"What's the use of it?"

Hu Xin, who was standing aside, also became curious.

Zhao Lu wanted to make refractory bricks, so she sent Hu Xin and Liu Deli out to transport the materials.

However, when they were transporting the materials, they unexpectedly found a piece of stone that was quite beautiful, so they picked it up and asked Zhao Lu to identify it to see if it was jade.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lu actually said that this stone was very good.

"Haha~ At first, I thought it was some kind of jade or something~

I didn't expect it to be anything but jade~ and it has other uses."

Liu Deli touched his increasingly bald head and said,"It's pretty good.~"

"This thing is called monazite, and it contains thorium."

"Is there soil?"


At that time, we can extract thorium dioxide from it, and then we can make special lampshades to make the lights brighter~

Do you know biogas lamps?"

"Biogas lamp?"

Several people shook their heads in confusion.

Zhao Lu was not surprised to see this.

This world is different from the previous life.

Since food crops grow faster and the total population is not that large, the distance between rural and urban areas is relatively close.

Therefore, rural areas in this world have been electrified very early, and electricity use has been standardized.

The price of electricity is not high, and everyone can afford it.

With electricity, who would still use this unstable biogas lamp?

In addition, although biogas has been popular for a while, it has not received widespread attention, and the country has not vigorously promoted it.

Therefore, biogas lamps have never appeared in many places.

So it is reasonable that they don't know about biogas lamps.

"Thorium dioxide will emit very bright white light when it comes into contact with high temperature. This is what is coated inside many light bulbs.

Apply this thorium dioxide on a glass lampshade and then install it on a biogas lamp.

In this way, when the biogas burns, it can emit a brighter light than usual.

Unfortunately, we don't have glass.

So this stone is not useful for the time being."


So, this thing can also be used for oil lamps?"

"Of course~

I am planning to use this to make an oil lamp shade.

Biogas is unstable and too troublesome. It is too difficult to make pipes, lamp holders, etc., so I don't plan to make biogas.

However, the oil lamp cannot be sealed. You need a ring-shaped lamp shade with an open top.

Otherwise, there will be no oxygen.

Biogas lamps, when the biogas is sprayed, oxygen will be sprayed out together, so it can burn in the lamp shade."

"So... then boss, let's start burning glass now!"

Liu Deli's eyes suddenly flashed with fanaticism,"Boss, I feel you can do anything!"


Zhao Lu was speechless for a moment.


Could he even turn stone into gold?

But looking at the fanatical look in the bald man's eyes, Zhao Lu still felt a little proud.

"Even if I am very powerful, I can't make glass out of thin air!

Now, we are short of metal mines!

Let's finish this period of time first, and then go find metal mines together!

I don't believe that such a big island will not have any metal mines!"

"Good boss!"

"Well, you guys just watch here.

I have told you all the methods of firing refractory bricks.

I am going to do other things.~"

""Okay, boss."

Zhao Lu nodded and walked out.

As a boss, she couldn't do this simple job by herself.

"It's time to build and renovate some special rooms"

"The"palace" is very big and has many rooms, so you can never live in all of them.

The reason why he wanted to build such a big house was to have many more rooms to do what he wanted to do.

For example, build a"bacteria room" to cultivate various mushrooms and fungus.

Build an alchemy laboratory to make some magical things.

Build an aromatherapy essential oil room to make perfumes and aromatherapy essential oils.

These were Zhao Lu's original ideas.

Now, he plans to build a"bacteria room" and a"food processing room" first.

The so-called"food processing room" is the place he plans to use to make some special foods.

For example, vermicelli, wine, soy sauce and the like.

Now that he has soybeans, he can finally make soy sauce.


Just as Zhao Lu began to build various new rooms and Liu Hu and his partner were busy firing refractory bricks, the four girls were not idle either.

They each had their own jobs, some were weaving, some were making fish baskets, and some were farming.

Everyone in the camp was working in an orderly manner.

The entire camp also exuded a strong vitality, and everything was developing in a better direction.

The other contestants were still struggling for food and a better survival.

Time passed in a flash, and three days had passed.

In these two days, Zhao Lu finally completed all the rooms he planned to renovate and build.

Two 4-meter blast furnaces were built.

First, refractory bricks were used to create the shape, and then asbestos was laid on the inside of the refractory bricks, and the two were bonded together with refractory clay.

A protective film was built on the outside with stones.

He built two such blast furnaces at once, intending to use one for burning glass and the other for refining ore.

The fungus room was also built, and the fungus was planted.

Just wait quietly.

The construction of a food processing workshop is the simplest, just two stoves, two tables, and two chairs are basically completed.

Other things have also changed.

For example, two plots of farmland have been completed.

One is planted with rice and glutinous rice, and the other is planted with mung beans, sesame seeds, and peppers.

As long as the protective columns are built around the farmland, it will be completely completed.

In addition to these things, Xiang Mo had only a little accident in these three days-her aunt came too!

However, it was not considered abnormal, just an ordinary aunt.

August 28, Wednesday.

At breakfast, Zhao Lu also began to talk about the arrangements for the next stage.

"The slow development period has ended, and now we are entering the exploration period!

In this stage, some people stay behind, while others go out to explore."

"Why do we have to start exploring so soon?"


Zhao Lu glanced at Erha,"I think it's still a little slow!

Do you know what big thing happened yesterday?"


Xiang Erha's eyes widened, his face confused.

Big news?

Is the deserted island connected to the internet?

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