Zhao Lu carefully looked at the marks on the tree and found that it was indeed caused by human beings.

"It seems that there is really someone nearby."

Zhao Lu frowned. The abnormal phenomena she just discovered seemed to have a very reasonable explanation at this moment.

"Could it be that this person picked all the herbs nearby?"

When Zhao Lu thought of this, her brows furrowed deeply.

"This person not only has a deep understanding of herbs, but also does not need to mark when walking in the rainforest.

So, his strength does not seem to be too bad.

So, it seems that he is a strong opponent?


It seems that whether it is for the first prize or for those herbs, I have to eliminate you."

Zhao Lu sneered, and then began to search the tallest tree nearby.

Soon, he found his target, and then quickly climbed up, searching around on the tallest tree.

It was almost time for dinner.

If that person was nearby, he would probably make a fire to cook.

Once���If you light a fire,"cooking smoke" will appear, so you can lock on to the target.

But, unfortunately, there is no"cooking smoke" around."

"It’s really hard to find~"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, and then began to walk towards the river.

He planned to walk along the river to see if he could find any traces of human life.

"In this case, I probably won’t be able to go back at noon~"

Zhao Lu frowned.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel a little lucky. Before leaving, he said to Chen Chen,"If luck is bad, I may not be back at noon."

Otherwise, Chen Chen would probably be very worried.

"Forget it, I won't go back, I'll just find something to eat."

After making the decision, Zhao Lu stopped thinking about it and began to look for the enemy's traces.

As for food, he was not too worried.

There are many wild fruits in the rainforest, and he can just find some to eat when the time comes.

Even if he is unlucky and doesn't encounter wild fruits, he can catch fish in the river.

With the full-level fishing skill, he doesn't worry about not being able to catch fish.

Not long after, he came to the river.

Because he didn't see any wild fruits along the way, he could only cut a sharp piece of wood and prepare to stick fish in it. He walked along the river all the way.

While looking for the enemy's traces, he caught fish.

Not long after, he had harvested 3 palm-sized fish, but still did not find any trace of the enemy.

"Forget it, let's eat first, and then talk about it!"

Zhao Lu sighed silently, and then started to make a fire and cook.


""Huh? Isn't Zhao Lu coming back?"

Chen Chen touched her somewhat shriveled belly.

She felt like she was about to faint.

"I'm so hungry...

Let's wait for him a little longer……"


In a forest not far from Zhao Lu, a man was walking quickly through the forest.

He was carrying a bamboo basket with various herbs on his back.

If Zhao Lu were here, she would be very angry and point at the man and shout"Asshole, it turned out to be you"

"There are many small animals in the rainforest, but this thing is really hard to catch!"

Xia Xiao complained to the camera in a very depressed manner.

"Fortunately, I have my companion.

He is a very good hunter.

And I am a very good Chinese medicine practitioner!

We are a strong team and we will definitely win the championship!"

Xia Xiao waved his fist at the camera,"But I'm so hungry~

I need to go back quickly!"

After sighing silently, Xia Xiao began to climb the tree


In the rainforest, you must learn to climb trees, which is helpful for distinguishing the general direction~

Although I can use small details to judge the east, west, south and north, I still need to look at the general direction occasionally.

Otherwise, it will be bad if I go too far~


If you think it’s good, double-click 666~ Give a reward!"

Xia Xiao shouted hard to the camera, and then began to look around


Suddenly, he found that there was"smoke" rising not far away!

"Is there anyone here?"

Xia Xiao was stunned, and then his face suddenly turned very ugly.

His shelter was nearby, so it definitely couldn't be his companion.

Because if it was his companion, he could have made a fire in the shelter.

Therefore, this person must be another contestant.

If the other party discovered their shelter, they would be very likely to be attacked.

He didn't think that the other contestants were all little white rabbits.

"It seems that we need to get to know each other~"

Xia Xiao smiled coldly, then quickly got down from the tree and walked quickly towards his shelter.

As a calm and smart person, he always protects himself first and then launches an attack.

At this moment, all he has to do is put the things back to the shelter, then inform his companions, and finally launch an attack.

"Lao Wei, something happened!"

Xia Xiao shouted loudly as soon as he returned to the shelter.

"I just spotted some smoke coming from a stream not far away. Someone is definitely coming!"


Wei Mingliang was Xia Xiao's companion. He was cooking, but after hearing what Xia Xiao said, he immediately stopped what he was doing and turned to look over.

"I didn't expect that we would run into the enemy again so soon."

"That's for sure.

Now that the resources put in by the program group have basically been exhausted, everyone is out looking for resources, so it's normal to meet each other.

What should we do now?"

"Let's eat first, and then we will attack together!"

Wei Mingliang frowned and waved to Xia Xiao,"Hurry, the meal is ready, let's eat quickly.

We must rush over before the other party finishes eating."

After that, he took the pot down and���, then quickly extinguish the fire


Xia Xiao responded, and then the two of them didn't say anything, just ate silently.

Soon, they finished the whole pot of stew.

"Let's go!"

Wei Mingliang didn't even bother to wash the pot, he just soaked it in water and set off with the hatchet.

Xia Xiao also followed with the hatchet - this one was the reward after killing a contestant not long ago!



I'm so full~"

Zhao Lu patted his stomach. After drinking the strengthening potion, his appetite increased.

So after eating three fish, he went to catch two more to eat. He had just finished eating.

As for Xia Xiao and the other two who wanted to cause trouble for him and were on the way, he naturally didn't know.

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