"Yes, it is a bear."

Zhao Lu's face was a little serious, but she was not too worried.

"This is a Malayan bear, the smallest of the bear family.

This one looks to be about 60 kilograms. I am heavier than it.

If we really fight, I can still drive it away."

Although many places in this world are completely different from Earth, such as culture, geography, history, politics, animal habitats, endangered animal lists, etc., most of the names here are the same as those on Earth.

So Zhao Lu felt a lot more relaxed.

"I said why does it look so small?……"

Chen Chen heaved a long sigh of relief when he heard this.

"I thought it was because what I saw on TV was not exactly the same as what I saw in reality.~"

"This is not instant noodles, the actual product will prevail~"


Chen Chen responded casually, and then he concentrated on looking at the situation over there. The flat-headed brother just glanced at the Malayan bear casually, and then began to climb the tree.

In a few steps, he climbed to the tree hole, and then stretched out his hand to take the honey directly.

As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was surrounded by a group of bees. They stung him all over.

However, the skin of the honey badger is very thick, and it is not afraid of these bees at all.

So it continued to stretch its claws towards the tree hole without any reaction.

As a result, this directly angered the bees.

Seeing that the honey badger was not afraid of stings, the group of bees rushed to the nose of the honey badger. After a fierce sting, the flat-headed brother finally retreated!

The honey badger covered his nose and fell from the tree miserably.

Then he didn't care about stealing honey, so he directly It rubbed its nose on the ground.

After rubbing it a few times and letting the pain ease, it began to climb the tree again, intending to continue stealing honey.

However, the Sun Bear that had just arrived was unhappy.

The Sun Bear is one of the bears that likes to eat honey the most.

At the same time, honey is also one of the main foods of the Sun Bear.

So it naturally won't tolerate other animals snatching its beloved food.

The Sun Bear roared suddenly and rushed towards the Honey Badger. As soon as it arrived, it slapped the honey badger out with a slap.

Then, it turned around and stretched out its claws, wanting to dig out the honey to eat. But because it was too hasty to"turn around and dig", and didn't have time to cover its face, it was directly targeted by the bees. As soon as it stretched out its hand, it was stung by the bees in the face.


The sun bear howled in pain, and its claws could not help but retract, and the honey badger was immediately annoyed when he saw that the sun bear was actually snatching food from him, and the food he snatched was his favorite honey. He rushed over with his head down, and bared his teeth at the sun bear.


The Malayan bear was also very angry when seeing this, and waved its claws to slap the honey badger.

As a result, the honey badger dodged nimbly, allowing the Malayan bear's attack to hit the air.

Immediately afterwards, the honey badger immediately launched a counterattack and bit the Malayan bear's testicles - for the honey badger with the passive ability of"weak point attack", attacking the enemy's weaknesses is a common occurrence


The Malay bear was stung on the eyelid, and was caught off guard by the enemy.

Under the severe pain, it went crazy. It hammered the honey badger with its two big claws. Although it didn't hit the honey badger many times, it made the honey badger dizzy and unstable.

Then, it bit down.

But the honey badger dodged it.


Why did I feel like the honey badger was pretending to be knocked unconscious just now?"

Chen Chen suddenly became curious about the flat-headed brother.

"Because it is just pretending, this thing has a high IQ~"

As the two were talking, the honey badger launched another active attack. The honey badger rushed forward and bit the sun bear's testicles again.


The sun bear was going crazy, and it started to hit the honey badger with its paws without any rules.

However, the honey badger was not afraid at all, and it just bit the sun bear.

Moreover, it always went for the sun bear's weak points.

It must be said that the honey badger is naturally sensitive to weaknesses.


After a beating, the honey badger chased the Malayan bear and drove it away. As the saying goes, the arrogant ones are afraid of the stupid ones, and the stupid ones are afraid of the desperate ones.

The Malayan bear is also very troubled by this kind of desperate and ferocious guy.

After driving away the Malayan bear, the honey badger climbed up the tree again, ready to dig out honey to eat.

However, before it climbed very high, it suddenly fell to the ground.

While struggling to stand up, it cried"woohoo".

But in the end, it still did not stand up.

"Huh? What happened to it?

Is it injured?"

"Yes, it is injured."

Zhao Lu nodded,"Although its skin has a high defense, its internal organs are still very fragile. This is an internal injury caused by the bear's paw."

As he said this, he put Chen Chen down

"Are you going to take action?"


Now is a good opportunity, you wait here for me, I will go steal the honey"

"You have to be careful!"

"Don't worry~"

Zhao Lu smiled and waved her hand,"Stealing honey is nothing~"

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