When Zhao Lu came back from washing the pot, the pot was half full of water - this was for making medicine for Chen Chen.

"It's a pity that the clay pot has not been fired yet, otherwise it will be better!"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, then put all the herbs into the pot and started to boil the medicine.

Fortunately, the pot is made of stainless steel, otherwise, it really can't be boiled.

After boiling the medicine, Zhao Lu took bamboo, wood and rattan and started to make a spinning wheel and a loom.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Zhao Lu start to cut bamboo and wood, Chen Chen looked over curiously.

"Thread making machines and looms?"

Although Chen Chen knew nothing about textiles, she knew that cotton could be made into cotton thread, and cotton thread could be woven into cloth.


First make a spinning wheel.

Then you can spin yarn."

"Do you need my help?"

"You continue to make cotton strips.

This spinning wheel is very simple.

Zhao Lu said, and then made a large hand-cranked wheel with bamboo.

Then he used a thin wooden stick to carve out a spindle rod and put it on the frame.

Finally, he used a thin rattan to connect the large wheel with the spindle rod on the frame. The spinning wheel was ready.

"Okay, the spinning wheel is ready. Let me teach you how to spin.~"

""Huh?! So fast?"

Chen Chen looked at the spinning wheel with some curiosity.

She had seen this kind of thing in history books, but she didn't know how to use it.

"Let me tell you the principle first."

Zhao Lu picked up a tampon and started to talk.

"Cotton can be rubbed into thread by hand. The main principle is to rotate the cotton fibers into thread. Can you understand this?"


"The spindle is usually a heavy object with a pointed tip.

First, rub the cotton into a small piece of thread, then wrap it around the pointed tip of the spindle, and let the spindle fall naturally while rotating. This is to use the inertia of the heavy object to rotate the cotton and quickly turn it into thread.

The spinning wheel uses a large hand-cranked wheel to provide power, quickly rotate the spindle below, and then the spindle rotates quickly to turn the cotton into thread.

When you spin, hold the cotton strip in your left hand and shake the spinning wheel with your right hand. Just master the rhythm.~"

"It's that simple!"

Chen Chen's eyes were full of curiosity and eagerness.

She didn't rest well and didn't eat well some time ago. She was caught in a heavy rain, which left the root of the disease.

When the spirit is always in a tense state, it's nothing.

But now once you relax, the body will automatically adjust.

This is why she has a fever.

However, it is also for this reason that her fever is not serious and she is in good spirits.

"It's that simple.

The truth is simple~"

Zhao Lu smiled, handed the spinning wheel to Chen Chen, stood up and looked at the medicine in the pot, calculated the time, and found that it would take some more time to boil.

"I suddenly realized that you seem to know everything."

Chen Chen did not go to spin, but looked at Zhao Lu with some curiosity.

"So you say, the principle of the loom is also very simple?"

"Of course, weaving is just fixing some warps and moving the wefts quickly."

Zhao Lu said, and started to make a loom.

The simple loom is really simple to make.

The main thing is that it takes some time to make the wooden frame, but this is not difficult for Zhao Lu. It didn't take long for him to make the loom.

"Look, this is the simplest loom."

Zhao Lu said, pointing to the pedal under the loom.

"This pedal is connected to the wooden stick above.

In the future, this wooden stick will have some rings made of cotton rope to fix half of the warp. This half of the warp will move up and down with the wooden stick.

The other half of the warp is fixed in place.

When you step on the pedal, the wooden stick will rise, and the warp will also rise. When you release the pedal, the wooden board will fall, and the warp will also fall.

In this rise and fall, it is time for you to use the quick threading."

"So simple?"


Zhao Lu smiled, and then brought over the pot of medicine that had been fried and cooled for a while.

"Now that you have learned it, take some medicine and have a good sleep.

I promise that you can help me work like a strong calf tomorrow!"

"Didn’t you say I was a pig this morning?

Why do you like to use animals as examples?"

"Because I'm a veterinarian.


You don't dare to drink the medicine the veterinarian gave you?"

"Who said you dare not!

You have to pay me if you poison me to death!"

Chen Chen curled her lips, then squinted her eyes and drank the medicine.

She was just joking when she said that, but she trusted Zhao Lu very much.

In her opinion, if Zhao Lu was not sure about the medicine, she would never give it to her.

Although she and Zhao Lu had not known each other for a long time, she had completely trusted Zhao Lu.

It must be said that this was the strong personality charm of Mr. Liu.

"Ah! It's so bitter!


Give me some honey!"


I'll make you suffer, if you can, bite me~"

Zhao Lu said with a smile, but even though she said that, she still brought her a glass of honey water.


"Why does it suddenly feel so sweet?

I clearly didn’t eat any honey!"

"Ah! My old lady's heart!

I also want my little brother to make medicine for me!"

"I don't agree with this marriage!

No! The master belongs to everyone!"


When Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were playing and joking, the live broadcast room was also lively.

But there were also some discordant voices in the live broadcast room.

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