"Passing by?!"

If she just happened to be passing by, Chen Chen could still understand this.

But Chen Chen couldn't understand why Zhao Lu would follow a monkey around. What made her even more confused was that Zhao Lu seemed to be able to communicate with the monkey.

All these things were weird!

"That's right!"

Chen Chen suddenly thought of a key question that she had just overlooked.

"How could you rush at a snake so recklessly when you saw it?

And why did you continue to chase after the two snakes that had already escaped?"

"Is this important?"

Zhao Lu smiled and shrugged, looking nonchalant.

While speaking, she used a hatchet to peel off the skins of the three snakes, and then threw away the snake meat.

"You... why did you throw the meat away!"

Chen Chen was a little anxious when she saw Zhao Lu's action. She swallowed hard and looked at the snake meat on the ground eagerly.

She really wanted to eat meat!

"This snake is called the Bungarus serpentis.

Not only is it highly poisonous, but it also has a lot of parasites.

Think carefully before eating it.

Anyway, I don't eat this kind of thing~"


"Teacher Xiao Lin, what do you think?"

Liu Yu looked at Xiao Lin with a smile.

He brought the topic back to the topic.


Xiao Lin was embarrassed.

He analyzed Zhao Lu's behavior and was shocked to find that Zhao Lu was really capable.

With Zhao Lu's ability, it was really not easy to survive on a deserted island.

However, as the lowest-ranking guest among the guests, Xiao Lin felt that he could not give in like this.

Because he felt that once he gave in, he would lose face in this show.

"I have to say that Zhao Lu is indeed very capable.

However, this show is not just about survival to win the game.

He needs to compete with others, and only when he wins can he really win!"

Xiao Lin gritted his teeth and forced an explanation.

"Hehe~ Teacher Xiao Lin is right~"

Hearing this, Cao Bin quickly changed the subject.

"Our program will have a lot of highlights in the later stages.

Well, since Chen Chen is no longer in danger, let’s continue to watch No. 9~" As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, the No. 9 live broadcast room appeared on the big screen.

However, the No. 9 live broadcast room was Qian Lin’s.

At this moment, Qian Lin was still digging in the bamboo forest.

"What's going on?

Why isn't this here either?

Qian Lin looked at the ground in confusion.

"Is there no bamboo rat here?

It shouldn't be!

There are bamboo rat holes here, and there are traces of bamboo rat activities nearby.

But why are there no bamboo rats here?

It's really strange!"

Qian Lin had thought about the answer that these bamboo rats were captured by someone.

However, as soon as this thought came up, he directly denied it.

This is absolutely impossible!

Who can dig away all the bamboo rats without digging holes?

No one!

"It seems that there are more bamboo rat holes here, and there are also many abandoned bamboo rat holes, right?"

Qian Lin muttered to himself, and then continued to dig.



Host Cao Bin wanted to laugh when he heard Qian Lin's words.

However, he was a professional host, so he forced himself to hold back his laughter.

"Audience friends, some of you may not know the situation here.

Let me explain.

There are actually many bamboo rats in this bamboo forest.

However, they were all caught by Zhao Lu not long ago!

Therefore, this contestant Qian Lin is destined to do useless work."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Li Wei.

"Professor Li Wei, I wonder if you have seen the videos of Zhao Lu catching bamboo rats and Zhao Lu catching wild rabbits?"

"I saw it."

Li Wei nodded, his face full of amazement.

"He used a very wonderful bait to attract bamboo rats and hares.

Then he used his ingenuity to knock bamboo rats and hares unconscious.

This method is very common.

However, this bait and the ingenuity of throwing stones are very unusual.

Let's not talk about hidden weapons for now. After all, I'm not a martial arts master. Haha~

Let's just talk about the bait.

To be frank, this is definitely a milestone invention!

With this bait, it will have a huge impact on the breeding industry!

Apart from anything else, several of my professors who are engaged in breeding have already had some ideas about Zhao Lu.

Isn't he studying veterinary medicine?

This professor wants to recruit him directly to study for a master's degree.

There are also many people asking for Zhao Lu's contact information, wanting to buy this magical bait formula!"

"so amazing!"

"When I watched the video, I was stunned!

I didn't expect Zhao Lu to be able to do this!"

"I really want to know how this bait is made.

It's amazing."


Listening to the guests praising Zhao Lu, Cao Bin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"If I had known, I would not have mentioned this topic.

Now he keeps talking about Zhao Lu! ?"


While the Mango TV live studio was discussing Zhao Lu,

Zhao Lu had already wiped the snake skin and the blood off her hands.

She threw the snake skin into the bamboo basket and continued walking with the basket on her back.

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Chen called him after he had taken two steps.

"Um... how about discussing something?"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu a little embarrassedly.


"How about...let's cooperate?"


"Yes! Let's help each other and get through this program together!

Of course, I know that my strength is very weak and there is little I can do to help you.

But I can still help you with some simple things.

Moreover, I am willing to give you half of my final bonus!

Of course, if there is a bonus... what do you think?"

Seeing Zhao Lu frowned, Chen Chen panicked and continued quickly:"We can sign a contract!

We will find a piece of bark or something, and then write a contract with animal blood.

Finally, press the handprint and hide it in a place I don't know!"


Zhao Lu heard this and immediately stopped hesitating and stretched out her right hand.

"Welcome to join us, my friend!"

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