Seeing the snake rushing towards her, Chen Chen was stunned.

As a person who is naturally afraid of snakes, she was inevitably panicked when she suddenly saw such a scary thing rushing towards her.

She was seen waving the hatchet in her hand and chopped down continuously.

However, because she was too panicked, she didn't touch the silver ring snake on the ground after several chops.

Instead, the silver ring snake was even more frightened. The silver ring snake had already opened its mouth slightly, and its body kept moving, posing an attacking posture.



"It seems that Chen Chen is really in danger this time!"

"The monkey came at the wrong time! ?"

Several guests and host Cao Bin stood in front of the big screen and sighed together.


However, just as they were sighing, the monkey that frightened the three snakes suddenly flew over from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a burly figure, holding a thick vine, yelling"Oh oh oh", flew over like Tarzan.

���Then the man threw the bamboo basket at Chen Chen.

The bamboo basket landed very accurately in front of the silver ring snake that was biting Chen Chen.

The silver ring snake also attacked at this moment, but it bumped into the bamboo basket in front of it, was bounced by the hard bamboo strips, and fell back dizzy.

Before the silver ring snake woke up from the dizziness, the burly figure fell down suddenly.

Then a hatchet was chopped down, hitting the silver ring snake seven inches, and cut it in two!

Then the figure did not stop the action of his hands.

He raised his foot and came behind a silver ring snake that was running away. He raised his hand and chopped it down again, cutting it in two very cleanly.

After killing two snakes in a row, he did not let the last snake go.

He took another step, accelerated suddenly, and came near the last snake, waving the hatchet to attack.

But at this moment, the snake saw that it could not escape the"poisonous hand" and fought desperately! The silver ring snake swam wildly on the ground, and at the same time, it twisted its body and bounced directly from the ground, biting the man fiercely.

But the man was not a vegetarian.

He saw that his hatchet changed direction slightly, and then chopped it down with force, directly hitting the open mouth of the silver ring snake. Then he used his wrist to cut the silver ring snake directly from the center of the nostril, splitting it into two pieces!

This series of actions took only a few seconds.

So, after he killed all three snakes, Chen Chen was still there screaming and chopping the air!

"Chen Chen, it's ok~ the snake is dead~"

"Dead...dead! ?"

Chen Chen suddenly heard a voice and woke up from the surprise.

However, after seeing the man opposite, he screamed again.

"Zhao Lu! ?"

This person is Zhao Lu who happened to pass by here!


Just as Chen Chen was shocked, the comments in her live broadcast room also exploded instantly.

Moreover, it was a very messy explosion.

Some people were still praying for Chen Chen or lamenting that"poor Chen is going to be eliminated because of the slow internet speed or typing speed.""、""Cute girl, please don't die" and so on.

And another part of the people were all"Fuck!""、"66666"、"The master is awesome."

For a moment, comments and rewards were everywhere!


While the live broadcast room was bustling with activity, the live broadcast room of Mango TV was completely silent.

In the end, it was Li Wei who broke the silence first.


Li Wei said angrily:"Isn't this kid just fooling around! ?

I have no problem with killing the first snake, but after killing the first snake, he actually chased the other two snakes. How can he think too much! What if he gets bitten! ?"

"I like this young man very much."

Colonel Liu Deli's face was full of praise.

As a former soldier king, he really liked this brave and hardworking young man.

"If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't have gone. He's capable, confident, and a good guy."

"Hey~ Teacher Xiao Lin~ Isn't this the kid you said won't last more than a few days?"

Liu Yu looked at Xiao Lin with a smile, his big eyes full of cunning.

"I see he seems to be doing well. He seems to have a farm?

He has a lot of rabbits and bamboo rats?"


Xiao Lin was suddenly embarrassed.

As a guest of the show, he would watch the live broadcast when he had nothing to do.

Therefore, he knew Zhao Lu's situation very well.

However, it was precisely because he knew it clearly that he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he had said at the beginning that Zhao Lu would not survive for more than a few days if she wasted food.

But now he was slapped in the face.

It was burning and painful, but he couldn't say anything.

He could only change the subject forcefully.

"But how should I change the subject?"

Xiao Lin was a little worried.

However, it seemed that God heard his prayers and favored him once.

The next moment, he found a suitable topic to change the subject.


This contestant Zhao Lu seems to know that monkey...! ?"

The camera turned and came to the big screen.

At this moment, Zhao Lu was saying hello and goodbye to the monkey that scared the snake!

The monkey squeaked a few times, then jumped away on the branch.

"Little monkey, bring me some delicious fruit next time~"

Zhao Lu waved her arms and said goodbye to the monkey.

"You... you know this monkey?"

Chen Chen was confused by this series of events and didn't know what to say for a moment. Seeing Zhao Lu greet the monkey, he asked directly.


I was on my way, and I unexpectedly ran into this little monkey, so we chatted for a few words, and then we continued on our way.

Unexpectedly, I ran into you~

Fortunately, I passed by here, otherwise something would have happened!"


"Passing by?!"

"What a tough passerby!"

"People are always very careful when they are on the road, but you are amazing, Master, you actually played with the monkeys while swinging on the vines.


"Dazed ape brother!"

"Master Ape!"

"Ape motor!"

"Wait, there seems to be something strange mixed in!"


While the live broadcast room was bustling with activity, Chen Chen was completely petrified.

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