After Zhao Lu finished speaking, she took out a few relatively dry cotton balls from the bamboo basket and put them in her pocket.

Then she used a hatchet to harvest the dry firewood and leaves nearby.

Finally, she found some large broad leaves and spread them in the bamboo basket.

"This is for you."

Before everything was gathered, Chen Chen handed over a flint.


Zhao Lu raised his eyebrows when he saw this."Thank you~"

He immediately felt how comfortable it was to have a smarter teammate.


Chen Chen chuckled and didn't say much.

Zhao Lu didn't say much nonsense either. He gathered all the materials, and then used cotton as a fire starter to start a fire. It is indeed much faster to start a fire with a flint than to drill wood to start a fire.

In just a few seconds, Zhao Lu had already started the fire.

Then he took a pile of dry firewood and leaves and strode towards the tree hole.

Although this series of things seemed a lot, Zhao Lu did it very quickly.

When he was done, only 3 or 4 minutes had passed.

And the honey badger was still screaming on the ground at this moment. When the honey badger saw Zhao Lu coming, it immediately screamed with an unhappy look on its face.

However, it was injured and could only scream, and it couldn't do anything else except screaming.

Although it was disgusted by the bear and ran away, it didn't feel good either.

"Xiao Hui~ You are lucky to meet me."

Zhao Lu smiled at the honey badger, put the dry firewood and leaves not far from the big tree, and took out a small thing wrapped in leaves from his pocket - this is the medicine he prepared himself, specifically for internal injuries.

In order to be on the safe side, he always brings three kinds of medicine when he goes out.

They are antidote, external injury medicine and internal injury medicine.

These are all made by him using herbs in the forest. Although the effect is not very good, it is better than nothing. He took some of the internal injury medicine and threw it in front of the honey badger.

Then he lit a pile of firewood, and then used the smoke from the firewood to avoid bee bites, and began to arrange dry firewood and leaves in front of the tree hole.

Arrange dry firewood and leaves into a small circle, surround him, and finally light it.

Suddenly, a smoke ring made of thick smoke appeared around Zhao Lu.

Under the protection of this layer of smoke ring, all the bees were smoked away, and no bees wanted to approach him at all.

After completing the preparations, he took out the brown velvet strips he found, lit them on the fire, and then stretched them into the tree hole. As soon as the straw was inserted, a bunch of bees were scared out.

Countless bees were smoked out by the smoke.

After smoking like this for a while, Zhao Lu saw that there were fewer and fewer bees around, so he slowly approached the tree hole and looked inside.

This look immediately stunned him.

"Such a big beehive?"

When Zhao Lu was fumigating the bees just now, he already felt that this beehive would not be small.

Because there were so many bees coming out.

But after seeing the beehive in the tree hole, he was still surprised.

There were 11 beehives in it!

"Fortunately, this hole is quite big."

The tree hole is oval, and the largest diameter is about the same as a basketball.

There are not many hollow areas in the tree hole, but it is high enough and a long distance is hollow - of course, now it is all beehives.

After observing the situation, Zhao Lu took out a sharp stone that he had just found not long ago and started to cut the beehives.

Put the cut beehives on a large broad leaf and continue cutting.

After cutting all the beehives in one go, his broad leaf was already full of beehives.

"Chen Chen! Carry a bamboo basket and help me!"

Looking at the large pile of beehives on the ground that she couldn't take away by herself, Zhao Lu had no choice but to call Chen Chen to help her.

"Wow! So much honey!"

Chen Chen was stunned when he saw the honey on the ground.

Then he couldn't help swallowing his saliva - there was no way, this wild honey was really too fragrant!

Although the surroundings were full of smoke, it couldn't cover up the honey fragrance at all!

"Come on, give me all the broad leaves in the bamboo basket."

Chen Chen responded and took all the broad leaves.

Zhao Lu broke off a small piece and handed it to Chen Chen, then picked up another small piece and put it on the ground.

Then he quickly used these broad leaves to wrap up all the remaining honeycombs.

"Mmm! So sweet!

This honey tastes much better than the honey I had before!"

"That's for sure. The honey you ate before was all made from sugar water.

How can it be as delicious as this wild honey?"

Seeing that Chen Chen's eyes had become crescents from eating so much, Zhao Lu couldn't help but break off a small piece to taste it - it tasted really good!

"Okay, let's go, otherwise there will be a fight if the bear comes."

Zhao Lu said, and then put out the fire, and then threw the beehive on the ground to the flat-headed brother who was still"howling" on the ground.

"Eh? Are you giving this to it?

I thought you were going to eat it yourself.~"

""Everyone who sees it gets a share~

The little guy is also very pitiful~"

The two chatted while walking out, and soon left this place.

The honey badger that stayed in place looked at Zhao Lu's back, with an inexplicable look in its eyes.

Then it struggled to move two steps, came to the beehive, held the beehive with its two claws and started to gnaw.

Soon, it ate all the honey inside.

Then it threw the beehive far away, and then saw a petite figure flying down from the sky, landing next to the beehive without honey, and began to peck at it bit by bit.

It was the black-throated honeyguide that had been watching the battle!

After eating the honey, the honey badger turned its head and moved towards the internal injury medicine that Zhao Lu threw.

It first sniffed it gently, and then swallowed it directly.

After doing all this, it staggered away from here.

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