"This is not a waste of time~"

Chen Chen was in good spirits, and he smiled and explained

"That’s not bad, at least it saves me a lot of effort~"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn’t say much,"I’ll make some very special food for you at noon!"

"Oh, right~"

Chen Chen suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he heard this,"I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I didn't have the chance to say it."

"What's up?"

"It's food.

We are on a deserted island now. We should eat sparingly.

Otherwise, if we finish eating, we will be hungry.

Don't prepare so much food for lunch. I haven't finished the porridge in the morning. I can continue to eat it after it is heated up.

You can prepare something for yourself.~"


Zhao Lu laughed when she heard this.

"What are you laughing at! ?"

"It's okay~

I just found a good thing today. With this, we don't have to worry about having nothing to eat, you can eat as much as you want!"

Zhao Lu took out two golden fruits from the bamboo basket.

The fruit was the size of a grapefruit, with many small dots on it, much like a smaller version of a jackfruit, very beautiful.

This is the resource Zhao Lu accidentally discovered today!

"What's this?"

"This is the food I was talking about~"

Zhao Lu smiled and didn't explain,"Let's eat first, and then talk about other things after eating."

As he said that, he started to cook.

Lunch was simple. He added some things to the crucian carp porridge left over from the morning and cooked it into a big pot. Then he cooked a coconut crab that was almost dead.

Finally, he roasted the two golden fruits he had just obtained on the fire.


The lunch looks very sumptuous!"

Although Chen Chen was praising it, his expression was very unhappy.

"It's a pity that I can't eat too much.……"

Although Chen Chen said this to himself, Zhao Lu could feel that she was reluctant to consume so much food in one meal.

After all, it was because women are naturally more insecure.

However, Zhao Lu did not explain anything.

This time, he not only found a new resource point, but also found some good things - coriander and pepper!

Coriander can be put in lunch, but pepper needs to be processed before it can be used.

However, with pepper, his meals will be more delicious!

Now Zhao Lu also has 3 pots.

One pot for cooking crabs, one pot for cooking porridge, and one pot for boiling water.

Cooking is naturally very fast.

Before long, a very sumptuous lunch was ready.

Zhao Lu put the porridge pot and coconut crab on the table, and then went to take the two golden fruits that were being roasted.

Cut it with a knife, and suddenly, a very pleasant fragrance came out from the fruit.

"It smells so good~

What is this?"

"Try it first~"

Zhao Lu cut a small piece with a stone knife and handed it to Chen Chen.

"Hmm~ sweet, soft, and fragrant. Why does it feel a bit like bread?"

"Because this is breadfruit.~"


Chen Chen's face showed curiosity and confusion.

She had never eaten breadfruit, but she had seen it and heard of it.

She heard about this kind of breadfruit when she was a child. She read in a book that this kind of fruit tasted like bread and could feed many people.

The tree was also tall and big, very good.

And she saw this kind of breadfruit when she was in college.

It was bought by a classmate in the next dormitory.

However, because the two of them did not have a good relationship, she did not eat it.

But her roommate ate it and talked about it in the dormitory. She said that this thing was sour, not delicious at all, and did not taste like bread.

When she heard this conclusion that was inconsistent with the rumor, she thought that the rumor was wrong and breadfruit did not taste like bread.

But the breadfruit she ate today did taste like bread.

This made her very curious and confused.

"Why is it different from what I remember?

Isn't the breadfruit I remember sour?

Is it because it's not baked?"

"The sour one is baobab fruit, that thing is to drink with water~

This is breadfruit, it can be used as a staple food~"

Zhao Lu smiled when she heard it,"This is something many people will get wrong~"

"So that’s it!"


Otherwise why would I tell you to eat as much as you want?

I found 5 breadfruit trees!"


Zhao Lu saw Chen Chen's expression and knew that he didn't know the meaning of 5 breadfruit trees.

"According to legend, one breadfruit tree can feed a whole family, and people who own more than a dozen breadfruit trees are considered rich.

And now, we have 5!"


Chen Chen showed a shocked expression.

Zhao Lu knew at a glance that the other party understood what she meant this time.

"So, eat as much as you want.

We have abundant resources.~"


Chen Chen exclaimed, then took half a breadfruit and placed it in front of him. He scooped it out with a wooden spoon and started eating it with the porridge.

"Then I feel more relieved!

This porridge tastes even better after adding coriander!

Hmm! This breadfruit is also delicious!"


The discovery of five new breadfruit trees was very exciting news.

With the help of this news, Chen Chen ate a lot more food.

"Ah~ I'm full!"

Chen Chen patted his stomach, bent over and stood up to help Zhao Lu pack up.

"Don't move, take a break.

It's raining outside."

Zhao Lu didn't let her do anything, she just grabbed the things and walked out.

Looking at Zhao Lu's somewhat"domineering" figure, Chen Chen's face turned slightly red, wondering if the fever had worsened.

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