep!"

"Fasting can change your personality and attitude towards life!"

"Fasting can increase wisdom!"

"Fasting can release negative emotions and make people's emotions more stable!"

"Whoosh whoosh……"

"Whoosh whoosh……"

The two of them shouted until they were almost out of breath.

As soon as they finished shouting, they began to breathe heavily at the same time.

After breathing for a while, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Brother Dao!

Why don't we join hands to cultivate immortality!

In this beautiful place, live a stable life.

I believe we can survive to the end!"


Brother Dao!

I think it’s okay!"


The two of them clasped their hands tightly together.

The Immortal Cultivation Duo was officially established!


The two of them laughed out loud, and a transcendent temperament emerged spontaneously!


In the TV broadcast room, the host Cao Bin and several guests were speechless when they saw the scene in front of them.


I didn’t expect that the two people with the weakest advantage would actually meet and cooperate~"

Cao Bin quickly spoke up to break the silence.

"It's really a cause for celebration.

I hope they can persevere to the end!

Regarding whether Bigu is really as these two contestants said, Mr. Li Wei, do you have any suggestions?"

"Well, I have a few words to say about Bigu."

Li Wei pondered for a moment, and then continued to add:"Carrying out Bigu in a targeted manner under the guidance of science is indeed beneficial to the health of the body.

But its specific effect is still unknown.

And the scientific principles involved are still to be studied.

Please stay rational."

"Thank you, Mr. Li Wei~"

Cao Bin smiled and nodded, then continued to look at the camera and said:"In the wilderness, there is indeed a lot of food and a lot of meat.

But if you want to get it, you need certain strength and skills. People like Zhao Lu who are worried about too much food, or Qian Duoduo and others who rely on fasting to save food, are after all extreme cases.

Now, let’s take a look at the group of players whose advantage is second only to Zhao Lu’s team!"

After Cao Bin finished speaking, the picture on the big screen suddenly changed.

Two strong men appeared

"At present, the team with the second-best advantage after Zhao Lu's team is Wang Yuan and Li Dong.

Wang Yuan is a mercenary who has just returned from abroad and has rich experience in wilderness survival.

Li Dong is a strong man with natural supernatural power and excellent fighting talent. When they form a team, it can be said that they are stronger than ever!"

As soon as Cao Bin's introduction fell, the program team connected the voices of Wang Yuan and Li Dong.

"Brother Yuan, we should follow the strongest one now, right?"

Li Dong said proudly while eating meat,"We have a wildebeest now!"

"Definitely the strongest~"

Wang Yuan was also very proud.

Animals on the prairie basically live in groups.

Moreover, they have a keen sense of smell, are very fast, and can attack people, so it is really difficult to hunt them.

This time, they were very lucky and happened to encounter a stray wildebeest and hunted it down.

So at this moment, both of them were very proud

"If we think about it this way, we are really awesome!"

Li Dong smiled proudly.

"This is a wildebeest weighing more than 200 kilograms!"

He laughed, and the audience in the live broadcast room also laughed.

"You guys are awesome!

This is not about your strength, but your cheekiness!


I am dying of laughter!

Over 200 kilograms of meat and you are already showing off...

I wonder what their expressions will be when they meet the master……"

"No comparison, no harm!

Too pitiful~

Sit in a well and look at the sky~

I hope they don't run into Zhao Lu...

Otherwise they will feel inferior……"

"Why does it always seem so easy when I see Zhao Lu hunting, but when I look at other people, it seems really difficult?"

"I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt that Li Dong, who was born with supernatural powers, seemed to be inferior to his master in terms of strength and momentum!"


Zhao Lu naturally didn't know what was happening on the Internet and TV.

At this moment, he was looking at a stone in Liu Deli's hand with surprise.

"Where did you find this!?"

"Boss, is there something wrong with this stone?

Is it ore?"

"There is a problem, a big problem!

It is not an ore, but it is very useful!" Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Top up now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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